An Open Letter From God The Mother
To First Lady Laura Bush

September 17, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To The Greatest Of My Daughters!

Sometimes even I get irritated with some of the things that these men do. They keep telling you how desperate the need for you to serve is, yet they are neglecting one of the greatest parts of your glory that you should know, and is absolutely true. If you and Demetrius succeed in your efforts and Our children go to the stars an artificial Afterlife will have to be created on the ships that will go out into the stars. Each colony ship will have to have a male and a female spirit go with them, the highest evolved among the human race, to be the God The Father and the God The Mother of that race that will be established on a new world. The Children Of The Lords have already chosen who will be the spirits that will become the souls of Their world, and so have We of The Kingdom Of God. I do not think I have to put it into words, that I have to tell you who Those Souls are. And They have been chosen because They are the strongest and the most powerful among Us that can leave. That is why your success at this time, the need for you to do God's Will is so important. By proving your power here it will prove your power elsewhere. By your husband obeying God, following God's Voice and doing God's will would prove his ability to follow God's will even when he is separated from Him.

This election is a choice between life and death, literally. If The Democrats win We will keep trying, but Our chances would be very little. We would need greater miracles than have ever been done, and Our success is highly questionable. But if you and Demetrius succeed Our success is without doubt. I know how much of a burden this is, I know how hard it is to tell people they can't have what they want. But this is the part of being a good leader, that when you see that something will hurt your people if they have it you must deny it, and not let them have it. Sometimes pleasing people and giving them what they want destroys them.

Every mother that is destined to go to the stars, every one that is destined to follow you and be born on this new world and spread the glory of God begs of you to join Us, to stand up and say "The age of subjection, of domination has passed. The age of equality has come. We are not cattle, we are no property. We are partners. We stay with our companions because we believe in them and seek to do the good things that they are trying to do. We cherish the treasures that God has given us and we will give our all to protect them. But we will not let them destroy themselves, and, destroy the world. We will be obedient in righteousness, but we will not be obedient in unrighteousness. We will do all that is good, but we will not do evil, no matter how popular it is, no matter how much others want it, we will not destroy our children! We will not destroy what God helped us create! We will defend the innocent but we will never attack them. We will never use them for our gain. We stand proudly beside our men but we will not be shackled to them."

This is what God The Father and I want you to say. This is what We want you to do. We want you to stand beside a man and join your power with his, and the joining of those two powers will raise Our children to the stars. Mankind will never reach the stars by themselves, only with The Children Of The Lords will they claim other worlds. Only by working together can We succeed. Only when The Awakening comes and The Children form Their own places and begin Their journey home will this world be right. And unless that happens peacefully and joyously, with mankind assisting them in every way, and wishing them good journey will they be able to go with them. You were sent to make sure that would happen, that there would be no strife between The Children Of The Stars and The Children Of Earth, that they would stand together. Now, your mission has changed. But that aspect of it still exists. For somehow after The Kingdom Of God is saved The Awakening must be restored, and that that Demetrius was supposed to have done must be accomplished. But none of it can be accomplished unless We can solve the current problem, break the dark power that is devouring Our children, and leading them to eternal death. And there is only one way to do that; by you becoming first the vice president of The United States with Demetrius being The President, and then you becoming President of The United States, and leading the people through this period of confusion and Darkness.

Sixteen challenging years lay ahead, but I believe in you, and God The Father believes in you, and We believe in Demetrius. He has been Our dear friend for 500,000 years, and he has always kept his word to Us. Untold ages ago he promised that if We helped his people he would do all in his power to protect Our children from the evil that they brought here. He has kept that promise, and is now keeping it. His people will do all in Their power to save the human race, even though They do not have to suffer, even though if They desired to at any time They could simply leave and let mankind's fate fall upon them. They do not have to take on flesh. They do not have to battle for Us. But Their desire is to make Their own way and save those who have materially become as much their children as Ours. That determination should be honored. That willingness to serve should be respected.

Our beloved Son Jesus keeps asking you to tell Him what is wrong with one thing that Demetrius proposes, that my Beloved Consort proposes. He gives you all truth, He gives you all understanding. He tells you what is wrong with the teachings of man directly from God The Father. He keeps nothing from you. He tells you why those that oppose abortion are speaking blasphemy against God. He tells you why those that teach young men to enter into other men and young women to enter into young women why this is unacceptable. And the answer in both cases is that they are leading those that follow them into eternal death, causing them to do evil that destroys their souls. And that We cannot endure, no matter how misguided people are, no matter how popular what they teach is, if it leads Our children to eternal death we must stop it. Demetrius speaks plainly. He tells those the wrong they are doing. That might be unpopular, but it is right! And you know it is right!

Those your party have chosen cannot win because of the evil they are doing, your Father cannot let them win. We regret having to cause the current economic crisis and the great storms. But my Beloved will show His power. We warned you repeatedly that We would do these things if We were not listened to. If man worships riches instead of God We will take those riches away. If they will not use those riches for righteousness they do not deserve them.

Well, I've had my little say. I've told you how beloved you are, what is intended for you, and what you must do to see that it comes to pass. I ask you to show this letter to your beloved husband and ask him what should you do, should you forsake all that is to be and let it perish, or should you do what God asks you to do and save His children? I send all my power to you, I send all my glory in the hope that you will choose rightly and do my beloved's will. And, that your husband will support you and say "Let's get it done! As much as it hurts us, as much as we disagree with some things, let us do the will of God and get it done!"

She Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
With Him That Is The Creator Of This World,
Now, And, Forever

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