An Open Letter From He That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
To Former First Lady Barbara Bush

September 22, 2,007

Most Profound And Sincere Greetings
To One Of The Dearest Of My Daughters!

You may be aware that I have asked my devoted servent, Demetrius, called on Earth Speaker Gerald Polley, to begin a campaign for The Presidency Of The United States. I have told him that the greatest way to become known to the people is to do good deeds as my Son Jesus did healing the sick, and, helping the poor. It is Demetrius' desire to take some of the wonderful music that he has made and create a CD and have some of his friends in Los Angeles sell this CD and then use the funds to make no interest loans to those in the service who have gone to Iraq and are in danger of losing their homes, to use these funds to pay their mortages so that they can pay back the loans each month with whatever they can spare and then the money can be used over again to help others. If the people should sell their homes they would be required to pay back the loan but permitted to keep whatever profit is left over. It would be nice if they were to give 10% of that profit to the fund. But if their economic situation would be such that this would be a burdon on them it would not be required.

I consider this a wondrous project, well worth supporting! I have told Demetrius that I believe you would be the perfect person to be the first chairperson of this foundation, its first leader. It would absolutely delight Demetrius that as he campaigns around The United States you could send him checks to take to the families of struggling service people so they would know their homes would be secure. Do you not think this is a wondrous project? Here is a list of the songs that Demetrius and his dear Alura would like to put on this CD and the singers they would like to have take part. I ask of you in all sincerity to join in this effort and to do my glory, to help my sons and daughters struggling to save the world, and I promise you the honor you will receive for doing so will be great and wondrous as all those who do my will find!

Madonna- Here's To The Army!

Toby Keith- Here's To The Warriors!

Britney Spears- Marines!

The Pussycat Dolls- Hussein's Butt Song

Janet Jackson- We're The AIr Force Pride!

Lee Greenwood- Sailors!

Kenny Chesney- You Can Knock Those Towers Down!

Clay Aiken- They Fight For Heaven!

The Plain White Ts- Come And Save The Children!

The Foo Fighters- Stand Up!

God The Father
Ruler Of Heaven
Through The Stewardship Of
My Son Jesus Christ,
Now, And Forever

Here is a link to all the marvelous music that Demetrius and Alura have made with the help of so many in The Afterlife. Here is my power and my glory being manifest being brought forth.

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Gerald Polley, internationally known psychic, channeling God.

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