Gerald's 27th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter To First Lady Laura Bush
From Speaker Gerald Polley

April 24, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings My Fellow Servant Of God!

Wanted to tell you that last night was the first quiet night We have had spiritually in ages! We believe the creatures of Darkness completely drained themselves in Pennsylvania and simply had nothing left to throw against Us any place else. It was an enjoyable respite!

Oh! God wanted me to be sure to make a comment to you. He wants to suggest that the children being taken way from polygamists in Texas be put into Amish communities, even if they would have to be sent out of state. This would lessen the culture shock that the children will suffer if they are put into secular communities. God admits He hates the thought of them being exposed to television and the filth that is openly circulating in publications. Though these children were abused in some ways they were taught a Godly life, and God hates to see that destroyed.

On another matter I was in The Holiest Of All last night comforting God, He says He likes to talk to me better than anyone else because I handle rejection better, something I would argue with Him, but nonetheless I try to give Him a couple of hours each evening. We were just talking about every day things. He was saying I ought to get together with former President Bush and go fishing. It's a common interest that we both have, and I really should forgive that President Bush for not having finished off Hussein when he had the chance, that if we were to get together God was sure we'd become fast friends.

All of a sudden God looked at me and said "Do you remember The Right Hand Of God?" I was taken back for a moment and then asked "Do you mean the radical Catholic priests that were murdering abortion doctors and nurses and bombing abortion clinics?" "Yes," God answered, "the ones that called you and threatened to kill you and Alura if you spoke out against Catholics any more. I would like you to send a message to The First Lady. Ask her if any of her fine agencies like the secret service or the FBI or national intelligence should suddenly get any information on this group that they act on it immediately! I do not like those that murder the innocent in my name, and I would appreciate it very much if the Earthly forces deal with them quickly. I am going to try to get some information to them. If I succeed I would like to have them use it." "Well!" I answered, "I don't see how they could consider you asking such a favor in any way a threat. So I will definitely pass it on. That is one group I'd like to see dealt with, myself." God and I chatted for a while longer, then I went on to other things.

But one thing God wanted me to discuss with you is a question we're always getting. How do I know when I'm with God and not dreaming? Though this is a very hard thing to explain to someone that doesn't do it. It is so normal to us that it is hard for us to find ways of explaining it. But how do you know the difference between hot and cold, between light and dark, between love and hate? We simply know the difference. Like the other night right after being with God I had a perfectly normal dream about being on a pier somewhere catching these big, ugly fish. I mean these things were hideous looking! And the guy on the pier was saying "This is absolutely impossible! They never come in to shallow water! They never come near land! You can't catch them here!" I looked at him and smiled and said "That's because I've never fished here before." Now that was just a dream. I knew it was a dream. Sometimes dreams can be very realistic, but I still know they're dreams, there's no question of it. Some of the realistic dreams are real nuisances! But I still know they're dreams. But when I'm with God I know I'm with God. It's not a dream. That part of my brain that causes dreams isn't functioning. What I am experiencing with God is absolutely real. I know the difference! That's the best that I can explain it. Probably you have felt it too, probably you are one of the few people that can understand what I am saying. You have felt God and know that He is real.

Some have been asking what God would like to do to punish Washington because some bureaucrat there has forbidden Him to save His children. So while we were talking I asked Him, and He said "Absolutely nothing that they could blame my children for, no bombs or anything like that. As a matter of fact I want my Agents to do all in Their power to prevent anything like that! I would rather do something Biblical, like cause an infestation of mites or have it rain for 40 days and 40 nights and flood the place, something that would be completely beyond the capabilities of man so that they couldn't attack my children in any way, but something that I'm sure would let them know that it is a message from me." We got quite a laugh out of it, but in the morning I got thinking. I know what fleas are, ticks and lice, but what are mites, and how do they irritate people? I haven't had time to get on the internet and look it up. But if they start appearing all over Washington you'll know why!

God still wishes that you would call Alura, my wife Linda, and talk to her, find out that she is really a wonderful person who wants very much to be your friend and to help you do God's work. God says that if she can talk to you and tell you what it is like to work with Him, that you might come to understand how true we are, and what we're trying to do, that we're not putting on, that we know what we're talking about. So if you get the chance do give her a call! I'm sure the secret service agent that visited us will assure you that she is no threat, whatsoever, just a sincere, decent woman trying to do good, though other people might not understand it. He still wishes to combine our powers. As we have said, the bureaucrat that has forbidden God to speak has given you tremendous power, has made you virtually invincible. If you were to take up God's cause now, virtually nothing could stop you! Those who do not believe would not dare oppose you!

A Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States,
At The Bequest Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever


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