Gerald's Twentieth Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
To First Lady Laura Bush

April 10, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings!

Sorry we didn't get an email off to you yesterday, but The Kingdom Of God was putting everything It had into the demonstrations in San Francisco. God sent the protesters a song to raise power with Tuesday and Tuesday night the creatures of Darkness hit San Francisco with everything they had, neglecting the regular fighting places. But The Kingdom Of God's Forces were ready. San Francisco had been heavily reinforced and more reinforcements quickly arrived, and the creatures of Darkness were driven off. At the end of the night the creatures of Darkness tried to disrupt what has come to be called The Grand March through Washington, but they were again driven off. These are the most incredible times!

God is very pleased with the efforts of the protesters against China in San Francisco! San Francisco is claiming that they did not disturb the Olympic torch ceremonies but what everyone witnessed on t.v. was a joke! It was a police exercise run, not an Olympic torch ceremony. In essence the demonstrators shut the whole thing down, and God is very, very pleased. And it was done without any real violence. God is hoping that anywhere the torch appears it will be met by the same resistance, and that eventually its travels will be stopped. The Chinese are attacking The Tibetans, blaming them for disrupting the Olympics, when it is their own cruelty and brutality that is causing this situation. God would like to have an opportunity to speak to all American atheletes and to ask them not to go to China. He knows what a sacrifice it would be for them, but no man or woman of honor should take part in these games and endorse China's brutality towards people of religion.

God would like to have been with you this morning and add to this letter, but He is still deeply involved in the struggle in Texas. There were tremendous spiritual battles there again last night. Jesus was not yet capable of leading The Kingdom Of God's Forces but Heaven's Official Hero, Heaven's Official Champion John Lennon, led The Kingdom Of God's Forces in only what can be called stunning victories, crippling the creatures of Darkness. Unfortunately they continue to bring fresh reserves in from around the world and press the attack, but God is fighting back!

He came through us this morning and produced a video for the Mormon women at Eldorado, Texas, and He is in hopes to get it to the media in Texas and have them play it so the women will hear it. Here is the link.

We would appreciate it if you would help us get it to the media. God's messages must be heard! We would still like to win back The Mormon Church, make them understand God's truths. With your help this is possible. That's all for this morning, other than Our continued prayers that you accept God's purpose and join my campaign.

A Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States,
At The Bequest Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

PS Here is the letter we are sending to the Texas media.


I'm Speaker Gerald Polley. Some time ago God asked me to begin a campaign for The Presidency, and to base that campaign on good deeds, to be completely honest with the people. God has prepared many messages that we have put up at our web site. Now he has prepared one especially for the women in the Mormon compound at Eldorado, Texas. It is a very important message. He is asking the media in Texas to make it available to these women, to show it to them. He is asking t.v. stations to make DVDs of it and give it to the authorities so they may play it for these women. These happenings are only a small part of a great spiritual battle that is taking place in Texas and, The United States, a struggle for the very survival of mankind. Victory in this situation, bringing these women back to the truth of God, would be a major triumph to The Kingdom Of God. If you can help get this message to these women you would be taking part in a miracle. Here is the link to that message.

Again, we ask you to share it with the public, to let people hear it, to let them know God's feelings on this matter. God has insisted that as we conduct our Presidential campaign we carry on our spiritual work as we would normally do, that we do not alter our service to Him and others in any way, that we continue to be what we are.

A Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States
At The Bequest Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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