God's 36th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

June 3, 2,008

Congratulations To My Most Powerful Agent On Earth!

Though We have had a few setbacks We are still holding Our own against the creatures of Darkness, and there is still a high probability that We will defeat the great harlot in the primaries, and Obama will be the Democratic candidate. So, though I am very bitterly disappointed because of some things that have happened, I am pleased in other ways. And fortunately I have Our beloved Demetrius to be a rock of courage for me to cling to when my despair overwhelms me! I wish to speak to you on a few matters today of importance.

First of all, some feel that those in Texas that have acted against the Mormon community there, failed. Please convey my deepest regards to them that they in no way, failed! They did most excellently! Though they went a little overboard, they have forced The Mormons to modify their behavior and to control some of their leaders that were completely out of control. And they have shown how my Agents can strike a blow against the wicked when the need be. They have far from failed! My message was sent loud and strong, and I praise their efforts. Now, if they could just send a few dozen such messages to The Catholic Church, I would be even more appreciative. But surely The Mormons understand I am far from done with them.

On another matter, Demetrius and Alura had a great anniversary yesterday, but Demetrius forgot to take his medication in all the excitement with everything that was going on, and his blood sugar in the evening was 245! We desperately need someone to watch over him, to help them around the house, and make sure that Demetrius takes his medication and does other necessary things. There's just too much for them to keep track of!

I have instructed Alura to keep the original illustrations for "The Fighting President" especially for you and your family, and the rough drafts for your staff. These are sure to be prize collectors' items in the future, and I feel they should go to you. I would have you go through the book and lay claim to the one you want, and have your husband do also, so they can be set aside with some appropriate comments, and at a future date be presented when Demetrius has an opportunity to visit The White House.

Yesterday we tried to record the song "Monica", which was written when this whole nightmare began, when my blessed Son was betrayed and We lost a million of Our precious lights. Unfortunately Alura could not play the music the way I sing it, but this morning I recorded the demo without back up music, and if possible this is what I would like you to do with it. I would like you to get a musical group to put the music behind it, my favorite group is Cleto And The Cletones on "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" If you could get them I would really enjoy it, but if not, if you could get some other group to back it, I would appreciate it. Then I wish you to sell the song, whatever way it is done now, and use the proceeds to give $200 gas certificates to senior citizens who are retired and travel around the country in RVs as a good deed to go with our Presidential campaign. We would not be able to administrate this program ourselves, so I was wondering if your lovely daughter would be interested in heading this project, and be responsible for distributing the coupons in your name as part of our presidential campaign of doing good deeds. If you could put this together I would highly appreciate it. If your daughter is not interested in such a thing perhaps you could find someone else of good character to volunteer. But my main desire is that all proceeds from this song go to the senior citizens, to help them pay for their gasoline. I think it a most worthy project! And perhaps we can find some other things to sell to raise money, also. As I have said, I do not want our campaign just to spend funds for advertising. I want every advertising effort to also be a good deed that will help the people, to show what Demetrius and you will be doing in your administration, not just talking about problems, but finding ways to help. If you could get some other entertainers to donate some songs to sell for this project, We would be also grateful. We would love to have Michael Jackson do "Stand Up!" one of our campaign songs. We would also like Toby Keith to do "We're Just Truckin'!" There are so many possibilities! Here's the link to the "Monica" demo.


I am someone who always pays my debts, keeps my promises. If you can get ahold of Monica and tell her if she's looking for work Demetrius is going to need an executive secretary if he becomes President. The job is hers if she wants it. All she has to do is call. If she's interested she would be welcome. And she would not have to worry in The Oval Office. Demetrius is a gentlemen of the old school.

In conclusion, I have been asked if I would send my good wishes to Ted Kennedy. I regret that I cannot. There is too much bitterness between us because of the lies he told during the Monica incident, he was responsible in part, for the destruction of a million of my precious ones, and I cannot reconcile that. If he was to change his ways, start speaking out and admitting the wrongs that were done in the name of his precious party, then perhaps our differences could be reconciled, but not until. As long as he continues to defend Bill Clinton and say that he did nothing wrong, I cannot abide him. It is that simple! There is no place for him in my Kingdom! As I say, I wish very much that he would reconcile his differences with me and leave this world a man of honor that I could welcome. But there is little chance that he will. He will go to the grave defending his evil, and he will be turned away at The Gates Of Heaven. It is a sad truth, but a truth, nonetheless! His reward was his political power. He had that on Earth.

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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