God's 52nd Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

June 24, 2,008

Greetings To My Glorious But Hesitant Daughter!

The controversy over Obama's symbol has raised the question as to what you and Demetrius should have for a symbol on your podiums. I was pondering this when God The Mother said "I want to choose this! I already know what I want!" And I asked her what it was. She said "In a circle I want eight portraits; George Washington and his wife, Abraham and Mary Lincoln, Theodore and Eleanor Roosevelt and John and Jackie Kennedy. Around them in Latin I want the words 'We stand as one.' And in the background behind Our candidates when they are speaking, I want red white and blue stripes. In the red stripes I want the slogan "We stand as one!" in the blue stripes I want the portraits of the presidents and below them in the white stripes I want the portraits of their wives. I want this for very important reasons, that this campaign is to establish the equaity of women, and, to make the world understand that men do nothing alone, but only with the support of the women that stand with them, and, that the presidents of every era, including The Democrats, stand with Us because We are fighting for the very existence of Our children and the doctrines of The Democrats will destroy them. So Those who have gone before have deserted them." I see nothing wrong with God The Mother's proposal, so I give it to you to impliment. When you and Demetrius start speaking, when you start touring this is what I want on your vehicles. There was some discussion of using religious symbols, but We decided against this. Though I desire that neither of you hide the fact that you are religious, and, sincere believers, I do not believe that religious symbols are appropriate. But I believe this symbol for Our campaign would be quite appropriate.

Here is the link to the letter that We sent to Bob Barr. I would like you to review it and consider if there is anything that We have missed. And I would appreciate very much if you would contact him yourself and state that you would welcome an alliance.


I am curious as to who else you think We should contact, who else has causes that you think We should be working on, trying to draw into Our circle. These are important matters, and your advice on them is needed, as Demetrius cannot think of everything himself, nor, even Us! We find very helpful suggestions coming from most unlikely sources and every one is appreciated.

We do not understand why it is so difficult for Us to get in contact with womens' groups. Some are saying that it is because We do not support lesbianism and many women feel that being able to choose the sexual partners they want is part of their feminine rights. We cannot believe that this is so. We believe that the failure of womens' groups to respond is because they do not think that We are serious, that We are merely crackpots fooling around and cannot accomplish anything. Your joining Us would dispell these beliefs, would give us the legitimacy that We need to pull these people into Our efforts. You agreed to come into the world and end the male domination, to bring your sisters back to equality. You are very much needed for that task. All The Daughters Of Heaven are behind you, all of those that were persecuted because of the false teaching that the male gender is dominant are crying to you to break down the walls, to free them from their prisons, not just in The United States, but around the world. They must know that the end is in sight, that the long ages of persecution are coming to an end, and that their equality will finally come into being fully and, completely. Neither gender will be superior, both will be equal, and the world will be more glorified than it has ever been before because the false teachings of the creatures of Darkness will be swept away That is your purpose, that is your glory, that is what you were chosen to do. Demetrius cannot do it alone. He must have those women that were sent into the world to win this battle. He has never been afraid of a strong woman. That is one of the things that makes a lot of men irritable with him, because he never tries to take anything by force but desires that all that come to him come to him of their own free will. And some men think he is weak because of this. Unfortunately, there always has to be fools that think their own weaknesses are strengths and look down upon someone who is stronger than them.

I ask you to show to the world that women prefer men such as Demetrius, and the cowardly bullying men that think they are so superior in the end will end up with nothing! I ask you to call out the women that are looking for true men, that aren't afraid of them, that relish their strength and admire their courage. I ask you to find the women that are seeking these men, and I ask you to find the men they are seeking, my true sons, my true warriors, my true heroes.

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And Forever

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