God's 28th And Last Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

April 19, 2,008

Most Sad Greetings!

I must tell you that I was devastated when the secret service agent came to visit Demetrius in North Dakota and told him that if I spoke to any more of my children and told them what would befall them in The Afterlife after they left their mortal existence Demetrius would be imprisoned, that The United States government would not tolerate me threatening people, saying I would kill them! I have never in my age long existence threatened anyone! I have warned my children what would happen if they continued to engage in sin, but I have never threatened anyone. The government of The United States Of America has told The Lord Of Hosts that He cannot counsel His children, that He cannot speak to His children as individuals and try to guide them back to The Light and save them from the wages of sin. I'm sure you know what this means. I'm sure you have read The Scriptures and you fully and completely know what this means for the people of The United States. I do not have to say it. The teachings in The Scriptures on this matter are absolutely certain. What happens to those who forbid me to speak, forbid my servants to speak is clearly acknowledged.

I am withdrawing to The Holiest Of All. I will no longer speak through Demetrius unless some news agency requests an interview. I will no longer try to converse with you. But I want you to fully and completely understand that nothing I ever said to you was a threat. I said those things as a kind and loving Father to a wayward daughter warning her of what would happen if she continued to do the things that she was doing. All that I have ever said to anyone is in the deepest love because I desire so greatly for them to fulfill their destiny and manifest my glory.

If you desire I will release you from those promises that you made to me, but you must publicly say that "I have heard that Speaker Gerald Polley is running for The Presidency and desires that I be his Vice Presidential Candidate, that God has personally asked me to take this position. I cannot, in good conscience fulfill God's wishes. I cannot follow God's purpose. I must turn aside from that that He offers me. I cannot accept this position." Only if you make such a public declaration can I release you from that that you have promised me that you would do. It is simply impossible for me to do anything else, for our relationship to end in any other way. You must clearly and publicly say that you break your bonds with me and will not serve me. There is no other way that we can end our relationship.

Demetrius will continue to speak out in generality. He will continue to speak my truths no matter how unpopular they are. He will continue to tell the world that anyone that continues to sodomize my children for any purpose will be destroyed forever. Anyone that continues the blasphemous teachings of the anti abortion people will be destroyed forever. Anyone that produces, transports, and sells illegal drugs will be destroyed forever. Any that try to legalize illegal drugs and poison my children will be destroyed forever. There are some crimes for which there are no forgiveness. Salvation is not a license to do evil. Those who accept salvation, keep my laws, not out of fear of punishment, but out of love because of the joy that they have been given, and any that continue to do evil, that continue to sin have never accepted salvation, have never accepted the Gift that My Beloved Son has given them. They are creatures of Darkness, things of evil, and my writings tell clearly what will happen to them. I will also tell those that are corrupt in The American Government, that We will do all in Our power to expose their corruption. Anything illegal We can find We will expose, anything, no matter how powerful the person, no matter how high their position, if We can find any evil We will expose it, that is Our right. And We will continue to do what is right.

I must say this about the Secret Service Agent that visited Demetrius. Neither Demetrius or I hold any ill will against him. I had Demetrius collect his vibrations and send them to me, and I found them excellent. He is merely a person following the instructions of his superiors and in this particular case We will not hold him in any way accountable for the results of those instructions. I would strongly recommend if there are any promotions available that this man be promoted. He is destined to do great things. While he was visiting Alura he sat on my Earthly Throne and absorbed some of my power. It will be interesting to see the outcome of that.

We are going through the web site and trying to remove all the comments that the government of The United States feel are threatening to individuals. I am deeply troubled that this incident came because of the message that I sent to Pope Benedict trying to get him to fulfill his destiny and have him dwell with me forever in my Kingdom. I cannot change the way I speak. I have spoken this way for untold ages. I have counseled my children in this way since the beginning of time, since they could understand what I was saying. I cannot alter the way I do things for the bureaucrats, for the ignorant, for the scribes and the pharisees. I warn my children what will be their fate if they forsake me. And I consider that my divine right, and I consider it the divine right of my servants.

This is my last letter to you. If you desire I will speak to you personally on any matter. But I will not make any more public pleas to you that you take the power I offer and fulfill your destiny. I wept for hours and then Demetrius came to me and said "I know a way to make you feel better!" He took me to the fighting in Texas. The demons there were boasting that they had defeated Us, that they had made it so I cannot speak. Demetrius did not have to tell me what he had in mind. I went into them with a fury and after several hours of giving them considerable misery I felt quite a bit better. And I think the creatures of Darkness understand that We are very far from beaten.

I will say one more time, I wish you all good things. I wish that you would fulfill your destiny, join Demetrius, and break the creatures of Darkness' power in the material world and save your brothers and sisters. You would be one of my greatest. You would be one of my most incredible children. You would rock the world. With Demetrius you would bring down empires and free multitudes! You would make a world worthy of my children. But those who live in lust and greed hold you back, keep you from what you can be and my sorrow in that is beyond description. The die is cast. Many have chosen their fate. I would snatch them from that fate if I could, but I have been forbidden by those in power to speak to them, to tell them what will become of them if they continue on the way that they are going. Those that control The United States say that doing this is threatening them. The illusion of free speech in The United States is such a farse, it is such a sad, sad farse!

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Blessed Son
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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