Jesus' 47th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To First Lady Laura Bush

August 30, 2,008

Greetings My Most Honored Sister!

I must tell you every woman in The Kingdom Of God is enraged with McCain! They are totally and completely irate! We are putting forth a female candidate with substance, experience, and skill. He has selected a joke, a woman whose character is extremely questionable. She is being investigated for misconduct, misuse of her authority as governor! And there is considerable evidence that that misconduct is true. Her stand on homosexuality is highly questionable. The Kingdom Of God has been receiving mixed signals from her for some time. She comes from a state where the battle against marijuana is rampant, where it has been more or less legalized. She is not a viable candidate! A great majority of American women in the material existence are offended that she has been brought forth and is being called a champion of feminism, someone who can break through the glass ceiling. We already have a female candidate that can break through the glass ceiling! We have a candidate experienced in foreign affairs who already has good raport with the people and could really win an election. God is seriously questioning Our offer to McCain to make him secretary of state. The choosing of this woman as his vice presidential candidate makes Everyone in The Kingdom Of God seriously question his judgment. Perhaps with good guidance he might still be effective in this position, and serve God well. But this vice presidential choice has put his service in serious question. Some are saying he's deliberatly trying to throw the election because he knows he cannot win, and would rather have his party defeated than have a viable candidate take his place. Rather this is so or not, his bad judgment in choosing this woman as his vice president is a serious matter that The Republican Party should look at very strongly.

God is extremely angry by the police raid on the demonstration center in Minneapolis/St. Paul. He wants an immediate release of the warrant that the police said they had to search these premises and a public examination of the evidence that the police brought forth to get a judge to make such a raid legal. And if that evidence is unsatisfactory, he wants the people responsible for this raid immediately dismissed! But without question, any evidence that was gathered in this raid shall be immediately destroyed, and all photographs taken of anyone in this facility will be destroyed and removed from any records.

This is not China! This is The United States! The police in The United States will not act towards protesters as the police in a country ruled by dictators do. The people's right to protest will be protected! God will not have a repeat of Mayor Daly's gestapo who threw away civil rights during a convention because they knew they would never be prosecuted. God wants the police in Denver to know that they had better act legally in all situations or they will be prosecuted. The rights of The American People will never be thrown away again. Peaceful protest will be respected. If violence occurs the police shall have the right to seize those persons engaged in violence and they should be duly prosecuted. But those who are peacefully organizing protests and peacefully conducting protests will be respected. Or those violating their rights will be prosecuted. God insists on this, positively and absolutely. And He desires that you insist upon it, also, that you protect the rights of His children, even those that disagree with me, even those that oppose Him. He will not see their rights violated by people that have no respect for the law, that feel that they can do whatever they want to do against people that disagree with them. And as His servant on Earth it is your responsibility to see to it that God's wishes are carried out. No mayor of any city in The United States has a right to violate the rights of American ciitizens, to tell his police to do whatever they want to do, to crush any protests. It will not happen again!

The situation with Lord Peter may be worse than We originally thought! We may not have as much time as We thought We would have. Demetrius emailed to fifty or more people that had videos about Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism up at Live Video. He only got one negative response from an individual that claimed to be a Wiccan and said he didn't believe in Christian crap. It absolutely amazes Us that these so-called Wiccans reject the people that are the very foundation of their religion! But We still need assistance to make the news of this crisis available to the public. There is no way that We can effectively remedy it without support from the material world.

Such an horrendous shift of power is difficult, to say the least, and the people of the material world must be aware of it, and accept it. Without that, without the energy that they would give Us to accomplish it, We wouldn't be able to do it. And if We cannot do something soon, The Kingdom Of God may be operating without a Hall Of Judgment. There may be no alternative, whatsoever. Without someone capable to sit in judgment We would not be able to operate. And those that need judgment in order to enter into The Kingdom Of God would not be able to do so.

Every possibility has been gone over. And it still works out that Muhammed is the only one available, the only hope We have of quickly filling the gap and keeping things functioning. People are saying "Well, he's already the judge of The Islamic People, what difference does it make?" The Islamic People are only part of The Kingdom Of God. If Muhammed becomes an Apostle he will not only have authority over them, but over The Children Of Israel, and The Christians as well. He would become judge of the entire Kingdom Of God, not just a part of it. Entry of any individual into The Kingdom Of God would be at his discretion, not just into The Islamic Paradise. Muhammed's power would be greatly increased.

Already the religious leaders of all sects in The Kingdom Of God have declared that They will, without question, accept Muhammed, that he is God's chosen, and therefore, must be given the position. We need the support of every religious leader in the material realm, or as many as We can muster, at least, but especially The King Of Saudi Arabia, The Pope, and the leader of The Orthodox Church, if not the leaders, the peoples of these churches. We could use the support of The Israelis, also. And We have absolutely no time! Sometimes when a crisis appears it is sudden and unexpected, and action must be quick and decisive. That is the situation that We are facing now.

God asks you to personally contact The King Of Saudi Arabia as His personal representative in this matter, and ask for the support of The Islamic People to elevate Muhammed to the level of Apostle, and make him second in command in The Kingdom Of God, under the stewardship of Jesus. This is something We did not want to deal with at this time, while trying to get into the Presidential Campaign, but it is something that cannot be ignored. We cannot long function without someone in The Hall Of Judgment. It is a vital part of the procedure in The Kingdom Of God. We cannot be without it. And right now there is no one that can replace Peter except Muhammed. Taking anyone else away from Their position would be disastrous. We are stretched to Our limit. Your assistance in this matter is imperative. If you could reach The Pope besides The King Of Saudi Arabia it would also be of tremendous benefit. We need witnesses. We need witnesses telling the world that all that Demetrius is saying is true, that he is indeed, a servant of God, and the problems that We are suffering are totally and completely real. Without those witnesses Our world will die. The earth will shrivel up and every living person on it will starve to death. That is what will happen if We fail. There is no doubt of it, there is no question of it, that is what will happen. Therefore, We cannot fail!

Lord Peter has gone through Demetrius and prepared a video pleading with The People Of Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism to rally to God and support his purpose. It may be the last message he sends as Lord Peter. Therefore it should not fail. I want to see hundreds of thousands of visits to it. I want to be sure that all the world has heard it. I ask you to visit it, I ask you to ask every member of your family to visit it, to hear Peter's plea and respond.

Demetrius is rather smitten with Peter's new mother in India. Her energy and her overwhelming love will make her a wondrous mother. She already knows there is something special about her child. She feels his power. The joy of his coming should not be troubled by lingering thoughts that he has because he left chaos behind him. The way must be cleared for him to begin this new journey with unquestioned joy.

I need you! I need you to help accomplish that purpose. You are the greatest among Us now dwelling among man. You do not know how much I wish I could say Demetrius and Alura were totally mine, that I was not borrowing them from others. But that can never be. But you are mine, without question. You are a part of my glory, and I want that glory fulfilled. You would be a great Vice President, and then a great President. Do not let anyone convince you that you are incapable. They are fools! Take God's power, take your glory! Do not let this little nobody usurp you. Do not let her try to take your place. You have already beaten someone vastly superior to her, and crushed her. Do not let your place be usurped! Demand what God has promised you and fulfill His glory. Here's the link to the video.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God,
By The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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