Jesus' 21st Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter To First Lady Laura Bush
From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ

Most Profound Greetings To Our Greatest Hope On Earth!

Below is a letter that I have sent to Divided We Fall, an organization supporting health care for all Americans, telling them what Demetrius would propose if he becomes President. I would appreciate it very much if you would contact them and tell them that you support Demetrius. Demetrius is being given so many wondrous ideas that We think would do so much good for the people of The United States. The public should be aware of what he is offering, he should have an opportunity to speak. Politicians must stop simply saying there is a crisis and do something, and then make that something work! Demetrius never wants a national health care agency controlling health care in The United States. He wants private companies taking care of The American People, not a bureauocracy. Help him achieve that goal.

Jesus Of Nazareth

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To Divided We Fall

August 1, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To Valiant Servants Of God!

I am writing you today on behalf of our beloved Demetrius who is called on Earth Speaker Gerald Polley. God The Father has asked him to run for The Presidency Of The United States, and though he has been putting forth some very good proposals that would truly help this country, he has been ignored by the media because the main emphasis of his campaign is to stop the homosexual movement, to outlaw homosexuality in The United States, and the homosexuals control the media. Demetrius has been working on an issue that I am sure would be of interest to you. He believes the health care system in America is in crisis. People that desperately need health care are not going to see a doctor because they cannot afford it. In desperation when they absolutely have to, they use emergency room services which are far more expensive, and often the bills they incur never get paid.

Demetrius is proposing a voucher system that would work in this manner. There would be a line on everyone's tax form that states "Do you feel you need assistance to pay your health insurance premiums this year?" If the people check "yes" the IRS would determine if they are eligible and send them a voucher to pay for their health care for the coming year that all health care insurance providers would be required to accept, and provide those individuals with health care insurance.

We believe this is a system that would work. But people ask how would we pay for it? A great deal of the cost would be recovered by the system itself, because cities and states would no longer have to be reimbursing hospitals for services the poor receive and never paid. There is also the idea of splitting special taxes on industries that are creating a great deal of the health care crisis, such as a 25% tax on all profits of liquor producers, and a 25% tax on the profits of tobacco companies, also, cutting back on the salaries that the executives of these companies receive to create more profits. These are just ideas that have been presented to Demetrius. He would be interested in ideas that you might have. Another idea someone suggested was to end federal matching funds for elections and instead, put a box on each tax form asking people to voluntarily donate $2.00 of their tax refund to support the voucher system, providing the needy health care. There are all kinds of ideas and all kinds of ways. We simply have to find them and be willing to use them.

But there are two other issues not directly related to health care that need to be dealt with in order to take a great deal of burden off the health care system. One is the acceptance of homosexuality. It cannot be questioned that homosexuality is spreading disease around the country. Anyone that denies this only has to be shown the evidence of the AIDS epidemic to be proven totally and completely wrong. It is without question that AIDS was brought into the human population by homosexuals, and spread throughout the world by homosexuals. The burden that it has put on the American health care system is crippling. Restricting homosexual activity can only benefit the health care system. There is no question of it, and any that deny this have no grasp of reality.

The second thing is the epidemic of drug addiction that is sweeping The United States, and, the world. No matter how much those that support marijuana deny it, it creates short term and long term health issues that make its acceptance totally unacceptable. Its legalization would create more cancer and respiratory diseases. The people using it would become an unnecessary burden on an all ready overburdened health care system. Peoples' need for this poison would make them dependents of the states. All illegal drug activity should be attacked viciously! And any promoting leniency for those involved in it should be put out of office because they are creating circumstances which are unfair to the American tax payer. Some people think these are harsh ideas, but they are fair and just. It must be recognized that these people are criminals, they are not good citizens. They care about nothing but their own gratification, their own pleasure, and they do not care if they destroy themselves and, others, to have it. The drug culture must become unacceptable to the majority of Americans.

It does not seem, to some, that these are health care issues. But they are directly related to the health care crisis in The United States and elsewhere. And if we are to have a free and stable society those who will destroy it for the sake of their own pleasure must be dealt with. What is happening cannot be ignored. Or the health care system will be so overburdened that the decent people will not be able to carry the load, and the whole system will collapse. This is a prophecy that must not come true!

So I ask you to support Demetrius in his Presidential Campaign. I ask you to join in God's efforts to reach First Lady Laura Bush who is His greatest champion on Earth and have her be Demetrius' Vice Presidential Candidate. Their combined powers would make them virtually invincible.

We can solve America's problems, We can solve the world's problems. But We need someone in The White House that can be something no other person in America can be, totally and completely honest, someone who will tell the American people what he will do in every situation before he takes office and then when he gets in office does exactly that, someone who speaks the absolute truth. Someone who will not lie to one single American to get a vote, someone who admits he is anti gay, anti racist, anti any kind of hate. If a cause is just he will back it. If it is unjust he will oppose it, even if it is popular. God The Father believes Demetrius is that man, is the man The United States and the world needs. And I ask you to back him because I think if you consider what he is proposing it is what The United States needs.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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