Jesus' 42nd Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To First Lady Laura Bush

August 23, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To God's Most Glorious Daughter!

Well, The Democrats are certainly afraid of you and Demetrius! Their choosing of Joe Biden as the vice presidential candidate shows that. They know they can beat McCain, but they're terrified that you and Demetrius will get into the race, so they've chosen an outspoken candidate to try to counter Demetrius, not really an unsound tactic. But Demetrius came across one thing this morning that totally enraged him, a cartoon insinuating that Biden is insane because he's had brain surgery. They had a line drawn around Biden's head and the words "Unscrew here." Demetrius considers this totally and completely unacceptable. And if he had his campaign going he would immediately issue a sincere apology to Biden that someone has used such a dispicable tactic. And he wishes that you would immediately let the media know that this is not a tactic that The Republican Party accepts or appreciates, and the person responsible for it should lose their job. It upsets Demetrius very much when the homosexuals call him insane and he's sure it upsets senator Biden just as much when people insinuate that he's insane. We want this campaign to be on the issues, not on the medical status of the candidates. This is unacceptable. Let's do this thing the right way, let's do it the decent way! There's nothing wrong with someone speaking his mind. Somebody also made the complaint that Biden talks too much. The same complaint is made about Demetrius. But talking to people is the only way you have of letting them know how you feel about things. And Demetrius is not afraid of letting people know how he feels about things. Some people wish he was! And isn't that what a politician is supposed to do, talk to people? Sometimes the things that people use for political attacks mystify us! But it is obvious that The Democrats know who their greatest enemy really is, and are setting up their campaign to fight him and, you, rather than McCain.

Demetrius had one of those precious incidents happen yesterday that just makes you want to weep sometimes. We have been aware for some time, that young Russian soldiers are being murdered by their officers because they refuse to have sex with them. A former Russian soldier came to me and asked me to be able to speak to the world through Demetrius on this issue. I agreed to arrange it and he came through Demetrius yesterday and I believe did a very excellent job making a plea to your husband to get rid of Putin and free The Russian People, not to let The Russians get away with what they're doing in Georgia. Though he was terrified of Demetrius, he hasn't yet gotten used to Havens, he knew how important this issue was and got his message through. Such courage should not be ignored, it should be honored, and what he is fighting for supported. Here is the link to the video.

We dare not put it up at You Tube for fear they would take down everything We have there because this is definitely anti gay, and they're petrified of anybody speaking the truth on this issue. If we need an example of why open homosexuality should not be allowed in the American army, here it is. This shows what happens to the morale of a service when homosexuality has become rampant in it.

We would appreciate very much you helping Us get this message to the media. It is an example of how important Our struggle is, and why you are so needed, because these things have to be stopped! Young men must not be afraid to serve in their country's army anywhere. This young man's pleas need to be heard. If you could contact any Russians in The United States and seek confirmation of what he is saying, ask them for more evidence to back his claims, it would be extremely appreciated.

We know this is the truth. We have hundreds of incidents recorded in The Book Of Life. This is not the only young man who has so suffered. Sadly, some submitted and then, being unable to bear the shame that was done to them, committed suicide. We consider these deaths just as much murder as the outright executions, and those responsible will be held accountable, no matter how much society justifies their sickness they will be held accountable! God forbids this filth, he condemns it, and the world will understand that! We ask your help in proving what this young man says is true for the sake, not only of Russia's sons, but for the sons of the world.

If there was ever a story that showed the importance of keeping abortion safe and legal, the story in today's news of the little dog saving the newborn baby abandoned by its mother in Argentina shows the necessity of helping young women who do not want the child they are carrying. If this child had been aborted this young woman would have no burden on her soul. But now she must carry the shame forever, that she would've left her newborn child to die. Once that child is alive God must hold all that are responsible for it accountable. There can be no forgiveness. When a fetus is terminated while it is not alive God may be displeased, but He cannot rebuke. If this young woman had had access to an abortion clinic this tragedy would never have occurred. Demetrius certainly hopes that this dog and its puppies now have safe and secure homes, and that they will be nourished the rest of their lives, for they nurtured one of God's treasures. But the need to protect young women from having to make such unacceptable decisions is obvious. People do not like abortion, but sometimes it is necessary, and sometimes the best course of action. And those that are trying to forbid it are creating such situations like this where newborn children are murdered, and they will be held accountable.

