Jesus' 17th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To First Lady Laura Bush

July 28, 2,008

Greetings To God's Most Glorious Daughter And My Sister In His Service!

Something a little bit lighter this morning, but also, in a way, serious. We are afraid God has become rather smitten with a young actress in Hollywood. It is the talk of The Afterlife, all that's in what would be the equivalent of the tabloids! Her name is Lorielle New. This isn't the first time this has happened. Other such young actresses that God has got interested in were Mary Pickford and Marilyn Monroe, and even the European actress, Sophia Loren! It can always be said that God has the most excellent taste! Anyway, God wants a movie made from Demetrius' story of my life, "The Book Of The Nazarene," and wants this young woman to play my wife, Mary Magdalene. This would be a very important project because it would help get Demetrius' name out to the public. There has been some concern, however, who would play Demetrius. Then God The Mother spoke up and said "What about that fine young man that played Batman, Christian Bale? If there was anyone that could ever capture Demetrius' character it would be him! He could play him the same way he plays Bruce Wayne, and he would have Demetrius almost to a T!"

Everyone was extremely excited by this idea, and were wondering who else God The Mother would suggest. She answered that the man that played Harvey Dent, Aaron Eckhart, would be perfect for Peter! And the young man that played Indiana Jones' companion in "The Crystal Skull" would be a perfect Andrew. Everyone was simply overjoyed at her selections, and wish so much that this could be put together. They're still a little bit at a loss as to who could play the young Mary. They would need someone that looked fourteen. There has been some consideration of Miley Cyrus, but people are not quite sure. For the older Mary, at the time of my ministry and crucifixion, people have been considering Brooke Shields. But that is about as far as people have gotten in suggestions for the cast.

They would very much welcome it if you would go through the story and make your recommendations on who you think should play what parts. Oh, there is one part that they already think should be filled, where one of the young Apostles' fathers wants to kill the child of his negro servant who his son has impregnated. Everyone wants Michael Caine for this role.

All in all the people in The Afterlife want a star studded cast. Even a small role is suggested for Arnold Schwarzenegger as Demetrius' commander that bids him farewell when he goes off to accompany me. Again this was God The Mother's suggestion. Another one she suggested, also, is Gary Oldman to play Poitias Pilot. She says "No offense, but he actually resembles him", and She's sure he could play the role well.

You do not know how much Those in The Afterlife wish you could find a producer for this film who would have the influence to gather the cast that God and God The Mother desire, to make this a phenomenal production! We doubt if the film could be gotten out before the election, there's simply not enough time to do it right. But even the public knowing that it was being worked on would be something that would bring tremendous interest in Demetrius. It is a vital project. It is not an insignificant thing. The more We could get Demetrius' name out to the public the better off We are and the profits from such a production Demetrius would donate to helping our wounded veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan, again showing the public that there are ways of raising money without raising taxes, if the people use their talents for the common good, another way of bringing Demetrius' name to the public. As constantly God The Father says, We want to base this campaign on good deeds, not just put out commercials, not just say what we will do but find ways of helping people and doing it as part of Our campaign.

Speaking of that, Raoul Castro made a speech warning his people that tough times were coming because of the fuel crises. I was thinking, doesn't brazil produce alot of its fuel by distilling alcohol from sugar cane? Doesn't sugar cane grow well in parts of Cuba? Why doesn't The United States make an agreement with the Cuban government that The Cubans grow sugar cane which will be used to produce alcohol for fuel, some of which will be distributed in Cuba and some of which will be sold in The United States? This would be of tremendous benefit to both countries and help the economy in Cuba. It is time that The American Government stop punishing the Cuban people because they desire to live under a different political system, that as long as they are no longer bothering their neighbors more open relationships should be established. Some will not like this idea, but I just think it's time.

Oh! I must not forget! Kurt Cobain wrote a little song for Lorielle New, telling what is going on. Alura did the audio and we've put it up. Now they're beginning work on a little video! Everybody in The Afterlife is singing it. Here is the link.

Kurt wants to prove that even though John Lennon is forbidden to produce any new music for a year We still have plenty of talent to work with. Of course Demetrius had to edit the original version just a little bit. Let's just say Kurt is very expressive! But still We think it's a cute little song.

Cannot forget to mention that the creatures of Darkness did not like this song at all, or, the idea of a movie. They launched a minor assault in Los Angeles last evening. It was a very dismal effort that was easily driven off by The Forces at hand, and reinforcements were not needed. But that they took action shows they are terrified of this idea, which is all the more reason to carry it out!

Oh! Cannot forget I wrote a letter to The Saudi Arabian Embassy yesterday and Demetrius mailed it by surface mail. We are still trying to get The Saudi Arabian Government to consider the proposal that Demetrius' people are offering in exchange for their help. We really think their leaders should at least consider it. If you could give them a little call and tell them a letter is coming, and tell them to give this proposal a little consideration I would appreciate it.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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