God's 30th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush


Below is a letter that God had us send to the Rev. John Hagee of San Antonio. He asks us to share it with the rest of the people of Texas so that they would know that He is calling the good reverend and offering him His power and glory.

Speaker Gerald Polley

An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Rev. John Hagee, San Antonio, Texas

May 24, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To One Of My Most Beloved Servants!

First of all, let me say I do not see where you should have to apologize for what you said about the Catholic church, as all you said was basically true. Considering the actions I have recently taken against them because of the way they treated my servant Demetrius when he contacted them and told them that I have asked him to run for the Presidency, their evil is unquestioned! Their leader is a kind and gentle man but he cannot take concrete actions to fix the things that are wrong with his priesthood and make them right with me. So all that you have said of them is true, and you should not be rebuked for it.

As you can surely tell, there is very little chance of Senator McCain winning The Presidency. He is too patronizing, he is too afraid of offending, he is too afraid of speaking the truth. He is a good man, but the public has misgivings with him, very much on the wrong circumstances for very bad reasons, and it will turn many against him and he will not be able to win the election. That is why I have asked my dear friend Demetrius, (Speaker Gerald Polley) and my most faithful servant to run for The Presidency, and why I have asked First Lady Laura Bush to be his running mate. She is currently the greatest bearer of my power on Earth, and I have appointed her the leader of Christianity in The United States under Demetrius' guidance. For I have made him the steward of Christianity upon Earth. I wish you to go to his web site. There are many letters there that I have written to The First Lady asking her to join Demetrius and fight for me to save my children.

Some in Washington became so frightened that I am contacting people and warning them of their fate if they do not do what is right and save my children, that they sent a secret service agent to Demetrius and forbid him to let me contact any more national leaders through him. They said if I wrote to one more leader of any country an told him of his fate if he did not do my will, they would put Demetrius in prison! In other words they have forbidden me to save my children, to speak plainly to my children and warn them what will become of them if they do not follow the path of truth.

I am writing to you now to ask your assistance. Demetrius and The First Lady will need supporters in every state. I am asking you, personally, as The Lord Of Heaven, as The Commander Of The Hosts Of Heaven, to be their representative in Texas, to organize their campaign there, and give them all the support you can. I wish you to contact The First Lady and offer your services, and to beg of her to join our cause, and to assure her that if she will you will stand with her.

Many who serve you in The Afterlife are terrified that I am writing you because of what happened to The Catholics and The Mormons. Therefore, I am not making this a command. I am asking you as one of my servants, to do my will to assist my other servants. But I am not insisting that you do so. I am giving you your free will to say "No, I would prefer not to." And I will hold nothing against you or, your congregation if you do. I wish to lift the fear of those that follow you, but I also want you to know how much I desire that you serve me in this matter.

There is an important effort that I am now engaged in. On May 30th I wish to use Demetrius' material form to lead my people in an anti gay march through the streets of San Francisco. I wish to personally take my power into San Francisco and to challenge the creatures of Darkness there and drive them out, to empower the decent people of that city to fight against the horror that is destroying their children, that is sodomizing the world. I ask you as one of my beloved servants, to reach the people of California and ask them to organize this demonstration, and I ask you to rally your people in Texas and in any other state that you can reach, and ask them to join the people of California in this great march, in this great demonstration. Here is a link to the letter I sent to The First Lady asking her to take part. I ask you to spread this letter unto the entire nation and ask the entire nation to rally to me. For this effort I bestow on you special power, special glory and special strength that you might raise the people against this evil. I make you a disciple of my beloved Demetrius, if you wish it, and I give him the authority to bestow on you my power and my glory. I would like to have my beloved Alura, Demetrius' wife, do this for you in your own temple as soon as possible, because We need every source of power We can get in this great battle.


The Kingdom Of God has never been more powerful than It is at this moment! Even when my beloved Son walked through Israel and preached His Kingdom We did not have the power that We possess now. But We cannot use that power because those who follow Us have been so corrupted that they will not accept it, that they turn it away because they do not want to be embarrassed and have people say "Oh, they're religious fanatics! They won't let two men have their rights and get married! They're evil! God would permit it! I don't want to have anything to do with freaks like them that think God is so cruel." Those who do evil twist my love, they believe I would let my sons destroy themselves to be worshipped. You must make them understand that this is a lie! I will not destroy my children! I will tell them "No! Nay! Never! This is forbidden! Two men or two women must never touch each other intimately. It destroys their souls and the souls of everyone around them and I will not permit my children to commit suicide!" I need you. I need every one of my true servants. Though you will not want to hear some of the truths that Demetrius has to tell you, you must understand that he is the truth, and he speaks for me, and you must set aside those things that are false and join him in leading the people in righteousness. And you know if you do you will be glorified for all time, as those who set aside their false beliefs and followed my blessed Son. I offer you that glory! I offer you that honor! I offer to make you one of my greatest children and I pray that you will accept that offer.

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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