Gerald's 26th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter To First Lady Laura Bush
From Speaker Gerald Polley

April 23, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings!

The Kingdom Of God is shocked that They were defeated in Pennsylvania! They thought sure that They could turn more than 10% of the vote and give Obama a substantial victory. But They were barely able to keep it from being a slaughter and giving HIllary a major victory. The creatures of Darkness used one weapon- race. They repeated the same message over and over again to the white women and men going into the polls. This is a translation, we will not use the exact words that the creatures of Darkness were using. You can imagine what they were. They were saying "You can't vote for a man of color! You can't put them into power. You can't give them control of the country. You know they want your daughters. There will be hundreds of thousands of mixed marriages. It will become popular. Your grandchildren will be colored. You mustn't let it happen!" They used this message with devastating effect. The Kingdom Of God thought They could fight it in a nothern state, that racism wouldn't be as effective in the north as it had been in Texas. But the white women especially responded to the demons' message even though the greater majority of them were against Hillary's acceptance of sodomy and other things. The demons reached their deep seated prejudice and made them vote for her.

Some thought the secret service forbidding God to speak to His children and warn them of their fate contributed to this defeat. But We do not think it is so. It did not inhibit the Work of The Angelic Messengers at all. It was the racism, the racial hatred that gave Hillary the victory, and this must not be. This fine man must not be pushed aside because of his race! The policies of his party must be attacked, that they will sodomize and destroy God's children for power is what should be spoken about. This man's race should not be an issue in any way. The Kingdom Of God considers him a man of exceptional character who thinks he is doing right but is being misled by the corruption of society. They hope in time that he will turn from some of the corruption of his party and side with The Kingdom Of God on many issues. It is The Democratic Party We are fighting and not Senator Obama, and that needs to be made clear to the world. If Senator Obama is defeated because of his race it could set up a chain of events that could tear The United States apart, and this must not happen!

It seems strange for Republican candidates to be defending a Democratic candidate, but this is an issue that all decent people must stand against. Racism is totally unacceptable! You do not judge a man by the color of his skin, you judge him by what he is doing, by what his party is doing, what his party supports and where they are leading The American People. Race should never play a part in politics.

I understand that some people are attacking Obama because he has had contact with some violent colored groups. Now I question strongly what are considered violent colored groups. In my youth I had contact, limited, with members of The Black Panthers, brave men of color who were protecting their wives and daughters from white rapists. When the corrupt police of the time, such as Mayor Daily's ghestapo were themselves taking part in the rapes, and attacking anyone who was trying to stop the rapes. Anyone that denies these truths of history is a fool. We only have to go back and look at the news reports. Sometimes people have to fight when they are being oppressed by cruel political leaders. This might not be popular, but people of any color have a right to defend themslves when they are being misused, and the public is closing their eyes and pretending it isn't happening.

Sadly, nonviolence alone would have never brought victory in The Civil Rights Movement. Those willing to give their lives to defend the freedom marches were just as important as the people marching. Sometimes those that were called rebels and criminals were actually the true patriots. Some people are trying to forget those terrible times, some people are trying to forget the abuses that occured and trying to say that the colored people are exaggerating what was occuring. We must never allow history to be rewritten. As sad as the truth is, as much as it shames us, we must always let it be known how brutal and cruel some members of the white race were to the people of color. We can never hide this fact. We can never pretend that these things didn't happen, and we must make sure that they never happen again, that white people are never given the power to abuse other people because of the color of their skin again! God demands this. God insists upon it. We cannot let the creatures of Darkness use the differences between us to separate and destroy us.

God again asks you to begin speaking out, to start fighting these things, to stand with us and say "No! Never! Not again! We won't let it happen again! Good people won't be stopped because of the color of their skin, because of their racial heritage! We will campaign on the issues, we will stand for what we think is right, but we will attack no one because of their race!" God asks you to speak out, God asks you to join the struggle. We fight for what is right, to keep our children from being sodomized and destroyed forever, but in doing so we can never support evil! God forbid!

A Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States,
At The Bequest Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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