God's 2nd Letter To The Governor
And The Media Of North Dakota

An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Governor And Media Of North Dakota

July 3, 2,008

Most Sincere Greetings To The Leader Of One Of My Most Valiant People!

I must tell you what is going on. You may already have some knowledge of it. For the last year the creatures of Darkness have been engaging my beloved Son, Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, in horrendous spiritual battles around The United States using the power that is given to them by the homosexual community. Their purpose is to destroy my Son, thereby, destroy my Kingdom and destroy mankind. Because they cannot have what they want their purpose is to destroy all life on Earth.

These battles grow more and more severe with every occurrence. Now the forces of Darkness are gathering around Ithaca, New York, and some time this evening between 9:45 and 10:00 o'clock North Dakota time, the forces of Darkness will throw themselves against The Forces Of Light. Help is coming from everywhere. From the north The Canadians are sending their mounted police and every former soldier they can muster. From the south The Mexicans are sending every soul they can muster, led by their great revolutionary Pancho Villa. But still with all that is coming my Forces will be outnumbered better than two to one, and the enemy has a weapon that We cannot use that is causing grievous wounds to my Forces. But still my people are determined to stand fast.

The bravest among Them have come forward. Where my Earthly residence for the last couple of years has been in Bismarck, all of those that have served and fallen in the military forces from North Dakota have taken to the field, led by one of your former governors, who says he does not want to give his name because he does not want to in any way be glorified by what he does tonight, but he wants every man and, woman that stands with him on the line facing the creatures of Darkness to be glorified, to be honored as true servants of God that will face even eternal destruction in His service. This valiant leader has asked my Son for the forward position on the eastern side of the defenses, where it is believed the creatures of Darkness will first strike. The warriors of North Dakota, of every race and creed want to be the first to meet the enemy! They want to be the first to give their all against them, as their people have been giving me so much power in this struggle.

Of course my beloved Son has respected their wishes and given them the forward position. The stars and stripes will be flying above them with the banner of North Dakota and the flags of all those who have served their nation flanking them. Under these banners the forces of Darkness will first be met.

The soldiers of North Dakota that will take part in this battle have sent me a special request. They have said "God The Father, will you call out to our people and ask them from 9:30 to 10:30 on this evening that they pray for us, that they pray that our arms be mighty, our swords be sharp, and our shields be strong, that those who come against us shall not pass us, and that The Forces Of Heaven shall prevail?" So that is the purpose of this letter that I am now sending you. I ask that you fulfill the wishes of your brothers and sisters, that on the hour that they have appointed that you pray for them so that they may defend my Kingdom and insure the survival of my children. For I desire that my children dwell among the stars and inhabit unnumberable worlds, that they outnumber the grains of sand upon the beaches of the world. This is the promise I have given them, and the promise I want fulfilled. I ask you to empower your brothers and sisters to fulfill that promise. I bestow upon them my power and my glory, and I ask you to bestow upon them yours.

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God,
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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