Here is a letter that God had Gerald send to the Governor Of California by surface mail.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814

September 23, 2,007

Greetings Governor Schwarzenegger!

Below is a letter I have been circulating to different organizations around the country, seeking support for my campaign for the Presidency. It explains much. There is a link on it to my web site where I mention that if I am elected I would invite you to become my secretary of defense, or, if President Bush did not want the position, my secretary of state. I would be deeply honored if I were elected if you would consider either one of these positions! I am not yet registered as a Republican. It is my hope that in the future I would have the funds to travel to California and begin my campaign there. If you know of anyone who would like to sponsor such a campaign or head a campaign committee for me in California, I would appreciate any referrals. And if I were to get to California God has requested of me, personally, that you register my wife and I as Republicans! We fully understand how strange all this would seem to you. But we are sincere people, steadfast in our beliefs, and sincere in our compliments. If you could be of any assistance in these endeavors it would be most appreciated! We are often featured on The Kevin & Bean Show, KROQ, Los Angeles. If you would like to call them any time on this subject it would be greatfully appreciated! Also, we have made several appearances on "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" and that is where we would like to announce our national campaign. If you could give Jimmy a little encouragement we'd appreciate it! Yours In The Service Of The Truth And The Light,

Speaker Gerald Polley


The Embassy Of The Kingdom Of God
And The Grand Alliance
1013 1/2 N 3rd St.
Bismarck, ND 58501
(701) 323-0241

September 13, 2,007


Would you really vote for someone that admits that he speaks to God and Jesus daily? God has asked internationally known psychic Gerald Polley to try to get on the primary ballot in several states as a Republican candidate, to see how many votes a true believer in The Afterlife could get, someone that actually admits that he believes in higher powers and follows the directions they give. Would you vote for such a candidte? Would you even want him on the ballot? Here are some of the things that Speaker Polley would be working for if he was president.

1. A true peace plan for The Middle East consisting of a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel on land bought from The Egyptians in the Sanai, the only peace plan that God says will work.
2. A constitutional amendment banning homosexuality in The United States, making it illegal for any person to ask anyone of the same sex for intimacy, banning all homosexual and lesbian marriages.
3. A constitiutional amendment guaranteeing a woman a right to an abortion, forbidding any interference from any government officials or clergy, that an abortion would be between a woman, her doctor, and God, and nobody else's business.

4. Legislation making it a criminal offense to knowingly hire illegal aliens. Legislation to deport illegal aliens but to protect their property that they own in The United States, freezing any loans that have been made to them until they can either legally return to The United States, or sell any property and repay those loans, go after the people that are causing the probelm by hiring illegal aliens, but protecting the illegal aliens themselves.

Here is a link to our campaign song about illegal immigration, "Come On, America!"

These are just a few of the things that Speaker Polley would be working for as president. Would you support such a candidate that is openly supporting God's issues, openly speaking out and saying what God wants? Would such a candidate have any hope of winning an election? At God's request Speaker Polley has produced some 60 second radio and t.v. commercials giving examples of the type of thing his campaign would be doing. They may be checked out at his new web site. Here's the link.

Can a true servant of God become president? That is the question!

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Gerald Polley, internationally known psychic, channeling God.