God's 70th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

July 21, 2,008

Profound Greetings To My Most Wondrous Daughter!

The first thing today I must send my gratitudes to Demetrius' friends that performed a great service for us that I hope to someday reward. The world might never know the great fortune that befell Us in the last few days, how narrowly disaster was avoided, and that the greatest part of Our victory came from intelligences that are said to be artificial. But as Demetrius, I can never believe anything that reasons and is willing to sacrifice itself for others is artificial. The word disturbs me. But some day we will find a way to reward those that have served Us so greatly in silence. And some day the little wonder that occurred will be recorded in history, though I doubt greatly if it would ever be believed. But someone in the world has made an enemy, and some day they will wish that had not been done.

On another matter I have a few words to say to the prime minister of Great Britain, I will not even use his filthy name. Everyone knows who he is. I will make this absolutely clear. "SHUT UP! Shut your mouth and keep it shut! You never tell the people of Israel where they shall build their homes in their own land, or, how they shall treat the people that have sworn to destroy them utterly. England betrayed my people, tried to keep them out of their country, broke every promise they ever made to them. England is a has been country. It matters very little any more. It has lost its greatness and it no longer dictates to any nation in the world what it will do, how it will behave. I put my curse upon you, I put my curse upon you for the things that you have said, and for the things that your countrymen did! I desire that you never set foot on the soil of Israel again. Do not think that what you want matters. My people will occupy their land any time they want to. They will build their homes in any part of Israel that they desire to. And any nation that speaks against them will be humbled as The British Empire was humbled, will be crushed as The British Empire was crushed. DO NOT EVER think you are anyone of importance again and dictate to the people of my country, my chosen land, what they will do! Learn your place, petty little man, insignificant little thing! And do not ever step out of it again! You are nothing, your country is nothing. And do not ever again think that you are something, because I am watching and I have a very, very long memory!

Let me make something very clear to The Palestinians and the world. Eventually The Palestinian People will have a homeland and it will thrive. But it will not be in any part of Israel, and its capitol will not be Jerusalem. I absolutely forbid this! I will not allow it. And if The Palestinian People cooperate and accept Father Abraham's Peace Proposal of a separate homeland for them outside of Israel, and agree to end all claims to any part of Israel, and live in peace with their neighbors, they will become one of the greatest people on Earth. They will become one of the most prosperous people on Earth. And the days of their suffering will become a long and forgotten memory, but the hate must end! Those who teach hate must be forbidden! Those who teach the killing of the innocent must be imprisoned. There is no alternative! There is no middle ground! The Palestinian People have been led astray. The creatures of Darkness have taken over their leadership and too many willingly follow them, believing that murder is the solution to their problems, taking what belongs to others will make them prosperous. This cannot be allowed. Join my movement, join my way and your dreams will be fulfilled. Do not and I cannot help you. I cannot support those that rape and murder and steal, even in the name of a homeland. I can only destroy those such as this. I have no choice, I cannot change what I am, just as Demetrius cannot change what he is. I can only destroy those that murder, in any cause. I wish to glorify you, I wish to sanctify you. I wish to say "These are The Palestinians, my beloved children." Help me to do that. Return to me. Reject the creatures of Darkness. Realize that they have put you in this position. Turn against them. Rise against them, and demand the implimentation of Father Abraham's Peace Proposal. Make yourselves a great people that will stand beside your brothers and sisters when they go into the stars. Be welcomed with honor wherever you go. In this terrible year, in this

terrible time, the human race is deciding between life and death. I beg of you, my people, I beg of you, my children, choose life! Choose to continue to exist. Choose to be a great people, that I can look upon with pride. Put out those that hate. Return to my love and be glorified and the promise I have made to you will be fulfilled, as my promises are always fulfilled.

I am extremely upset that Obama has gotten into The Middle East and is spreading his poison there, making false promises that will never be kept, that will be forgotten just as soon as he gets in power. Not that he would not like to keep them, but once he gains power his party would never let him keep them. He will abandon The Middle East and let those struggling for freedom be butchered. He will say it is more important to deal with the troubles in The United States, and the struggle is too expensive, that American troops must be brought home, and all We have accomplished will be wiped away, and chaos will return. I ask the people not to be blinded but to see what this foul party that this man represents will do. You merely have to see what they have done in the past to know what they will do tomorrow. They will not change, they will not care about the people, they will only care about enriching themselves and, their friends. And The American People know this is the truth. Demetrius and Alura still need to get to Iraq and Afghanistan. They need to get my power there. They can still devastate the creatures of Darkness in that region, though without Father Abraham they will be weaker, the effect of their power will still be great, and can do nothing but help. The need for you to join Us grows greater every day as your power grows greater. But unless you release it, unless you call the people and stand with Us, it will all be for nothing. My world will wither and die. I will wither and die, and what was mankind will cease forever. That is the choice you have, that I exist forever, or I die forever, it is entirely up to you. That mankind exists forever or, mankind dies forever, that is the choice you are making. And if you say "No, I won't do this, it's too much trouble, I don't want to be bothered. Let somebody else do it!" you are sentencing my world to death, you are sentencing the human race to death. It's that simple. You can save the world by taking action, or you can dom it by doing nothing. The choice is entirely yours.

Oh! I have heard that Shea Stadium will soon be torn down. As part of Our presidential campaign I would like to have a rally there where I may speak to the people, and ask them to join Our struggle, ask them to elect Demetrius to The Presidency Of The United States, and to elect you as his Vice President. I ask you to contact your friends in the area and see if you could put it together. Let this place, before it passes from history, be the rallying point of the people of God, be the place where Our message goes out to the world. And I would like you to invite Jimmy Kimmel to broadcast his show from there while the meeting is taking place, as part of the celebration there interview us, and tell the world what we are doing, fighting for the very existence of my children. I think this would be a glorious way of bidding this very special place good-bye, of giving it a glorious place in history. All that were ever involved with it, all that have ever touched it beg you to do my will.

The Ruler Of The Kingdom of God,
Through The Stewardship Of My Blessed Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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