God's 55th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

June 29, 2,008

Profound Greetings To My Most Wondrous Daughter!

I am enraged, absolutely, completely enraged! I am so angry with the people of Massachusetts because of the heartless filth that they have chosen to rule them, that I would've ripped apart half of Boston, had not Our Dear John come to me in the midst of my anger and stayed my hand. The people of Boston should be very grateful that he has chosen to fight beside my Son, and stand for me in battle! The dilemma of dealing with his transgression is still a serious matter. But on to what disturbs me.

Below is a letter I sent to this foul representative in Massachusetts. This is the kind of people that those in Massachusetts choose to lead them.


I'm Speaker Gerald Polley, a candidate for the presidency of The United States at the bequest of God The Father. We have sent the message below to Representative Fagan but we doubt if it will get through, so God has asked us to send a copy to the media in Massachusetts as well.

An Open Letter From God The Father
To State Representative James Fagan Of Massachusetts

June 28, 2,008

I cannot put greetings on this letter because it is a message of absolute contempt. I have heard your remarks on what you would do to a child that has been raped to defend her rapist if there were minimun penalties for his crime. Though the secret service has warned me that I must not do this, that they threatened to put my servant in prison if I make these comments through him, I have to speak in this manner. If you ever do such a thing to any child to protect someone that has butchered her, I will destroy your soul forever! There will be no question, there will be no doubt, I will send you to eternal death! And I will send any lawyer to eternal death who attacks a child to defend her rapist. I will tell you plainly, without question, you are filth, you are garbage, and I will destroy you forever if you commit this atrocity! There are limits! And the attacking of a child who has been molested to defend her attacker goes beyond those limits! Your soul is already dead anyway. That you even make such comments shows that it has ceased to exist long ago! But I say to hell with anyone that defends people like you, that says your actions are in any way justified. And I tell them all, clearly and distinctly, you will be destroyed forever. I will not tolerate the torture of my daughters for the filth that abuses them! Those who torture them will pay the price!

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

As you can see, I also tried to reach the media there. You can tell the secret service if they want a battle in court to find out rather or not I can express my anger, and tell a foul creature such as this that I will destroy him, I will welcome it! I will fight them! But I will not be silenced! When a foul creature of Darkness like this shows himself I will answer! I can do nothing else. When a man publicaly declares that he will torture children and maim them mentally, for life, to defend the filth that raped them, I will speak and I will tell this foul filth exactly what his fate will be! After he leaves this world he will wail, scream, and cry in utter agony, and then he will be destroyed forever. I promise this to every persecuted child, every child that was raped a second time in court by a heartless, cruel, merciless animal. Justice will be done! Those who are merciless, those who are cruel, those who have no pity will be shown none.

And I give you another special mission for your vice presidency, to get legislation passed forbidding a defense attorney in a rape case from cross examining a child under twelve who all physical evidence shows, was raped. These children need to be protected. There must be some way of keeping these foul creatures from attacking them again in court after they have been attacked elsewhere. There must be some way of legally protecting them. If there is ample physical evidence that a rape did occur, all that should be necessary is that the child point out the rapist. Nothing else is relavant. Whatever excuse a defense attorney tries to come up with is not acceptable. My daughters and sons must be protected! And this is one of your purposes in this lifetime to fix these twisted laws that punish the innocent for requesting justice. Every child that has ever been raped, and a defense attorney humiliated, trying to free his client when he knew that client was guilty, is calling out to you, is begging you for justice, begging you to defend all others that have been attacked like them. And the best way you can protect them is by becoming Demetrius' vice president and leading the battles that he wants to fight. For he will fight to protect my daughters like no one has ever fought before!

You are my power and my glory! I ask you to do my will and defend my innocents. I give you the power and the glory to do so, and I again ask you to take it.

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God,
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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