God's 27th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

April 18, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings My Daughter!

We have been asked why are we criticizing Pope Benedict when he is doing so much on the issue of sexual abuse in the church? Because he is doing absolutely nothing! He is meeting people, he is expressing his good wishes towards them, but he will not take any real action to resolve the longstanding problem that the church has that is causing this sexual abuse, that thousands of men because of the church's false teaching of celibacy, are denying my sacred law, rejecting my teachings, and living in an unnatural and unholy state. I gave a direct command to all my male children to go forth and be fruitful and to populate the Earth with my followers. These men are directly disobeying my commandments! They are saying that my teachings are unacceptable, that sexual intercourse is evil, and they should be separate from it to be purer to save the church, a false teaching that is in direct conflict with the commandment that I gave all men! A man that cannot win a wife and lead a family is not fit to lead a church! A man who is afraid of normal sexual behavior is not fit to lead a church. I have declared that intimacy is acceptable between a married man and woman, that it is not only acceptable, that it is desirable. Nowhere do I teach in my Writings that men should be separate from women.

John The Baptist's father was a priest. He had a wife. That wife gave birth to a Prophet. By denying my teachings these evil men that are leading this church are failing to produce prophets, failing to produce teachers, failing to carry on my glory. They do not pass the power that I am giving them on to future generations and because of that with each passing generation the church becomes weaker and weaker, it has less and less power. As long as this evil teaching continues, as long as this priesthood in their basic doctrine denies my divinity and puts their own traditions before me, they are not right with me, and their leaders are not right with me. As long as The Pope supports celibacy he directly denies me, he directly forbids his people to follow me. Until he hears my council and ends this evil he is not right with me, and any who follow him will not be right with me, no matter how much they falsely proclaim their belief, no matter how much they say they follow me, they directly defy me, they directly deny me. They say they will not have me and will follow their own way. They are not my priests, they are the priests of Baal, the priests of evil who are following their own sexual desires rather than the perfection that I have created for them.

Any that deny the perfection of my creation do not serve me. And any man that says that intimacy is unacceptable, that the joy I have created between male and female to make them one and produce my generations is evil, they defy me. It is that simple! As long as Benedict defies me, says I do not exist and will not hear my council, and continues in a celibate life (Removed by order of the federal government.) It is that simple! Those who reject me do not have my Kingdom! And those who engage in celibacy reject me. They reject my perfection. They reject my glory, they reject my truth. Any that say they serve me and condemn the male and female relationship do not serve me.

Only when this evil is ended will Catholicism begin its long struggle back to unity with me. When they again accept my perfection and joyously join, one with the other, and perpetuate my glory, then we will be one again, but not until!

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God,
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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