God still wants a major anti gay demonstration at The Democratic Convention. He wants so much for you to organize it. He would like to have hundreds of thousands of people before The Democratic Convention, crying "No gay, no way! Leave our children alone! Don't sell them for votes!" Because this is what The Democrats are doing. They are selling young children to the perverts for their votes, promising them that they will be at their mercy if The Democrats take power, and that they will be openly allowed to teach their filth.

The world must know that The American People are against this. One of the major parts of Our campaign should be to raise the anti gay forces across The United States, and as I constantly say, not in hate but in the righteous rejection of evil. The world must understand that a homosexual and a lesbian are evil, they are possessed by a creature of Darkness called uncontrollable lust. They are not free, they are enslaved. They are controlled. They are manipulated. Their need to do the thing that obsesses them has taken them outside of humanity. As long as they do it privately, and do not encourage others to enter into their practices, We can ignore them, but the moment they become public, the moment they demand recognition, the moment they demand approval they become Our enemies and must be fought. They do very little harm when they keep to themselves, and usually survive to give up this sickness and return to God's perfection.

But when they go public and start destroying others, they destroy themselves, and Our speaking against them is as much to save them as to save others. every soul We lose forever lessens Our chances of saving mankind. every homosexual that we can get to be quiet, to do their thing in private, and not destroy others is another soul that We have saved from oblivion, and that is very important to Us, it is very important to all of existence.

People laughed yesterday when I said that people in the stars, other races, are keeping track of what is happening on Earth, that everything We do here is shared with them. Every one of Our letters is posted on their equivalent of the internet. Demetrius' web site is duplicated on at least 13 other worlds! And these races are praying as much for Our success as We are, so that what We are doing here will never pass away, it will never be forgotten. Mothers are praying for you throughout the galaxy.

Unfortunately some of them are praying to you, which We are discouraging. But on at least one world you have already been declared a saint by the equivalent of The Pope! And the people are praying to you that you do your God's will and save your children. We know how incredible this sounds, but to think that We are alone, to think that this is the only place that God has created life is so utterly preposterous! God has created life throughout the universe, and each life that He has created has the responsibility of fulfilling His glory and creating more life, so that the Darkness will never claim the universe, so that there will always be those to give it Light. We cannot understand how anyone could believe that We are alone!

When my heart was broken and for a time I abandoned my people I was welcomed by several races until Demetrius defeated the forces of Darkness and brought me back, another debt that mankind will owe him forever. But I am sure you are among the wise. I'm sure you know that We are not alone, and all that you do is being watched. And many, many souls are wondering why you do not act.

Aside from Demetrius you are, at this time, the greatest spiritual power on earth. You were sent here to keep harmony between his people and yours. But now that task has grown, and the very existence of your people depends on your actions.

If The Democrats take The White House the chances of Us saving mankind will be very slim, because they will do all in their power to silence Demetrius, to keep him from battling the creatures of Darkness. You must make sure that never happens. The voice of truth must never be silenced! It must always be bold, it must always be strong. And with you beside it, it will be invincible. Fulfill your glory, fulfill your destiny. Do not disappoint all those who are watching, all those who are waiting. For some of them it takes several months to get the word of what is happening, even at the speeds our friends can travel. When they receive the word of the outcome of this struggle, let all the reporters on their worlds be crying "Victory! Victory! They won! The children of Earth are saved! They won!" Let that be the cry that echoes throughout the galaxy.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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