Gerald's 37th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
To First Lady Laura Bush

July 15, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To A Fellow Servant Of God!

God is busy again this morning trying to reach the leaders in The Middle East and have them accept Our proposals. But he thought you might be interested in these two sections of Our work on The Spiritist Constitution. Linda still doesn't get Hashon time, as much as We try to explain to her it's the same time everywhere and people set their schedules according to that, that sunrise some places might be midnight and the people would be getting up and going to work at one in the morning. It's so simple to Us but it's so hard for others to get used to the idea of no time zones, of it being the same time everywhere in the world, from one fixed point on Earth. But We're sure after a while people would get used to the idea. Do not feel that your suggestions on any section would not be welcome. We are trying to word them as best as possible to explain Our traditions. Some people cannot understand how We say that We allow religious freedom but restict some practices. But there are some limts that have to be imposed in everything. Some religions have gone so far astray that what they do simply cannot be accepted.

Again I must say to you how much you are needed. You can reach people that We cannot, you can negotiate with people that We cannot. There are so many out there that want the same things that We want. Those resisting homosexuality in Massachusetts desperately need your support. Evil is so intense there, so embedded that it's going to take Our most powerful people to break its hold. And there are many other places that you are needed. The mothers who do not want their children sodomized, do not want them destroyed are calling out to you and begging you to save their children. You are desperately needed! You have the power. All you have to do is use it.

Section 19

Though The Republic is a religious state, based on the principles of The Spiritist Religion, The National Dragon or, the Dragon of any state shall pass no legislation restricting the religious practices of others living in their territories. Each religious group may have their religious celebrations according to their traditions except in two principles that are absolutely forbidden under Spiritist law, and those of other religions abiding in Spiritist territory must abide by these two traditions.

Firstly, the sacrifice of innocent life in tribute to any diety is absolutely forbidden! Sacrifice may not be conducted on any Spiritist territory. Any persons doing so shall be punished to the full extent under the general statues. All persons of foreign religions entering Spiritist territory must agree that they will take part in no ceremonies where sacrifices are committed. If they do so it will mean their expulsion from Spiritist territory. At time of religious festivals animals may be blessed that are being slaughtered for feast and celebration, thanks may be given to them for giving their substance to the people to sustain the peoples' existence, but their lives may not be shed in atonement for sin or, as a gift to any diety. This is absolute. No people, at any time in Spiritist territory may be given permission to shed innocent blood.

Secondly, self mutilation, self torture, to gain the favor of any diety is absolutely forbidden! No individuals may cut themselves, beat themselves, or impale themselves during religious celebrations to show homage to any diety. Self inflicted pain insults The Lords. It is the act of a vain person trying to show others how strong his or her faith is that they are willing to endure suffering and pain for their God. This is absolutely forbidden in the Spiritist way! The Lords Of Spirit respect only true sacrifice, the giving of oneself in the service of others, the suffering of pain in the defense and protecting of others. Self inflicting of pain disgusts Them, and They loathe those that do it because they are glorifying themselves and not their Lords. So these practices are absolutely forbidden in The Republic! Any individuals that in the name of their religion, torture themselves or, mutilate themselves shall be put out of The Republic. Any person that teaches these things shall be either put out of The Republic or, imprisoned according to the general statutes, for The Lords will not tolerate this sickness.

Section 20

As The Spiritist Republic is a religious body all records, all official documents, shall be dated in Hashon time. For The Children Of The Lords made a promise unto their Forebears that where ever they went they should keep Their time, the time that was set on the world where their religion was born, and that time should be reckoned as such. The year shall have 500 days of 20 months, each having five weeks of five days. Each day shall be divided into 20 hours, according to the rotation of the Earth. Each hour shall have 100 seconds. The fixed point of Hashon time shall be the city of Jerusalem in the nation of Israel. Day shall begin at sunrise there and end at sunrise there with the beginning of the new day. It shall be the same time everywhere in The Republic. There shall be no time zones. People shall set their work schedules according to the light and darkness in their region. But those schedules shall begin at whatever time it is in Jerusalem.

The names of the months have been lost in antiquity but in honor of our Ancestors the months shall now be named as follows 1 Fox 2 Dove 3 Voice 4 Hawk 5 Morn 6 North 7 Spear 8 Change 9 Zeus 10 Odin 11 Frigga 12 Krishna 13 Shiva 14 Buddha 15 Abraham 16 Sarah 17 Moses 18 Jesus 19 Mary 20 Muhammed

The days of the week shall be named as follows, 1 Ha 2 Hav 3 Pe 4 Er 5 St

It was the Hashon tradition to work four days, have a day of rest, work four more days and have a day of worship. This tradition shall be followed in The Republic. Entertainments, sporting events and such may be scheduled on the day of rest. But no activiies other than worship shall be scheduled on the day of worship. Any parties conducting sporting events on the day of worship may be prosecuted according to the general statues. Other peoples living in The Republic may watch sporting events taking place in other nations. But they shall do this in the privacy of their homes. The respect of those worshipping shall not be violated.

On the worship day emergency services shall continue. Police, fire and military personnel shall continue to perform their duties. Hospitals shall remain open. But all places of entertainment shall close. Restaurants in hotels and in areas where there are foreign visitors may serve cold meals that were prepared the day before. But as much as possible non Spiritists should man these facilities and care for visitors. Only when absolutely necessary should The Children Of The Lords do labor on the day of worship.

It is not known exactly how long The Children Of The Lords have dwelled on Earth. It is believed to be around 500,000 years. To give an exact date in The Old Time would be virtually impossible! So when The First Dragon of The First Republic Nation meets on Earth it shall be considered that a new age is beginning. So all documents ratified that day shall be dated in the Spiritist manner, the day first, then the month, then the year. So the date on these documents should read 01.00.00 indicating that this date is the first day of a new age. After that date all documents shall be dated in this manner. When the first year has been completed a one shall be added in place of the end zero. All time, all dates in The Republic henceforth shall stand from that beginning day, henceforth and, forever. The first book added to The People's History after the rebirth on Earth shall be added according to these dates.

A Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States,
At The Bequest Of God The Father

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