Gerald's 22nd Letter To First Lady Laura Bush



An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
To First Lady Laura Bush



April 12, 2,008



Most Profound Greetings!



Again God The Father regrets that He cannot speak to you this morning, but He is still deeply involved in the effort against The Mormons in Texas. Though He is striving to be fair to them and protect the justified part of their beliefs He is deeply upset about the criticism that some are making that the women do not wear sexy clothes and make up, and the girls are encouraged to behave in a decent manner in public. He does not think that these are immoral actions, and that the press and the authorities should be using them to indicate that there was improper behavior. Teaching sound moral values is not wrong. When those teachings are used to engage in abuse that is when it becomes wrong. God The Father encourages all young women to dress modestly, not to expose themselves to young men. And He also encourages them not to wear makeup. He agrees with the Spiritist philosophy that young people should be encouraged to improve that that is within and not adorn themselves without. And He does not feel the public should be criticizing people that encourage their children to behave in a moral manner.



On another note, God is deeply upset that Governor Schwazenegger is not supporting the referendum against homosexual marriage in California. People ask us how can we still say that we desire him to be our secretary of defense if we win the election? It is a simple matter. The governor is being deceived by many around him into believing that this is a civil rights issue. He does not realize that homosexuality is an insanity, a sickness that is totally and completely unacceptable. He does not understand that God forbids it clearly and distinctly in The Scriptures. He is believing false religious teachers who are spreading the sickness that God accepts homosexuals. He needs a person that he highly respects, that he knows is a good Christian to come to him and turn him from these false teachers, to make him realize that homosexuality is an abomination and the open practice of it, the teaching it to children is destroying them, destroying their souls forever. This is why God has chosen you to be my running mate, because He believes that if you go to Gov. Schwazenegger, sit down with him and explain God's teachings on this matter, that the people engaged in this behavior are doomed to eternal death, and they are leading innocent children into eternal death, he would turn from this evil and oppose it because he would know that the person speaking to him is a just and honorable person that truly believes in God and would not try to deceive him for any purpose but would only bring to him God's truth.



That is why you are needed, to do the things that I cannot do, to reach the people that I cannot reach, by showing them that you believe in God's teachings that I am giving, and that people must stand for them. You should go to California, join those seeking to ban gay marriage, and other homosexual activity, including having openly gay teachers banned from teaching in school. As long as a teacher keeps their sexuality private and does not try to get their children to accept their sickness, they have every right to teach. But the moment they say "I'm gay, I'm proud, do what I do! Accept your sexuality!" they have become unfit to teach because they are sodomizing God's children and destroying their souls. It is not a matter of civil rights, it is a matter of insanity. An insane person should not be teaching children, and homosexuality is an insanity.



You know all that I am speaking is true. You have known it all of your life. You know you should stand up and fight this evil, that God is calling you to do it. You will be called homophobic, you will be called hateful, you will be called a racist, but you will know that you are speaking God's truth and protecting God's children, and that is what you have been sent into this life to do. It is hard to turn against friends that will not see the truth. It is hard to say "I am sorry, but as long as you teach this I cannot associate with you any more. As long as you are destroying God's children I cannot support you." But the true child of God will do what is right, she will reach out to these people that are misguided, that have been taught evil. She will rise up and do the will of God, not just for God's children, but for those that have been lost as well, because she knows that every one of the misguided that she brings back to God and saves from eternal death will give God joy beyond understanding. For every one that is lost that is saved is treasured more than a hundred that have been faithful all their life.


A Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States,
At The Bequest Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever


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