God's 56th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter To First Lady Laura Bush
From God The Father

June 30, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To My Daughter That Has The Power To Save The World!

I again am very angry. This sickness displayed in San Francisco last Sunday, the flith that was in the streets parading and saying that what they do is acceptable was completely and totally unacceptable! And that We were not there to publically oppose it is even more unacceptable. We must raise the people! It is an absolute and a positive. The homosexuals are boasting in the streets that they have won, that their foulness has been accepted as normal, and they will not be driven back into the darkness again. We must show them that my power is greater. I desire of my people to shut San Francisco down, to bankrupt it. I desire to remove all young families from it and occupy their homes with senior citizens who will do all in their power not to spend any money in San Francisco. I want to see the restaurants empty, I want to see the theaters empty. I want to see the stores deserted. I wish the people of San Francisco to give me lists of every minister that has performed a homosexual or lesbian marriage so that I may officially strike their names from The Book Of Life and destroy them forever.

On the upcoming sabbath I pesonally, will strike the name of San Francisco's mayor from The Book Of Life, and note after it 'sodomist who is destroying God's children.' I will show these foul creatures no mercy, I will show them no compassion, I will show them no pity! They are the filth of the Earth, their goal is to destroy my churches, to raise false prophets that say that their sickness is acceptable, and to drive the true believers from all political positions so that they cannot interfere with their filth. Their goal is to destroy me so they can have their lust. Any that say they are acceptable are my enemies, no matter their position, no matter how popular they are, any that betray me and publicly destroy my children by telling them to have sexual relations with one of their own gender will be destroyed forever, no matter how much good they have done otherwise. Sodomiizing my children dooms them, every last one of them, from the greatest to the smallest. Anyone that says homosexual marriage is acceptable and that I permit it will be struck from The Book Of Life. I will try to reach them, I will try to warn them, I will try to save them, but if they lead one child into sodomy, if they convince one child to defile themselves by sexual relations with a member of their own gender I will destroy them forever! They must turn from this filth! They must cast it off. Everyone that says it is acceptable is my enemy and will always be my enemy. Any that say "Just let them live their way, let them have their joy!" is doomed. And sadly some of my greatest children are doomed because they cannot let go of this evil, because they have to support this lust, this filth. Any man that comes up to another man and says "I desire you sexually," is evil beyond understanding. And the man he has insulted, that he has degraded beyond bearing has every right for justice, to have that man imprisoned for so degrading him, for so humiliating him. And any man that desires this is not homophobic, he is a normal, natural man who would not defile his body by doing filth, and is justly angry with any man that says he is a lunatic because he rejects this sickness.

Decent men must not be called homophobes because they speak against this filth. They have a right to defend their honor. The insanity in the streets must stop! I desire that there never again be any gay pride parades in The United States, that this filth not be praised. And as I have said, when you and Demetrius begin your campaign I want you to assign one person to monitor the press, and any reporter that calls you homophobic, or calls Demetrius homophobic the organization they work for will be cut off from The White House, they will be denied any access while Demetrius is president and while you are president. I will not have my servants insulted by the ignorant because they speak the truth. And I will not support those that do so. Those executives in the media that allow the homosexuals to attack the innocent will be punished. I will put their organizations out of business! This is a promise! It does not matter, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox, any news organization that calls my servants homophobic because they speak the truth about this insanity I will destroy. As The Lord Of Hosts I promise it. And you know how good my promises are.

I call to you, I call to Governor Schwarzenegger. You are my servants. You belong to me. The time has come for you to turn against evil, for you to make a stand. Truth must not be rejected. Those who reject it are doomed, and they know they are doomed. And so is every person that is tellng them to reject it. Every person that is telling one of my servants "Accept homosexual marraige! Don't attack our friends!" is doomed forever. Their souls are already destroyed. They are the walking dead. So each of my children that listens to one of these people and does not do my will is not only dooming themselves, but is dooming their loved ones as well. If you do not listen to them they have a chance of surviving. But if in your love for them you follow their wishes and defy my will, you are destroying them forever. If you do what is right there is a chance they will survive. But if you cling to their evil they are doomed. There is nothing else, there is one or the other. All who fail to come to me, all who fail to join me are destroying those they love. There is no qestion of it, there is no doubt of it. I will tell them fully and completely, if you disobey me you will watch your loved ones die forever. You will see them succumb to eternal death because they have destroyed my children by keeping you from doing that that you are supposed to do.

I cannot change the truth. I cannot fix what is fact. I ask those who will not serve me to look at their wives that tell them to disobey me, to look at their husbands, to look at their sons and their daughters and to understand my words. You are sentencing them to eternal death because you hear their evil and will not do what is right, you are destroying them forever. I cannot fix this, I cannot repair it, there is absolutely nothing I can do without you. I am a merciful God. I would much rather forgive these individuals because what they did did no real harm. But as long as you disobey me for them I cannot, and that will destroy you. All of you who reject me for your loved ones must understand what you are doing. I am not destroying them, I love them, I cherish them. I would see them exist forever. But because you chose to disobey for their sake you are destroying them. You are destroying them utterly and completely forever.

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God,
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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