Gerald's 24th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
To First Lady Laura Bush

April 15, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings!

I must tell you of a spiritual phenomena that is being credited directly to your power, that is like nothing that has ever been seen before. It is so incredible that it is hard to find words to describe it. As predicted the demons not only attacked in Texas last night, but they launched a massive assault on Washington as well, trying to break the flow of energy coming in to it before The Pope arrives. The Forces Of God were forming up around the monuments, which have become the points of defense when God The Father and God The Mother appeared at The Washington Monument and told some of the Defenders to give Them a space in the lines. Everyone was truly amazed! God The Father and His Consort have never taken part in a spiritual battle before!

As the demon hoards began to gather thousands dressed in the tattered robes of Catholic cardinals and bishops began to gather before God, screaming "Our teacher is coming! Our servant is coming! The leader of our children is coming! We have control of this place today. Make way! Let us have our dominance." And God answered "I am taking back this place! It will be mine again! Men of decency, honor, and faith will again dwell here, will again lead these people. Those that follow you will be driven out. Those filled with your lust and greed will be destroyed. I take back what is mine!"

The demons formed up and charged forward. God The Mother and God The Father did not have swords and shields, only simple staffs, but as They pointed Their staffs at the charging demons arms ripped off, legs ripped off, faces split open, grievous wounds appeared on their bodies in different places, shields and swords were shattered! Wounded demons crawled off, regenerated, and joined the attack again. Hour after hour they came! Hour after hour they were driven back! The demons tried to use the spiritual javelins that have been so effective in previous battles. Flight after flight of them came at God The Father and God The Mother, but they burned up in the air before they could reach them!

All other fighting stopped. The demons withdrew to two sides, screaming encouragment to their brothers. "Reach them!" they were crying "Reach them! Destroy them! Destroy their tyranny! Reach them, our brothers!" It was noticed that one wounded demon was not withdrawing, but was shriveling and suffering the second death. Later there was another and yet another. It is believed that thirteen of them perished in the battle. Female demons appeared dressed in the tattered habits of nuns and joined the assault, but they suffered as their male companions had suffered, but still they came, hour after hour.

It was noticed that every time a demon was wounded it became less twisted and seemed to grow younger, 'til finally they appeared to be rather normal looking teenagers. When they reached this state they were forced to withdraw. Demons dressed as ordinary priests began to join the assaults, but finally the first light of morning came and the demons were so drained that they could not stand the light at all, and began to withdraw. One still lay on the field, its companions were trying to carry it off but they could not. God motioned some to follow Him and went out. "Let us carry you to a dark place," God offered. "Let The Goddess Of Death come to you and return you to flesh. Have life again!" "No!" the demon answered, who was female and dressed as a young Russian peasant girl. "I have lived free. I have ignored Your accursed laws and done whatever I wanted to do. I have fulfilled every joy, every desire. If the price for that is eternal death, I will accept eternal death. I will die forever free before I will accept slavery!" Smoke began to rise from her. She began to shriek horribly, shriveled up, and was gone. God bowed His head and remarked "There are some that We cannot save, no matter how we try. Let Us depart! The battles are not yet done. We have been victorious here. We are slowly winning this place back, but We have not yet won! Let Us depart." All there bowed down and repeated The Lords Prayer. But They changed it a little bit. Instead of beginning it the usual way They began "Our Parents, who art in Heaven, holy be Thy names." When They were done God The Father and God The Mother waved Their hands over them and then departed. The battle in Texas went just as well.

God wanted me to express to you that it was by the power that you are giving Him that He and His Consort fought in this battle. The power comes from no other! He again asks you to give our messages to The Pope and to ask The Pope to meet with us, to tell The Pope that you sincerely believe we are messengers of God. Phenomena such as this has never been seen. It is unheard of. It is like something out of a fantasy movie, but it is all too real, and all too terrifying. We were summoned from our physical forms to bear witness to this battle, and to tell the world of it. It is something that is part of the ongoing miracles. And I do not think my describing of it is anywhere near worthy of it. The living cannot fully understand such wonders, cannot fully understand the glory of these occasions and what is transpiring in their benefit.

We are drained. God wanted us to let you know that we had to take Linda to the clinic again when I picked up my shipment of medicine at the hospital and it was found she has bronchitis. It is one thing after another! We did get our tax refund, however, and were able to pay $100 on each of our bills, but God wants us to have the funds to pay them all, to pay up all our bills. And He still believes that you could find someone to buy one of our manuscripts so we could do so. And He sincerely asks you to make this effort again. We have so much, He says, that the people would be screaming for.

We put a note on the copy of your letter yesterday that we sent to the media asking them to make it public and that God would glorify any members of the media that got us in contact with those protesting The Pope's visit because God wants to empower them with His glory. God makes the same request of you, that you help us contact those protesting against the priests sodomizing their children, and those in the church that want female clergy and any others that have grievances except for the homosexuals and the lesbians. Of course we want to have nothing to do with them.

You have given God the spiritual power to stand against His enemies, now, He begs of you to give Him the material power to crush them, to join my campaign to become my vice presidential candidate, and lead the people of Christianity out of the Darkness. God never asks the impossible. He never chooses someone that is not worthy. He never, ever offers anyone glory that they should not receive. You should receive that that He offers. As tired as we are, we are ready to travel at a moment's notice. Everything has been set to bring God anywhere in The United States during The Pope's visit. God asks you to have him call us, summon us so we may bring God to him and pay for our transportation and our room and board.

Oh, there's one other note! God is extremely angry about The Democrats saying The Iraqis must help fund the war, that they're having a free ride. Their evil is beyond belief, their ignorance beyond bearing! The Iraqis are paying for this war with their blood. Innocent children are being blown apart so that this war can be fought in Iraq and not on the streets of The United States or, in the cities of Europe. The Iraqis are paying quite enough and these cruel and abusive people should be answered. The world should be told what they are; creatures of profound evil that will do and say anything for power! If this war had not been fought The United States and most of the world would now be an atomic wasteland. We were barely in time to prevent that! For The Democrats to make such sickening statements is beyond even Our belief of their cruelty!

A Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States,
At The Bequest Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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