Gerald's 32nd Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
To First Lady Laura Bush

June 13, 2,008

Most Sincere Greetings To A Fellow Servant Of God!

Well! I don't get to actually talk to you too much. God, Jesus, and Muhammed seem to be taking over all operations! But Everybody's busy this morning. God is in Oklahoma working on the situation there. By now everyone must've realized that these two young ladies were a special part of God's purpose, and that the creatures of Darkness were able to reach and harm them is a setback to God's cause. God is seeking replacements. As We constantly say, man can disrupt God's efforts, but they can never stop them. Sooner or later God's people will rise and take the places intended for them, and God's purpose will be fulfilled. God believes that in some way the Catholics are involved in this situation, that somewhere a priest has knowledge of who is responsible for this horror, and God is determined to expose that link. Let us pray that He succeeds!

Jesus is simply weary from the constant spiritual battles. The creatures of Darkness are committing rolling attacks, starting an attack one place, then suddenly disengaging there and attacking another place. Jesus has to respond to two or three different battles a night. But almost always one is in Washington. The creatures of Darkness are absolutely desperate to break your power! Though the majority of people do not know that you are providing a great deal of power that The Kingdom Of God is using the number that do is growing daily, and each success increases it. Not only has the flow of power been reconnected to Washington from both the north, and, the south, but that power is spreading daily! No matter how much some in Washington try to resist it, it is effecting them, and the creatures of Darkness are desperate to regain absolute control of the city. They are terrified of the possibility of us coming there and joining forces with you!

Muhammed is busy trying to put together what he wants to do in Guantanamo. He has joined Mary, Jesus' Mother in Saudi Arabia, and is trying to influence the government there to join our cause, and to give him a free hand in dealing with the situation at Guantanamo. Muhammed wants it to go down in history that he was the controlling force that dealt with this situation. Again he asks that your dear husband give us consent to psychically examine the prisoners, and to negotiate with their home countries for some of them to be returned to their native lands under probation to be given some work and a place to live, and as long as they cause no further trouble be allowed to live out their lives in peace. Muhammed suggests that perhaps you could let us work the one hundred least dangerous ones. Muhammed desires to show his power, to flex his muscles so to speak, to prove to the world that he is far from impotent. If you could simply make the leaders of Saudi Arabia aware of us, and ask them to consider our proposals, that what we are saying may sound strange, but a lot of what we have predicted has come to pass, and what would it hurt to fulfill Muhammed's desires and hear what it is he wants to do. Just a simple bit of support like that might open a flow of power that would be unstoppable! We are making tremendous progress in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and in several other places. If We could simply put it all together We could change the world! Just a little support is all We need. Muhammed apologizes for turning the supreme court decision against your husband's wishes. He is quite sure he could've gotten at least two of the judges to support your husband if he had wanted to with very little effort. But he believed that a decision against your husband might force him to consider his proposal, and allow him to personally deal with the matters, and take it all out of American jurisdiction, so no American judges would have any say in the matter. I would be operating as a temporary representative of The Arab Governments under Muhammed's authority, thereby relieving The United States of any guilt in the matter.

The spiritual power is literally off the board! We can't even measure it any more! The Kingdom Of God keeps receiving surges that put it over 100% and it has been pouring power into the other spiritual Kingdoms that has been a tremendous benefit to Their efforts. Nothing like this has ever been seen before in history! And it is unquestioned that the flow coming through you is the one that is pushing Us over the top! We cannnot understand how the other flows that We established years ago keep functioning at such high levels, but they do, and new ones are slowly opening! The creatures of Darkness grow steadily weaker. If We could make some enroads on their feeding chains, make definite dents in the homosexual movement, collapse more of their feeding stations, turn the prominient individuals from them that are sustaining their efforts, We might be able to stop the spiritual battles, or at least limit them. We are so close in Los Angeles! We believe We were about to make a major breakthrough there and that the situation in Oklahoma was deliberately caused to draw Our Forces away, to create a situation that We would have to deal with, and divert Our power elsewhere. This is tragic that the creatures of Darkness would go to such lengths and take such risks to keep Us from succeeding. Their attacks are definitely desperate.

The ones on me have been a nuisance. Had a very bad day yesterday. For some reason the injuries I received last Saturday became inflamed. The bruises suddenly reappeared, and I was in a great deal of discomfort all day. Plus that, I have an annoying coworker that is being a real nuisance. Nothing unusual, just the same old stuff, but an irritation when you're not doing very well. And my stomach being irritated is also a nuisance. Nothing serious, just enough to make the day unpleasant. The leg, however, is getting better. Now, if we can go just a couple of weeks without another injury, maybe that nuisance will be gone!

We keep doing Our best and try to relax once and a while. We made a little video for one of our friends just to have a little fun and relieve some of the pressure. You might get a kick out of it! Here's the link.

That's about it for this morning! Again I express my wholehearted desire that you fulfill God's wishes and join Our efforts, become my vice presidential candidate, and get Our campaign rolling. We need you to negotiate with Senator McCain, who is a fine man that I would be delighted to work with, but he knows as well as Us that he cannot win the election, and We desperately need to win! If you could get him to agree to withdraw and give Us his delegates for the sake of The Republican Party, and the entire world, it would be one of God's greatest victories. I must state again the absolute conviction that this election is a choice between eternal life and eternal death. If The Democrats win and the sodomization of God's children continues, the chances of Our success are very slim. But if we were to win, and the sodomization of the world was stopped, We can guarantee every man, woman and child on Earth a chance for eternal life, and that their descendants will go to the stars. It's that simple, life or death, existence or nonexistence, the survival of billions, or the survival of a few thousand. There's nothing else! And sadly the decision rather we succeed or fail is yours. If you reject what God offers you are rejecting eternal life for the human race. That is how important what God is asking is. The power you are showing only proves God's wisdom. What you are accomplishing only shows His glory. But you can do so much more!

A Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States
At The Bequest Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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