God's 65th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

July 12, 2,008

Profound Greetings To My Most Wondrous Daughter!

Again I must report that there has been no activity again last night. The creatures of Darkness have made no attempts to assault Us at any of Our strongpoints. There have been some small local skirmishes but nothing of any unusual circumstance. Below is an article Demetrius has written for the next issue of his magazine, which I find of considerable interest! I believe he might be having quite a profound thought here.

By; Gerald A. Polley

For quite a while we've been beginning our magazine with life stories from my youth. But we're running out! Not because I don't have more of them, but because even if I use different names the people in them would still be too recognizable, and I don't want to embarrass old friends by revealing private information. It's just not our way. But something came to my mind after rejecting one story that can be spoken of in general because it happened with many individuals.
Many times I would've liked to have avoided a confrontation. I really didn't want to upset the family of the individual that was causing the problem, but sometimes even though that individual knew he was completely outclassed he would still push the confrontation. It was extremely difficult for a young man of eighteen or almost twenty to back down to a fifteen year old, even though that fifteen year old was six feet tall, weighed 240 pounds, was as mean as hell, and had a reputation of nearly ripping peoples' heads off if he was irritated!
The older boys simply could not admit they were wrong and walk away, even when they knew they were. It was simply impossible for them. They had to fight. Oftentimes afterwards they would even apologize to me and admit that I was right, but never in front of others. I found this very perplexing in my youth and find it just as perplexing now, and I wonder if it might be part of the problem with the creatures of Darkness, that they know full well that they are completely outclassed, yet thet there is virtually no hope of them succeeding, that sooner or later The Kingdom Of God would turn the tide and their movement would be crushed. But they are the older boys confronted by a stronger, more aggressive younger boy and they cannot back down. This may be an age old problem, that if we are not careful may destroy the world.
But I will admit to this day, it is something about the human nature that I will never understand. Sometimes when you are outclassed there are situations worth fighting for, worth dying for. But trivial things are no reason to get hurt over, no reason at all, and you wonder why people are so stubborn that they must hurt themselves and have others be hurt to sustain their ego. It is something I will never understand though some very wise people tried to make me understand it. No one has ever been able to succeed. There are some things about human beings that I will never understand, no matter how long I live among them. And this is one of them. Why some will fight so tenaciously, do horrendous harm when they know full well they are absolutely wrong, that they shouldn't be supporting what they are supporting and should be doing what is right.
A great example of this was The Confederates in The American Civil War. The greater majority of them knew that slavery was totally and completely wrong, that they should not suceed from The Union, but insatiable pride and the desire to have their way destroyed their country and caused the suffering of thousands. When a cause is just it is worth fighting for, but an unjust cause is never worth being hurt for, or, hurting others, yet humans seem to relish these causes, and I will never understand.


But there has been, however, one negative incident that has disturbed me. KABC TV in Los Angeles has requested not to receive any more of our emails. Apparently Spiritist principles offend them, as this was the email that caused their objections. I would appreciate it very much if you foward Our messages to them with personal comments asking them to at least consider the material because though I will take no action against them, when many of the staff of this station find out that they have rejected me and endangered my cause, it may cause their destruction. And I would prefer this not happen. The Scriptures clearly tell what happens to those who reject my messengers, and these emails are just the same as one of my prophets coming to these persons personally, and speaking to them. Rejecting them has the same effect as publicaly denying my teachings. So if you could get these people to at least accept the emails and consider them, and not refuse my messages, I would appreciate it. Every soul that is lost to Us increases the danger. We must save as many as possible. I sincerely ask you to help in this effort.

I am extremely pleased that The Anglican Church Of England has recognized female bishops, and is planning to ordain some. The only fault I have with this is this church should declare without question, that none of these female bishops may be lesbians. That any female priest they have should be rejected from the church if they practice or promote lesbianistic activity. My churches must be cleansed. Though one of Our major campaigns is to establish the equality of women in all my churches, that equality does not include promoting insanity. A homicidal minister would not be allowed, an openly racist minister would not be allowed. Homosexual and lesbian ministers should not be allowed. Despite the creatures of Darkness' best efforts We are making headway each day. The creatures of Darkness are faltering, they are struggling desperately.

Again they have embarrassed the Obama campaign by having this comedian make sexist remarks against women at an Obama function. They are showing the general Democratic attitude towards women. We have told them that this will not accomplish any purpose. We will not accept their proposal. We will not back off from Our efforts against the homosexual movement for a Republican victory. But they continue to show what they can do and call Our attention to it. They also claim that the trouble occuring with the King family is part of their efforts against the Democrats because the African American community supports the Democrats. But no matter how much We want a Republican victory We will not submit to the creatures of Darkness' wishes to get it!

The demons are also claiming that they are responsible for the troubles that Warren Jeffs is having to support Our efforts against the Mormons. We have no idea how they feel this is helping Us.

One final thing. We are still deeply troubled by Our inability to reach Our children. We still do not understand how the creatures of Darkness are blocking Us, why it is so difficult to do things that We have been able to do for ages. This is why it is so important to psychically examine the prisoners at Guantanamo, but We would need some other readings as well, for comparison. I was wondering if you would volunteer to let Demetrius examine you, and if you could get female members of your staff to let him examine them. And if Alura might examine your husband. We desperately need to find a way of breaking through this resistance that the creatures of Darkness have managed to place in Our childrens' minds. Though many feel Our power and know Our presence, they still will not turn from evil and join Us. Alura, especially could use the practice before taking on the Guantanamo mission which will be of benefit not only to The United States, but all The Islamic world. If you could consider the possibility of my servants spending a few days in Washington, and allowing them to examine some of those in The White House, it would be deeply appreciated! Having some willing subjects to practice on before having to confront hostile ones would be very helpful.

Again I tell you how important it is for you to join Us, how much Demetrius and Alura need your power to back theirs. And if We could combine your strength with the strength of The Islamic People We would deliver such a crushing blow to the creatures of Darkness that there would be no doubt that eventually victory would be Ours, though it would be a struggle. Remember, Demetrius is holding a special offer for the people of The United States as the leaders of the Christian community. That is in conjunction with the offer that he is making to Saudi Arabia. Again I must tell you how beneficial these offers would be to both nations, and, to the world. They will solve grave problems that both nations have, and both I and Muhammed desire them. If you were to invite Demetrius and Alura to Washington, and render Us assistance, Demetrius could bring these proposals and present them directly to your husband and the Saudi Arabian Ambassador could come to The White House and receive his proposal. This is the time to act! We have the creatures of Darkness on the run. To hesitate, to delay would be great folly. Now is the time to throw everything We have at them, to recognize all my children's abilities, to recognize all my friends' abilities and, to use them! We can restore the glory of this world, We can bring it back out of the Darkness if you will use the power that you possess.

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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