The Spirits Speak
Conclusion Of This Interview

26. Is it true you're buried in the monestary you built in Snagov?

A. Yes. Good a place as any for the old bones to rest.

27. Why did you do such terrible things to people and how many did you actually kill?

A. Well, in reality, for my day and age the things I did weren't all that terrible. I will admit I was a little harsh on dispensing justice, but I was never unjust. I never knowingly executed anyone, man or woman, that didn't deserve execution, or have anyone punishd that did not deseve punishment. Maybe that's why I made out so well in the next life. It's kind of pleasurable to have men that betrayed you have to bow down at your feet and pay you homage then serve you til they have paid the debt for betraying you. It is a reality that many of those in power today will wish did not exist.

28. Any message for our readers?

A. Only one. Do not think that justice can be escaped, that if you lie about someone and accuse them of crimes they did not commit that you will escape punishment. For all there is a day of Reckoning. The mighty will find themselves the meek and the meek will find themselves served by the mighty. It is a truth that The Great Ones have tried to teach you, but that in your ignorance you refuse to hear. But when you enter Eternity you will not be able to hide behind your lies. For all truth There, is known.

29. Are you pleased with your few descendants?

A. I take no interest in them whatsoever. Their lives are their own. I deal with my own affairs.

30. What do you do now in the Spirit World?

A. I am not in the Spirit World. I am now a rather successful merchant in an Eastern country. I did not want to be left out of this Time Of Awakening. I offered my services to the Bearers Of Light and the services of Those I have dominion over, and they have established us in a place where when we are needed we will be able to rise up and join The Great Struggle.

* * *

Our next interview will be with the Spirit of Harriet Beecher Stowe, famed author of Uncle Tom's Cabin and, abolitionist. If you have any questions for her, feel free to send them in any time. Also we welcome questions for Spirits previously interviewed. If you'd like a list of These, kindly send return postage. Any suggestions for future interviews are welcome.

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