An Official Decree Of Damnation
From God The Father,
The Creator Of Earth And The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God

August 16, 2,008

Be it known henceforth and forever, that I do, on the date above, declare that Vladamir Putin, leader of The Russian Republic, is a creature of Darkness and condemned to eternal death for grievous crimes against my creation, in that in seeking earthly power he has deliberately destroyed the physical existence of thousands of my children, and through the actions that he has caused his followers to do, destroyed thousands of them eternally, caused their immortal deaths. The only suitable punishment for this crime is his own immortal destruction. And I do hereby declare, as the unquestioned Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God, that because of the crimes he has committed against my children, he is destroyed forever. He is the living dead. His soul is already completely shattered, already completely destroyed. When his physical existence ends his immortality will end. There is no doubt of this, there is no question of it, this is what will happen.

As with all there is a chance of him receiving salvation, of him regaining eternal life. If he was to turn himself over to The Bearer Of Light through whom I speak, do all in his power to undo what he has done, and agree to spend the rest of his life in quiet exile outside of Russia, then there is a chance that my devoted servant, with his great power, might be able to repair the damage to his soul enough that he would survive his physical death, suffer for a time in The Afterlife, but regain his eternity. But only if he does all in his power to undo what he has done would that be possible. Without repentence he has no hope, whatsoever.

We worked long and hard to make Russia a responsible nation that would not be a threat to its neighbors. We were making good progress. But this foul creature took over Russia and became its petty dictator and again made its soldiers murderers and thieves that are again feared by the world. This crime cannot go unpunished, and I will punish it.

The American Secret Service have come to my servant Demetrius, known on Earth as Speaker Gerald Polley, and threatened him with prison if I condemn any world leader and tell them that they are destroyed forever. They say this is a threat and the American government will not tolerate it. I defy them! I tell them what will be their fate if they interfere with me, and that will be eternal death. I am The Lord Of Hosts, The Commander Of All My Forces On Earth, and when I tell one of my servants to give a message unto the world he will give it, and if that message is to condemn, it will be given. No earthly organization will inhibit my power, will question my authority.

I send a personal request to the following to support my right to speak through my servants and tell the world who is right with me and who is not right with me. I ask them to defend my truth, well laid out in Scriptures, that my servants tell the world who will have eternal life, and who will not. These are those I ask to defend me.

George W. Bush, The President Of The United States, who saved mankind by removing the dictator from Iraq before he plunged The Middle East into a blood bath.

First Lady Laura Bush, who I have given authority over all Christian sects in The United States under the stewardship of my beloved Demetrius, who I have asked to be his Vice Presidential Candidate in his bid for The Presidency.

Vice President Dick Cheney, who, though he is in disagreement with me because I will not accept his daughter's insanity and condone it, knows that I am The Lord Of Hosts and that my ability to speak to the world shall not be changed.

The King Of Saudi Arabia, who I have declared as the unquestioned leader of The Islamic Faith under the stewardship of my beloved Demetrius and who is vital in taking the human race to the stars.

I also ask The King Of Jordan and, The President Of Egypt to stand fast in my defense to speak.

I ask The Prime Minister Of England, though we disagree on the division of Israel which I will never allow, he knows I am The Lord Of Hosts, and my servant should never be forbidden to speak.

I ask The Prime Minister Of Israel to defend me, though I have removed him from power because he would give away Jerusalem to create a false peace, he knows I am The Lord Of Hosts, and should not be defied.

I ask The Pope In Rome to defend me, though he, himself is in danger of eternal death because he will not make the reforms that I insist upon in his church. He fully well knows I am The Lord Of Hosts, and that I speak through Demetrius, and therefore he should defend me.

I ask The Archbishop Of Canterbury to speak out, though I oppose the sodomization of his church and will fight him steadfastly on this, he knows I am The Lord Of Hosts and that I cannot be forbidden to speak.

I ask every true believer in the world to rise up and cry "No! Nay! Never! No bureaucrat can tell a servant of God that he cannot speak! It is up to the people to decide rather one speaks truly or not." I ask all the world to support my right to condemn evil and to grant salvation.

I will tell all the world here and now, what I demand in Georgia, and there is nothing else. The Russians must completely withdraw from Georgian territory, including the separatist provinces.

The puppet governments that they have established must be removed. The Russians may take their members into exile in Russia as long as they cause no trouble, as long as they do not set up any governments in exile or, make any attempt to claim any part of Georgia, they will be allowed to live out their days in peace. If they are not removed, they must be willing to turn themselves over to The Georgian Government and stand trial for any crimes that they committed while they were in power.

Then I will ask The Rulers Of Georgia to disperse the remaining people in these provinces throughout their country, treating them with all honor and respect, and having Georgian citizens unrelated to Russia, occupy these provinces so that Russia will never again have any claim to them.

Then, I insist that from this day forth Russia respect Georgia's territory and live in harmony with it. I insist that they respect the territory of all their neighbors.

When these conditions are met I will be at peace with The People Of Russia. Until they are met, I will not be. Their corrupt leaders must be removed before they turn their nation into a wasteland. I ask The Russian People to remember the devastation of Germany after World War II and think what their nation will look like if they turn the world against them, and force them to remove the corruption. I do not wish this. With all that I am I wish to see The Russian People prosperous and happy, at peace with everyone. That is my greatest desire. But as long as they allow leaders that desire conquest, that desire to take what is others', Russia will never be prosperous.

I ask all mankind to hearken to this decree, and to understand that any world leader that supports Putin is in danger of suffering his fate. Any that support Russia are in danger of suffering Russia's fate.

I give the promise to The Georgian People that somehow, some way their territory will be returned to them. How much Russia has to suffer before that happens will be up to The Russian People. But I have made a promise. Georgia will be whole, Georgia will be independent, Georgia will be free. This is a promise from The Creator Of Earth to The People Of Georgia and all knows what happens to those who try to break one of my promises. All men know that full well.

Kurt Cobain, who has become one of my greatest supporters in The Kingdom Of God and has been assisting my beloved Demetrius, has written a song expressing in rather strong language what Putin is, and what he is doing. I do not llike such songs but my beloved Demetrius has explained to me that this is the only thing that the young people of today listen to. Sadly this might be the only way of reaching them. So, begrudgingly, I have permitted Demetrius to make this song available to the public. Kurt wishes to have it produced in every language in the world and sold to raise money to help The Georgian People. My Blessed Son will make the lyrics of this song available to the public later. I ask for musical groups throughout the world to get permission from Demetrius to record this song, sell it, and give all proceeds to the support of restoring Georgia. To show how strongly I feel that this should be done I am making this request as part of this decree, and I hope that Demetrius is right, I hope it will make the young people understand what is going on. This is the only reason I permit it.

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever
And He Who Speaks
Through His Beloved Demetrius,
Who Is The Steward Of His Creation
For As Long As He Is Needed

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