God's 53rd Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

June 25, 2,008

Profound Greetings To My Most Glorious Daughter!

I must say I am deeply disturbed by an incident that occured yesterday. Demetrius found an article on CNN attacking the Rev. James Dobson because he was speaking out on Obama's distortion of Scripture and denial of Scripture. Demetrius tried to post some defense of Scripture in the comments on the article, very unoffensive comments. They were rejected, while the hateful comments of the anti religious people continued. Only weak defenses of the good reverend were allowed. CNN's attacks on religious teachers, and the comments they allow on their articles by individuals calling religious teachers lunatics and freaks because they believe in me and my teachings are very disturbing, and I think unjust, and, unfair! I wish you to send a message to the executives of CNN and make it quite clear to them that should Demetrius and you win the election no representative of CNN would be allowed at The White House because of their prejudicial attacks on the clergy. Some people might think this unjust but I do not. I will not tolerate those who attack my servants unjustly. If a person does not believe, that is their right, but they do not call my servants lunatics and freaks because they stand for what is right and will not support their lust and greed. These things will be noted, and they will be remembered, and those that will not let my servants speak while they let others speak who are teaching filth and attacking religion, will be punished. We remember Our friends and We remember Our enemies. If CNN wants to be biased and attack decent people because they believe, that will be dealt with. I do not like one sided reporting. Here is the link to the letter that Demetrius sent to Focus On The Family seeking an alliance.


As this group is infected with the anti abortion teachings that the dark creatures are using to separate Our children, and to keep them from focusing their efforts on homosexuality, I seriously doubt if there will be a response. But We must continue Our efforts. Somehow We must reach those that have been contiminated with this blasphemy and try to get them to return to my truths, make them understand how they are being used by the creatures of Darkness to divert attention from the real issues.

Some have asked that I back down from my support of a woman's right to an abortion during this campaign so We can get the support of those that oppose it. I cannot do this! I will not sacrifice some of my daughters to save others. I will defend them all. I will never support evil in any way to gain on another issue. The anti abortion people do not understand what they are doing. They ignore Scripture because this issue is so disturbing to them. This cannot be allowed! To cite just one example, they claim that life begins at conception, where I clearly teach in my Scriptures that life begins when the person takes the first breath. Adam was not alive after I made his physical form, he lay empty and lifeless. He did not begin to exist until I breathed the breath of life into him, and he began to breathe of his own accord. Then he was alive. There is no change today. Nothing has altered. My creation is constant. The fetus inside a woman's body is an empty vessel, it has no soul. It is not alive, and I will condemn no woman for aborting an empty vessel. I might be displeased sometimes with the reasons, but those things will be settled between me and the woman, no one else has say in the matters, no one else has a right to interfere. This is what I will tell the anti abortion people now, and, forever! I will not hear their blasphemy! I will not hear their denial of my Scriptures! I will not hear their rejections of my teachings! They have closed their hearts to the truth because they are fixated on this issue, and that condemns them. While putting so much emphasis on this false issue they are allowing the creatures of Darkness to destroy my Son, and destroy my Kingdom. It cannot be allowed! You know what I am speaking is the truth, you have been against the attacks on my sisters, it is time for you to stand up and defend them! I will not have my daughters tortured!

I ask you to contact Focus On The Family and, the good reverend and ask them to support Us in the more important issues; the saving of Our children from eternal death and the continuance of life on Earth. Abortion will not matter at all if there are no longer any women alive that need an abortion. It will be a moot issue.

On another matter, We find the troubles that the creatures of Darkness are causing Obama trying to show what they can do if We cooperate with them, and back off on homosexuality, ludicrous. But one thing is proving true. Obama is gaining momentum hourly. The fact that there is virtually no hope of McCain winning grows constantly. The Republican Party is making a grave mistake failing to support Us. They are destroying all hope of a Republican victory. You and Demetrius are the only chance they have. Forming a coalition and bringing in the best people to form a government that will be able to work effectively and accomplish Our goals is what will bring Us victory in the election. We must make the people understand that though you and Demetrius are religious you will serve all the people, Christian, Muslim, Buddhists, Hindus, The White House doors will be open to all who have problems, and any that are persecuted because of their religious beliefs will have supporters, not just those who follow the Christian traditions. We will never desert Israel. We will never desert Tibet. We will never desert Taiwan. No matter what the beliefs of the people in need they are my children, and a government that follows my principles will support all! We must make the nation and, the world understand this, that We are not against Islam, We are against The Fundamentalists, We are against the terrorists that have nothing to do with religion at all, other than falsely using it to kill. We must show the world what a truly great nation can do, that it can defend all of its children as long as they are not harming others, and they can defend all the innocent of the world. It is time for America to be great again.

There is only one other matter this morning that concerns me, reports of rising food costs because corn is being used to make ethanol for fuel. It is imperative that we increase production around the country, so that there are ample supplies of corn for both making fuel and, for food. It is going to take America a while to adjust to higher gas prices, which are inevitable. While this adjustment is occurring people must not go hungry.

Do not forget, regardless of anything, 7:15 pacific time Friday evening Ellen DeGenerate's name will be struck from The Book Of Life, and her relationship with me will end forever. I ask you to pray at this time and send your power to me, so that this effort will be successful. I still desire to be in Los Angeles at that time on The Jimmy Kimmel show telling the world what I am having done and why, and I still desire that you be with me to announce to the world that you are becoming Demetrius' vice presidential candidate, that you will lead my children out of the Darkness. Unfortunately We have lost contact with Jimmy's staff. If you could call him and tell him of our proposal We would appreciate it. I sincerely believe that anyone that he has schedualed for Friday would be more than glad to step aside so that you and I could be on the show. And with you to announce to the world that it is indeed The Lord Of Hosts speaking through Demetrius Our success would be assured, and my return to power guaranteed! With you and Demetrius together We will shake the world and send the creatures of Darkness running!

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God,
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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