God's 45th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

June 12, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To My Most Glorious Daughter!

Sometimes being God I come into the most perplexing situations! I was preparing a letter to the parents of Taylor Paschal-Placker and Skyla Whitaker of Weleetka, Oklahoma, assuring them that the murderers of their daughters were already eternally dead, that their fate was absolutely assured, no matter how many times they went to confession, no matter how many times they were given absolution, no man could forgive them for what they have done. And when they leave their mortal existence they will be destroyed, forever. There is no question, there is no doubt, and all involved with them. Any that know of what they have done are also doomed, that I am giving you special charge to monitor The Book Of Life and deal with these individuals when they leave the material world, to see personally that they are destroyed utterly and completely. I instruct you to do this as my most powerful agent on Earth.

However, a small problem has arisen. These two precious ones are truly my daughters, and know how much it grieves me to lose any of my children to eternal death, and they do not want to be the cause of this. so they have come to me asking for pardon of these individuals, asking that they be granted mercy, that they be given forgiveness. As much as I desire not to, as much as I would simply prefer to send these individuals to the fate that they deserve, without the slightest pity or compassion, I must honor the desires of those who have made the request for compassion. So I must give the individuals that have committed this crime an opportunity for eternal life, and any involved with them.

So this is what I have agreed to. If all individuals involved in this matter come forward immediately and give full and complete confession, and do no other wrongs of a major nature for the rest of their lives I will grant them the mercy that these two dear children have requested for them. I will give them seven days from the next sabbath after this message is sent to come forward and make total and complete confession, not only of this atrocity, but of any other evil that they have been involved in. This includes the individuals that actually murdered these children, and any that have knowledge of this act, whatsoever. If they will come forward I will grant them eternal life, but if they do not the sentence of eternal death stands, and will be eternal. This is the only hope I will offer. If they give full and complete public confession and ask for mercy, I will agree to it. But if they continue to hide their sin, if they continue to do their evil, I will not grant them salvation. There is no other alternative. They cannot give any information secretly, they cannot in any way hide their involvement. they must make full and complete public confession. That is the only opportunity they have. If they give me that I will grant them what these dear children ask for. But without that I will leave them to the fate that they deserve. And I will leave it to you as the protector of my children on Earth at this time, to see to it that they receive the fate they deserve. This is your duty and your responsibility.

I will have my servants send a copy of this letter to the media in Oklahoma asking them to make the public aware that I am issuing this decree. And if my conditions are met I will grant mercy on behalf of those that have asked for it. But I will grant no mercy and hear no plea from those responsible for this hainous act. I will let the entire world know that those who harm my children will be punished, and that punishment will be eternal!

I still request of you that you take the position that you have been sent into the world to take, and help Us stand against those that are causing such atrocities because they are allowing their children to fulfill every desire that comes into their minds, and ignoring the consequences to others. That in their uncontrolled love for their children, that in the shame that they are doing, they are trying to make these things legal so other people will not consider them shameful for letting their children do these things. These people must be stopped! An end must be put to their insanity. People cannot teach other people to kill for pleasure, to destroy to gratify their need for power. This must be stopped! What my servants predicted in Iraq is coming true. The people there are destroying their own, because they are realizing how evil they have become and that they must be stopped. How many times will they have to be proven true before people will understand they know what they are talking about? I ask again, become Demetrius' vice presidential candidate. Save my children! Do what you promised me you would do!

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God,
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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