God's 59th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

July 5, 2,008

My Beloved Daughter,

I must tell you how absolutely joyous I am today! Yesterday was one of the best sabbaths I have had in untold ages! And it was purely by your power and by Our Blessed John Lennon's. His interview in Canada not only won Us the battle on the 3rd, but the ultimate victory on the 4th! At two in the afternoon Demetrius received the word, in Bismarck, North Dakota, that the creatures of Darkness had sent emissaries and asked for consent to withdraw from the field unmolested. Demetrius' consent was asked for such an agreement. Demetrius granted it under the condition that the creatures of Darkness would agree to a 48 hour truce, that they would agree not to attack in any way, for that period so everybody could get back to their home ground without harrassment. The creatures of Darkness conceded with little discussion. It is obvious We hurt them far more the 3rd than they are admitting.

It is believed We broke whatever it was they intended in New York. Whatever they had in the works there, failed. Not only that, but the energy that came from Canada permeated into The Afterlife, apparently carried there by those who dwelled in the Darkness and have suffered for so long. It began to have an immediate effect there, not only on those that took part in the battle, but others that had suffered in the Darkness for hundreds of years. They began to show incredible signs of recovery! Scars and sores healed up. They became coherent, were able to clearly communicate, discuss with others what was going on. Many who it was thought would be eventually lost have recovered to the extent where they can be removed from the Darkness to hospitals in The Spiritist Republic where they can be treated and brought back to rationalness. And there is now room in these hospitals because many staying in them have suddenly recovered! Problems that it was thought would bother them for hundreds of years have disappeared. They have become fully functional. Many have requested entry into my Kingdom, and it has been graciously granted. They have willingly made the required denouncements for their particular faiths and have joined their loved ones.

I am like a child in a candy store going from sweet to sweet, absorbing their joy that they are free of their sins. I cannot tell you of my pleasure, it is indescribable. Perhaps the closest thing to it is when a father in the material world gets to hold his first born child for the first time. All of these that were lost to me, that I didn't think if they even recovered would return to my Kingdom, have come to me joyously, expressing their love for me. I have been embracing daughters and sons that I thought lost to me forever. I cannot tell you how joyous that is!

And it is only accomplishable because of you. Though it is John Lennon's power that has accomplished it, and is yet another of his miracles, if We did not have the power from you to use what We are getting from him, We would have failed. It is that simple! That is how great the need for you is, why I call constantly for you to join Us, what can be accomplished when yours and Demetrius' powers are combined, when you and your husband are working with Demetrius and Alura.

I wish I could bring you with me in your material form for an hour, and have you feel the joy that these souls feel being free of their anguish, being free of their sin, accepting their wrongs and preparing to go ahead to correct them, to finally have accepted salvation. I cannot tell you how much I praise you and, how much I love you for giving back my children! You can do so much more! You can accomplish so much glory. We can erase the lies that The Democrats have been telling. We can assure your husband of his place in history. We can defeat them forever if you will take your place.

I wish you to join the boycott of McDonald's but I will not go into that today because I do not want it to destroy the joy of this moment, the purity of this love. I want it to be undisturbed for a few hours. There is one thing I will have to mention though, the power had another effect. It destroyed one of Demetrius' bitterest enemies! He could not withstand its love, and his physical form gave out. He entered The Afterlife and was being escorted to The Gates of my Kingdom when he was told there were problems and he would have to stand in judgment. He began to cry "No! No! No!" and fled into the Darkness, where almost immediately he suffered the second death. But because of the miracle of today his energy was not lost forever. Instead of going out into the Darkness it went back into The Afterlife and into those that were recovering from their wrongs. It went to people of color exclusively, perhaps a last effort at atonement for this individual had opposed bettering the conditions of people of color and honoring them that had served me well. He had also systematically tortured women of color that needed abortions to sustain his political power. It amazes me that these creatures of Darkness can function in the material world, be so evil, be so dark yet people consider them men of honor and distinction, and speak of them with honor! But this one had no honor. He clung to power by using the most dispicible issues, and hurting the innocent. None can be sure of his last words, but some thought he was saying "They're not better than us! They're not better than us!" But it cannot be said for certain. But these cries would've not surprised many that knew this man. It is profound sadness that the very same power that heals and destroys is also the same power that utterly destroys evil. Perhaps it is something that evil should understand. Perhaps it would make them see how dispicable the things are they do.

We need to reach those that are attacking women to maintain their power, who are calling them murderers because they need a simple medical procedure that does no harm, whatsoever. Too many are using this issue to seek power, to fulfill their need to dominate women, and it must be stopped! Perhaps this power that We have gained will last long enough for Us to stop it. And I beg of you, you know the wrong of it, stop it before more of Our children end up like this one. I will not say his name, all know who he is, and I do not want Demetrius attacked for speaking the truth. I will describe what has happened to him so those that love him will know his fate and perhaps turn away from his ways. But I will not mention his name, for it is a name of infamy. See your glory! See what you can do! See what your power combined with others' has accomplished! I still wish to get to California. Demetrius still needs to get to Guantanamo. Now is the time, before this power fades, while We are still at such strength that the creatures of Darkness cannot oppose Us. Now IS the time!

You do not know how much I want to reach the people in Canada that generated this power and bring them to Our cause! Power such as this is phenomenal! It is the salvation of the world! And the people that possess it should use it wisely, should be doing my glory. Perhaps many of them are. Demetrius has written to the commentator of the show asking him to call upon the Canadian people to support John in his current dilemma. If you were to call him and reinforce that wish, ask him to support Us, it might show him that Demetrius' powers are indeed real, that he is not a charlatan trying to gain money, but a true servant of God's people, one of my greatest friends. Perhaps We could awaken these peoples' capabilities and bring that nation out of Darkness also. You are my power and my glory! You are the Light of this generation. No matter how much some around you don't want you to be, no matter how much they want you to be a good, quiet wife, and not question your husband's policies and stand by the party's candidate, you have to understand the disaster that that will bring. The time of my daughters being meek and quiet and letting the men fight has passed. They must now join the battle and be as strong as the men, or their children will perish. They must be made to understand that. We can no longer throw away half Our resources. We must use ALL Our power! Nothing can be held back!

Oh, one other thing, one effect of the power. The reporter that died, Tim Russert, suddenly asked to talk with Mary Magdalene. They conversed for over two hours. It was all recorded and broadcast, then Russert went to Saudi Arabia and spent better than three hours with Jesus' Mother, following her as she defended The Royal Family. Though it was all unofficial it was all recorded and has been made available to the public. Russert still will not denounce Catholicism but he has ceased trying to reach those in the material world who are trying to defend it. This power has very strange effects! We want more of it!

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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