Gerald's 28th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter To First Lady Laura Bush
From Speaker Gerald Polley

April 25, 2,008

Greetings To The Most Powerful Woman On Earth!

We have to laugh at the disbelievers, at their utter ignorance! They say "You're foolish! You're crazy! You're stupid! How could God create an infestation of mites, or, cause it to rain for forty days and forty nights? People that believe such things are just plain stupid! People that believe in God are just plain stupid!" Well, actually God didn't say He would create a plague of mites, He said He'd like to, two different things. There's no way of telling what He will actually do. He very often likes to keep His plans a secret so the creatures of Darkness won't be prepared. But things like this are so easy for God! God has hundreds of thousands, millions of spiritual warriors, both in the spiritual form and in the material form. Now, an individual Spirit can't lift too much. Remember the movie "Ghost"? But a Spirit could easily lift something as small as a mite. And theoreticaly a single Spirit could carry a mite all the way from Los Angeles to Washington if it wanted to. But in this modern age They don't have to! There are planes, trains and trucks that go from California to Washington every day. It would be very easy for a group of Spirits to put several hundred mites in somebody's luggage flying from California to New England, then have another group of Spirits recover them when they get there, and send them on by some other means to Washington. The same is true with trains and trucks. It would not be difficult at all for God's Spiritual Agents to bring hundreds of thousands of pregnant mites into the Washington area and then simply let nature do its thing! Those that disbelieve are so vulnerable!

And to change the weather all the Spirits have to do is move a little bit of air in the proper place, and They change weather flows, They can cause hurricanes to form, They can cause it to rain or not rain. It all depends on rather or not They want to expend the energy, and if They have the energy to expend. Right now The Kingdom Of God has ample supplies of energy, and with each passing hour, as more and more people learn what's going on, Its energy is increasing. People that believe will put up with alot, but direct attacks on God and His servants they have a real problem with. They have for untold ages. And you only have to look at history to find out what has happened to those that tried to keep God from speaking. You don't even have to go into The Bible, secular history is full of stories of what happened to those who tried to silence God. Remember communism? Yes, it is those that disbelieve, that doubt the power of God that are foolish!

God does not believe that you are one of those. God believes that you fully understand His power, and that you know what He can do, and that everything that He does is for the good of His children. You should be letting people know that they shouldn't mess with God. God does not mind people expressing their opinions, he does not even mind those that say that He does not exist, that they can do whatever they want. But He minds very much when He is told He cannot save His children, He cannot tell them the truth. That He minds very much!

We've been asked "What is going on in the schools? Why are they becoming a war zone?" Well, one of the reasons is we've taught our children that they're not responsible, that they can do whatever they want to do and they won't be held accountable because they're minors, something God does not approve of. He believes a person is responsible for their actions from the moment they're born, something that would be very unpopular with the liberals. But that's not the total problem. The problem is the creatures of Darkness are desperate to feed. They need hate, they need anger, they need despair. They can draw nourishment from all of these. So they are making the schools a living hell for those that want to learn. They are making it almost impossible for children in American schools to get an education because they're trying to cripple the American economy, trying to make the rest of the world have people with a superior education. A child that is afraid all the time, that is being attacked by bullies all the time and is being filled with hate against everyone and everything because no one will protect him or her isn't learning, isn't acquiring the knowledge that will make them a successful citizen of benefit to all. This is why there is so much trouble in the schools and it will only be stopped when the bullies are removed, when order and discipline is returned, when the troublemakers aren't allowed to surround themselves with followers and take over the schools. The Libertarians will fight this, but if America wants to succeed the schools have to be taken back, it's that simple! No one wants to restrict an unruly child, but if America wants to survive it has to be done! When somebody is doing something wrong you have to make them stop!

We've had another quiet night! Despite all their boasting the creatures of Darkness are drained. They'll be back, undoubtedly. We figure We'll get no more than a week of rest. But right now they're vulnerable, it is the time to strike, when they can't defend themselves. God wishes so much you would strike, that you would tell the world what is going on and cry "I am a daughter of God! No matter how sorry I feel for my friends I will not allow this! No one tells our Heavenly Father He cannot speak, and He can say whatever He wants to anyone! If no one else can carry His messages I will, I will speak for Him, and I will speak the truth! If one of my dearest friends is doomed I will tell them 'Open your eyes! Listen to what God is saying to you! You might not like it, you might not want it, but God loves you and is trying to save you. Listen to Him! Don't destroy yoursel!' And God help anyone that tries to stop me!" That's what God wants. He wants to save those you love. He doesn't want you to hurt them, He doesn't want you to let them destroy themselves, He wants you to save them and save the whole human race in the process. And He cannot understand why you don't want to when He has given you the power and authority to do so.

God finally made a video expressing His feelings. We put it up on our web site and at Here's the link to that one.

We don't dare put it up at You Tube because if we do they'll take down everything we have there. They won't let God speak the truth. But God asks you to insist that every member of your staff watch this video. They'd like you to get your husband to watch it. God is crying out to the entire world, reaching out to the entire world, asking for the right to save His children. God would like it very much if you would call Oprah Winfrey and ask her to watch it, call Jay Leno and ask him to watch it, and ask if you could be on their shows to speak for God's cause, to return God's free speech.

Oh! The disbelievers ask another question; why would we give up so much for God? Why wouldn't we be rich? Why wouldn't we use that wealth to have whatever we wanted? Well, the answer is so simple they wouldn't understand it! Ages ago God did Us a tremendous service. We were lost, tired, and hungry and He welcomed Us to His world, He fed Us, gave Us places where We could rest, and asked only one thing of Us; that We not abuse His children, that We always care for them with dignity and respect. And We promised God that We would protect His children forever, keeping them from all harm. And We are a people that keep Our word. When We make a promise We don't break it when it's inconvenient, We don't walk away when it suits Us. When We make a promise We keep it. We have said that We will defend God's children forever, no matter what the cost, and that We will do. Material riches mean nothing to Us, other than giving Us the means to fulfill Our promise. We would not adorn Ourselves with gold and diamonds, We would not drive around in expensive cars, We would not drink imported water. We would not waste God's resources in any way. We would use them for what they are intended; to serve God, to serve His people. The disbelievers cannot understand that.

We are trying to reach Yoko Ono and have her accept and acknowledge John Lennon's messages to her, to have her tell the world that everything we have been saying about John is true, that she believes completely. But we are forbidden to take any money from her, to even ask any money from her, or to join in any ventures with her that would help her raise money. John has completely forbidden this. All that he wants to save her is to have her acknowledge his work with us and bear witness to it. That would give her a chance for eternal life, which is his greatest goal. But he does not want us to use any of the money that came from his earthly work because he believes it is defiled and unholy. So he wants no financial assistance from her, whatsoever. The disbelievers would not be able to understand this. If they were in our place they would want Yoko to give us millions of dollars. They can never understand God's true purposes, that there are some things far more important than money. To us giving her eternal life is the most important thing of all! Anything else is meaningless.

A Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States,
At The Bequest Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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