Gerald's 29th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter To First Lady Laura Bush
From Speaker Gerald Polley

April 27, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings My Fellow Servant In God!

Was having one of those cool dreams last night. The government was giving me hundreds of paintings of Hitler confiscated after World War II. I was whiting out Hitler's face making some other modifications to them, and then selling them and giving the proceeds to the social security fund. There were outcries that I was destroying the work of legitimate German artists and some Democratic senators were saying that the funds should go into general circulation so they could use them for their constituents and not just into social security. It was a cute dream, and quite an idea, too! Doesn't the government have warehouses full of that stuff? Why not get some talented artists to donate some time, modify some of this art, and sell it to raise funds for social security? As long as Hitler's face is removed our religious law would have no problem with it, and they would probably fetch very good prices! After all, they are government property!

Speaking of the fuerer, he wanted to ask a favor of you. He has a message that he would like to have published in the German tabloids. He was wondering if you could raise the money to have it done. Or get in conact with some of your friends in Germany and get them to publish it. Here it is. Remember, God wants us to base our campaign on good deeds, and this would be a considerable good deed!

Most Profound Greetings To The People Of Germany!

I am the one who led your country through the period that is called World War II. I will not use my name, you know full well who I am. I am speaking through a servant of God who is also a child of The Lords, and they won't speak the names of evil, they will not praise them, and there was no greater evil than mine. I led my people into horror. I let those who serve me do dispicable, unspeakable things. The shame of those days was unbearable for many, and they were lost to God forever. I, myself, cannot understand how I survived. Some say it is because I did nothing directly, myself, but had others do it. So they paid the price of the evil. But I prefer to believe that somehow God asked His children to have pity on me and shelter me so I could survive to help Him and His servants undo that that I did. Now that is my total existence. That is my total purpose, and the purpose of those that cling to me for guidance and strength to keep them from eternal death. Every good deed that we can do, every evil that we can prevent maintains our survival, removes a little bit more of our pain, lifts a little bit more of our sorrow.

I wish to send a warning to The Fellowship. The one I speak through knows of you, mainly because I have told him everything we planned and the purpose that I intended for you! He will not let that purpose be fulfilled! God forbids it! He has already foiled your efforts many times. You must abandon that purpose! You must give it up! It will not be allowed! God will bring peace. God will bring harmony. All races will work together. All faiths will stand as one. You will not succeed! And if you continue to try you will not only destroy yourselves, but all of mankind!

The one I speak through is Aryan, but he uses his heritage rightly to serve God. He is Fawn Wolf he cannot be stopped. There is no power on earth that can oppose him. And if you oppose him you know your fate. We thought we understood the prophecies, we thought we were fulfilling them. But we did not. He does. He knows their true meanings, and he can use them. There are certain things that I desire for you to do.

1. First of all and most importantly, you must support Israel fully and completely against any that would harm it. Because of the horror that we did this is a burdon that Germany must carry forever, a duty they cannot shirk. The rest of the world must not make Israel sacrifice one inch of land to The Palestinians. Israel must remain intact! And The Israelis must never surrender Jerusalem! God The Father, through Father Abraham, has developed a true peace plan, a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel. It is the only peace plan that will work. It is the only proposal that has a hope. I ask the people of Germany to put their full and complete support behind it, and to work for its implimentation.

2. I also desire greatly that the sons and daughters of Germany help The United States in Iraq. Again, to help undo the things that we did. It is time for the troops of Germany to again go beyond the borders of their own countries, this time not as conquerers, not coming to seize land, to form a greater Aryian nation, but to free people from tyranny and give them decent lives, to end cruelty and oppression. It is time for the soldiers of Germany to be honored and not despised, to bring children smiles and not tears. The things of evil are trying desperately to cling to Iraq, to make it a place from which they will spread their poison throughout the world, as they once used Germany. The German people must not allow it!

If Germany does the right things it can be a great nation! It can spread its true heritage into the stars. In future times people of other worlds may be asking each other "Who are these strange people with the light skin and the light hair?" and they will be told "They're humans. They're from a place called Earth and they have come to protect us from those that would oppress us. They are a great and wondrous people." This is the heritage, the fate that The People Of Germany should have. This is the honor that they should take to the stars. I ask you to turn from the evil, to give it up, to forsake it.

The Children Of The Lords have a saying, "We are equal to all that is good. We are only superior to that that is evil." I wish this to be the motto of The German People. From this day forth I wish it to be their creed. For it is not only my wish, it is the wish of God Their Father, who through some miracle that I cannot understand, preserved me and has made it so that I can speak to you through his servant. There IS a glorious future if when you come to the crossroads you turn away from the road that is marked "Hate, Lust, and Greed" and instead turn your wheels to the road that is marked "Love, Tenderness, and Charity." Take that road and Germany will become one of the greatest nations on Earth, one of the world's greatest powers. For a time I put Germany on the wrong road, and Those Who Bear The Light have had to build many bridges to get us back to the place where we can take the right one. I ask my people to take the right road and never again turn to the horror that I created! Never again judge a person by the color of their skin, or, the religion they follow. Judge them by the righteousness in their hearts and how they treat you as neighbors, and how they welcome you as guests.

God be with you one and all!

He Who Was Called The Fuhrer Of Germany

Well, there's Hitler's message, that's what he'd like to have put in the tabloids with a notification that it's channeled through me who is a candidate for The Presidency. Now, I hope The Secret Service finds nothing threatening in that.

Oh! One other little thing! God had us write a special Ancient One story for you, like the ones we put in our magazine, but this accursed Vista system fouled all up and we lost it. We haven't had time to try to redo it. We will later and send you a link to it. But if this Vista system is in government computers we're extremely concerned about the safety of information stored in them. We think the government should be putting considerable pressure on Microsoft to dump this system and go back to a more stable one.

A Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States,
At The Bequest Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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