God's 66th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

Below is God's latest letter to The First Lady. Though it is actually written by someone else God considers the words His own, for He has empowered this woman to empty her soul to The First Lady, to make her understand how desperate the need for her is, and how much all in The Kingdom Of God beg her to serve.

An Open Letter From Mary Kemp, A Resident Of The Kingdom Of God
To First Lady Laura Bush

July 16, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To A Blessed Servant Of God And A Fellow Mother!

I was a former resident of Massachusetts. The pride I held in my state was beyond measure. The trust I had in its leadership was unquestioned. But now I have no trust in any person that lives in that state, whatsoever! The governor and the legislature has gone completely mad. In their filthy lust they are destroying our children. The men crave young boys and the women crave young women, and they are determined to make their craving legal throughout the country, and, the world. The residents of the state that I love so much have gone completely insane in their lust for perversion. My descendants, the children I love, are being destroyed forever. They are being led into sin that will destroy their immortal souls. As a mother I petitioned God The Father to damn every single one of these sick and derranged individuals that scream to the world that it's perfectly acceptable for a man to be wed to a man, and a woman to be wed to a woman. I beg of God that their damnation be assured, that they never be granted salvation, that they be destroyed utterly, and completely forever so that the filth that they teach will not destroy Our children.

I cannot understand what has happened to my people. I cannot understand why there are so few in my state that are crying out against this obscenity, against this madness, against this insanity, why so many are simply sitting back saying "Who cares?" and letting their children be destroyed while they drink their alcohol and watch their basketball games. Our society is crumbling. Our faith is being destroyed. Our churches are filled with obscenity and the few who cry out with the truth are ignored and called insane, bigots, because they accept the truth of God and tell the people that what the deranged are doing is wrong.

I come to you this day as the head of a committee, as the representative of every mother that bore a child in Massachusetts, as a representative of every woman that prayed that their children would have a blessed and decent life, and fulfill the glory of God. Now many of those mothers are praying that their children be destroyed forever before they destroy all the world. As one of those mothers I beg of you, in the name of God, in the name of all that is decent, rally the people of Massachusetts, rally the mothers that care, that are against their lazy husbands who only want to drink their beer and be left alone. Rally those mothers and make those husbands take action. I beg of you, in the name of decency, do not sit and do nothing to please those around you that share this insanity! You are Our power and Our glory! You are a mother! Do you want one of your daughters fondling young girls? Do you want her partaking in this filth? Do you want her destroying her soul? Do you want one of your children drawn to this insanity? God is calling you! God is telling you what to do! I beg of you, open your soul and hear Him!

Every mother has a champion in this country. Every woman that prays that her child is kept from sodomy, is kept from drugs, is kept from becoming an instrument of hate has a champion, a servant of God who is not even a worshiper of God, who risks all to save God's Children. God's people should stand with him, should stand with the one that is called in Heaven Demetrius, The Beloved, and among mankind, Speaker Gerald Polley. Every mother that has ever lived in Massachusetts and dwells in The Kingdom Of God stands behind him with every bit of power that they possess! They give him all their hopes and dreams. For he is their hopes and dreams. He should be The President Of The United States because he will fight this insanity, no matter how popular it is. He will save Our children! He will destroy these creatures of evil, break their power, and have them end their lives in misery and despair. God has ordained that he will do this. God has promised every mother of Massachusetts who weeps for their children because they have been lost forever because these foul creatures have convinced them to destroy their souls. God has promised them that they will be avenged, that those who destroyed their children will be destroyed forever. He has empowered this one to do it. He has given him all of His authority, all of His glory, all of His might, and he should not stand alone. Those who are of God should stand with him. And you are God's greatest on Earth. At this time you are God's most powerful. The creatures of Darkness should tremble at your coming, should scream in agony in your presence and cry "Servant of God, leave us alone! Let us have our passion, let us have our joy! Live your way and let us live ours! Take the power of God away, because we do not want it. We want the lust that satisfies us! You have no right to tell us that we can't have it!" This is what the creatures of Darkness should be screaming as you drive them from power.

On behalf of every woman of Massachusetts I cry to you, I fall down on my knees before you and I cling to your skirt, and as my tears flow down my cheeks I beg of you, do God's will! Do not abandon us. Do not leave our children to damnation. Become Demetrius' vice presidential candidate. Take the place that God asks you to take. Join The Kingdom Of God's power with the power of The Children Of The Lords. Crush the creatures of Darkness! Break them, rip them apart and send them to eternal death! I beg of you, our precious light, the glory of Our God, the fulfillment of Our dreams, on bended knee clinging to your skirt I beg of you, as my tears fall upon your feet, save Our children! Do not let the Earth that is Our mother die. And I do not beg alone. Every other mother that dwells in The Kingdom Of God is on her knees praying to God that you do His will, take His power and glory, and defeat His enemies. And each has sworn that if you do not they will stand at The Gates Of Heaven and as you come There ask you "Why did you destroy Our children? Why did you say nothing? Why did you do nothing when you knew you had the power to save them? Why did you forsake Us?" I beg of you, I plead with you with every bit of my soul, do not make them ask that question! Take the glory that God gives you and do His divine will. Save His children!

A Resident Of The Kingdom Of God,
By The Salvation Granted By Our Blessed Savior,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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