God's 34th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

May 30, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To My Most Powerful Servant On Earth!

I must apologize for my bitterness and anger. But with the setbacks that We are suffering lately, that We thought We were making some progress on, my rage against the ignorance of man grows daily, and it is very hard for me to not simply say "Abandon them! Let Us perish. Let all end. Battling this ignorance is not worth it!"

Now this so called vicar of The Church Of Rome has declared that any woman that is ordained will be instantly excommunicated from the Church because he feels so superior, because of that thing that dangles between his legs which he will not even use the way I instructed him to use it, he forbids my daughters to serve! Because he surrounds himself with men that hate my daughters because they cannot have the affection from men that my daughters receive, and do all in their power to persecute my daughters, he will not recognize their equality. I have given you instructions as to what you are to do with those that forbid you to take the place that I desire you to take. Now I give you special instructions concerning this Pope and all who follow him in this evil. When it is his hour, when he stands at The Gates Of Heaven and asks for entry you are to block his way and say "No! Nay! Never! This man, because of his arrogance, because of his feelings of superiority, has denied God's daughters, has destroyed God's power, has doomed God's children. God has instructed me to personally banish him from His Kingdom, and that I shall do! For this is the power and the authority that God has given me, a woman, to banish this foul creature forever because he persecuted my sisters and called them inferior and made them slaves! As he would not repent this evil, by God's authority he is put out!"

This is what I instruct you to do with each of these foul creatures, not just this Pope, but all the cardinals, all the bishops, and all the priests that back him in this evil. This is the power and authority that I give you and unless this man repents, unless this man lifts this decree and allows my daughters to enter the priesthood of his church and to serve me as I wish them to serve me, then there will be no place for any of them in my Kingdom forever! And any that follow him, any that insist that no woman may be ordained, each is to be listed, their name is to be struck from The Book Of Life, and when they come to The Gates Of Heaven you are to personally cast them out. For I order that one of my daughters do this. I will give power and authority to one of those that they feel is so inferior, to cast them out forever! This will be the greatest punishment against them because of their arrogance and their selfishness and their greed for power, and their twisting of my truth. They allow their priests to sodomize children, to enter into boys, to do all manner of foulness and they call them holy, yet they will not sanctify my daughters who are superior in all ways to this foulness!

If I could I would have you my daughter, select a hundred women of good character and personally ordain them as priests, and have them take over all positions of authority in the American Catholic Church. I would have you put out every one of these foul men that shame me, that shame my gender by thinking themselves so superior, by thinking themselves so dominant. These are not men, they are less than animals! For even most animals treat their mates, their companions, with dignity! Where these foul things have no dignity at all, but are lost in their inflated egos.

I swear by my creation that I will bring this atrocity down, that I will make an end to this foulness. That some day men will ask each other "Have you ever heard of The Catholic Church? I understand it used to be pretty powerful." And they will be answered, "No! Must've been something that existed a long time ago. I've never heard anything of it!" I swear by all my creation, by all that I am that unless these foul men repent, unless they accept the equality of my daughters, that day will come. I will wipe them from history! I will destroy all memory of them and no one will ever know what a Pope was.

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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