God's 57th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

July 1, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To My Wondrous Daughter!

I must tell you this morning of incredible happenings, things beyond Our understanding, and nothing that has ever been seen before! But I must say, without doubt, that for three hours or more in the last few days your power was the only thing standing between success and failure. For three hours you literally kept Heaven and Earth together! By your power alone was this done! Let me explain to you what has been happening.

Sunday night the creatures of Darkness suddenly started attacking Ithaca, New York. All available Forces were quickly summoned there, and the battles were horrendous! The creatures of Darkness kept screaming for Us to accept their bargain, to back off on homosexuality and they would give Us the election. They were giving more and more demonstrations on how they could get The Democrats to destroy themselves. But with tremendous effort they were driven off. Monday evening they returned again and the fighting became so vicious that 50% of The Kingdom Of God's Forces had to be withdrawn, wounded. The Forces Of The Hindu Alliance came in to fill the gap. Even They were insufficient, and The Lord Of Morning, the Leader Of The Spiritist Republic, Demetrius' people, joined the battle. He came to you and told you too many of your people were down, you needed to withdraw to The Kingdom Of God and take charge. You and your husband objected, but finally agreed.

You had barely gotten There when the energy in The Kingdom Of God began to fade. Your arrival stabilized it. It was found that the creatures of Darkness were drawing so much life energy from China and Iran that the bond between the living and the dead there was separating. Parts of those two countries were actually beginning to die. You directed flows of energy into those areas and stabilized them. For over an hour you maintained the bond between the living and the dead!

Again the forces of Darkness withdrew. We did not believe they could possibly rally again, but Tuesday night they attacked with renewed vigor, screaming their constant demands that We leave the homosexuals alone, that we let them have their love and they would give Us what We want. Again The Lord Of Morning appeared and asked you to withdraw. Within a short time every single Leader of The Kingdom Of God was down; my blessed Son, His wife, all The Apostles, Father Abraham, Moses, even my Son's Blessed Mother, all had succumbed to Their wounds and were regenerating! Again, you and your husband were the only Leaders of The Kingdom Of God functioning, and again, the trouble appeared in China and Iran. Our power began to fade everywhere. The spiritual barriers around Los Angeles and Ellsworth, Maine fell. These areas were completely open and most of their Defenders in New York. If the creatures of Darkness had had anything in reserve they would've attacked those places, but they did not.

For two hours you held my existence together until finally the creatures of Darkness broke and withdrew, still raving that We were insane, to let their children have their love, to give them something so they could back off. My beloved Son and His Apostles are still down, regenerating from Their wounds. They may be for a couple of days. It is only because of the power of Our Allies that life still flourishes on Earth, that it has not begun to die. Moses and Abraham are back on their feet and taking care of The Kingdom Of God. Only by you and Them working together did We succeed. This is the second time that life has begun to die on Earth, that the creatures of Darkness have pushed Us that close to the edge! Only by your power did We succeed. If some were not aware that I am calling you and have been empowering you, We would've failed.

Several of Our other power sources have weakened. We are out of touch with Jimmy Kimmel and our dear friends Kevin & Bean at KROQ in Los Angeles are on vacation, well deserved! But the creatures of Darkness are taking advantage of their absences. Fortunately We have new sources that We are trying to bring more into the battle. If We had not had their power last night, We would've failed. The miracle of this age is that each time the creatures of Darkness cut Us back somewhere We have been able to open up a new flow that has kept Us just ahead of them, but We are now operating at full efficiency. The Kingdom Of God is over 100% many times. We are doing everything We can, spiritually. What We need now is to bring the battle into the material world. We need Our children to rise up and physically join Us. We desperately need them to turn against the Darkness, and say "No! No more! This has gone too far! This cannot be allowed!" We need you in the physical battle. It is obvious what the creatures of Darkness are trying to do. They are trying to break the power that is rising for The 4th Of July holiday. They are trying to drain Us dry, to break Us and defeat Us while Our power's the strongest. We cannot let them do that.

I again ask you to join Demetrius, to become his Vice Presidential Candidate. This is the time. This is when it would crush the creatures of Darkness. If you bring power into Us before The 4th Of July We can break the creatures of Darkness' stranglehold, We can make them expend their power in a useless effort to bring Us down. Demetrius has to go back to work today. We are extremely concerned, but he is desperate for funds and cannot lose any more wages.

But still We wish him to do other things. We have the window of opportunity in Guantanamo through The 4th Of July weekend. We understand the difficulty your husband is having with this Muslim from China. If you cannot get Demetrius to Guantanamo perhaps you could bring this one to him, fly him to North Dakota, allow Alura to psychically examine him, then allow him to be sent into exile somewhere. Demetrius is hesitant to have him return to China. He does not trust The Chinese, he cannot negotiate with them. But if you could arrange the guarantee of his good treatment, he would give them an opportunity to prove themselves.

I send you my congratulations on your splendid effort, on accomplishing what you have done. But I tell you again, all will be in vain unless you join Us. You have only staved off the inevitable, if you do not take up my cause, if you do not join my battle. The evil that is causing all this must be crushed, must be destroyed, and Demetrius cannot do it alone. He must have the support of my children. Without you and your husband joining him he will fail, and with what you have already done that would be a tragedy beyond measure, beyond understanding. I ask you again to serve me, to fulfill your promises to me, to bring peace between your children, and to set your daughters free, to end their persecution forever.

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God

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