Jesus' 20th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To First Lady Laura Bush

July 31, 2,008

Greetings To God's Most Powerful Daughter!

Wow! Got a little rough here last night! The creatures of Darkness were really pounding Us with thunder and lightning and they knocked the power out for awhile. They were probably in hopes of getting Our computers so We wouldn't be able to communicate with you any more.

Demetrius has been thinking about Obama's trip overseas, and what kind of trip he would make if he had the opportunity. Well, first of all, he would go to the countries that used to be part of the Soviet block and now want to be part of the free world, and tell them "Look, you continue to support The United States and I become President, I will do all in my power to make you part of NATO and to guarantee you protection against any soviet invasion." Demetrius would promise them that should Russia ever try to take them over again The United States would deal with them, that we're not going to run any more from a corrupt army that can barely function.

Then he would probably visit The Kurds in Iraq and tell them if he was President he would do all in his power to negotiate with Turkey to give them an autonomous region, where they would be able to govern themselves, forming a Kurdish state within Turkey and, Iraq with guarantees from both Turkey and Iraq that should they be attacked both countries would defend them.

Then, he would probably go to England where he would try to meet with the young princes and tell them of their mother's wishes that they abdicate, run for Parliment, and perhaps in time the eldest become prime minister, that she wants them to make a real difference, to be men and not the royal puppets of the Queen. While in England he would also meet with the anti cannibus people, encouraging them to try to get much tougher laws against those using the poison in England. And he would also meet with the anti gay forces there. But he would not meet with the prime minister who he considers one of the greatest creatures of Darkness on Earth because the British government is trying to break up Israel, to destroy the Israeli nation, and Demetrius could not meet with such evil, such dark creatures.

Then he would probably go to northern Ireland and meet with the Irish there, and assure them that if he was President he would do all in his power to end the illegal British occupation, to remove the British soldiers and British police and to strive for a free and united Ireland with no British domination, guaranteed free trade with the rest of Europe. That's about all Demetrius could think of right now.

Oh! Linda has mentioned that Demetrius might want to meet with the mayor of Liverpool and thank those people for the power that they have sent John Lennon that has been so beneficial in defending my Kingdom. Very good idea!

Speaking of marijuana I must declare Rep. Barney Frank of Massachusetts and all of his associates creatures of Darkness. He has been removed from The Book Of Life, and, all who follow him, for he is a creature of profound evil. He is an example of how The Democrats will do anything for votes, support anything if they think it will give them a few votes. They will even try to legalize the poisoning of Our children. His legislation legalizing marijuana must be stopped!

Daily Demetrius witnesses what this poison is doing to Our young people. It is destroying Our nation! It is making Our brilliant into Our feeble minded, and those who grow it, distribute it, and sell it must be punished far more harshly than they are now being punished. This is not a harmless substance. To compare it with alcohol is ludicrous! Though alcohol is bad, there is no question of that, marijuana is ten times worse.

These people that will do anything for votes, anything to be popular with the people, must be stopped. That's why you are needed so much. You have the power to rally the people, to bring them to the cause, and the cause is to save Our children from every evil that threatens them. And marijuana is one of the greatest evils that threatens them. You cannot let Demetrius stand alone on this issue! You must join him and put the full power of The Republican Party behind him. Besides homosexuality marijuana is the greatest danger The United States faces, for its legalization would lead to the legalization of other things. Soon people will be saying "Well, if marijuana can be legalized why can't cocaine and methamphetamines? Let the people that want to use these things use them as long as they use them responsibly. Let's stop punishing people because they need things that other people don't just to get by in life." We must understand the twisted mentality of these people, that if they are given one thing, they're going to want more and more until society will no longer exist. We will have a chaotic nation of drug addicts. Do not think that I am speaking lightly. The danger exists, and only you can stop it.

It would be Demetrius' goal if he was President, to find ways of cutting the flow of illegal drugs into The United States by 75%, to cripple the drug trade, to seize drug money before it can go back to the drug lords, to break their financial power, and, to go after false revolutionary movements in some countries that are really organized drug traffickers using revolution as a cover to operate. He would be far more aggressive against the drug dealers.

I must apologize to your dear husband for forcing the resignation of the Israeli prime minister, but it is something that Demetrius will not have trouble dealing with. And We cannot permit the peace treaty that he is pushing. We will not accept it. We will never surrender any Israeli land to The Palestinians. We will never give them Jerusalem! Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel, it will always be!

As soon as Demetrius becomes President he will order that the American embassy be moved to Jerusalem and that Jerusalem be recognized by The United States as the unquestioned capitol of Israel. We are offering a reasonable peace deal, a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel. It is the only thing that We will accept! And We will defeat any politician that tries to put forth anything else. Nothing else will be permitted! We want justice for The Palestinians, We want them to have their own place, but not on Israeli land! It will never be permitted, no matter how much Earthly politicians try to defy God and betray Israel, they will not succeed. We will destroy them every time. God's will will not be defied by mere men, and this is something that your dear husband must come to understand. No matter how much good he thinks it will do, he will not be permitted to defy God. God has promised Israel to The Israeli People and God's promise will be kept!

Oh! Of course if Demetrius went overseas he would definitely visit Israel and tell them that if he was to become President this would be his policy, without question he would defend every inch of Israeli territory. Maybe he should go before September so The Israelis will know the champion that they would have in Washington.

And speaking of England a funny little note. Queen Victoria has heard that a pair of her bloomers sold at auction for $9,000. Her comment was this, "I am not amused! I am really not amused!" Sometimes you just have to share the precious little things.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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