Jesus 48th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To First Lady Laura Bush

August 31, 2,008

Most Glorious Greetings To God's Most Glorious Daughter!

Can anyone really believe that a hurricane showing up just when The Republicans are to hold their convention is a mere coincidence when things have been so relatively quiet, and that it heads right for New Orleans? Back in Katrina God sent a warning through His blessed children, a song that was called "Katrina". No matter how mighty man is God is mightier, and God does not like what The Republicans are doing. They will not let His servants be heard. Rather than support Him they support a candidate that they know can't win in utter defiance. So God is again sending the wind and the rain. There is no question of it. He is making Himself heard. And what should The Republicans do? It's simple. Delay the convention for two weeks. Begin to fulfill God's purposes, let the world know about God's candidate, and you, yourself, come forth to take the place that God wants you to take. Here is the link to the song.

I will tell you right now that God is very angry that Senator McCain is stealing Demetrius' ideas, stealing God's ideas, and giving no credit for them. It may force Him to announce that We will actually oppose McCain. There is a limit to how much The Kingdom Of God will stand, how much They will tolerate. And when someone starts using Their ideas against Them that limit has been passed! McCain has chosen a female vice president that is a total farce, now he is stealing the idea of using political events for fundraisers which Demetrius has put forth since the beginning of his efforts. There are limits to the disobedience that The Kingdom Of God will tolerate, and The Republicans have just about reached that limit. And when that limit is passed God has every right to do what is in His power to make His displeasure known.

God has only asked for fairness, He has only asked for the opportunity for His policies to be heard, for his ideas to be heard, but The Republicans refuse. They want votes, they don't want to take chances, and God has literally had enough. He will give an opportunity, He will be fair. If McCain will publically announce where he got the idea of using campaigns for fundraising to help those in need God will not be so angry. If McCain will acknowledge there is another Republican candidate that has been blocked out by the media and has not had an opportunity to speak, God may yet, in fairness support him. But unless The Republicans give Demetrius some acknowledgement, The Kingdom Of God may actually support The Democrats and let them win to teach mankind a lesson. It would probably mean the end of mankind, but if mankind totally ignores God and steals from God and won't acknowledge God, perhaps it is time to let them be destroyed.

God would have every right to send out His Angelic Messengers and encourage people to vote for Obama. This seems to be what the Republicans want, this seems to be what they are insisting upon, and God may give them what they want. We have shown signs and wonders, We have touched many, they know We are real, but they just have to play politics, they just have to believe in the might of man, the power of man, the glory of man and forget who created man, to give the respect that is owed to their Creator.

Again, I say clearly, God is not asking for anything special, He is not asking for special treatment, He is only asking to be heard, and to be given an opportunity to reach the people, and for those who have promised to serve Him to fulfill their promises. This is not unreasonable. Good people, very good people, are destroying themselves because in their stubbornness they just have to have their way, they just have to do what they want to do even though they know God wants something else. Those that wish to betray Israel want to prove that they are more powerful than God. Those that want to support McCain want to prove they are superior to God, and that they will do what they want to do, that their candidate is better than God's candidate. They will be proven wrong.

As I say, God can never support Senator McCain because the people betrayed Us and would not let Us be heard. The Republicans would not let Us speak. They rejected God. That is bearable. But stealing God's ideas and claiming them as their own and refusing to acknowledge where these ideas are coming from is totally unacceptable! When God is faced with the lesser of two evils, he will choose the lesser. In this election God simply wants to stand back and let things fall where they will fall. That will undoubtedly mean the defeat of The Repubicans. But He will not tolerate this direct defiance, this direct humiliation, this stealing of His ideas and calling them their own while they ignore Him and simply say "We will do what we want to do!" Then God wil do what He wants to do. If people want to be damned, He will damn them.

Demetrius has always said that God has instructed him to speak the complete truth, to tell everything like it is and to not hold anything back. The homosexuals are destroying mankind, the drug addicts are destroying mankind, the criminals who will steal from the public are destroying mankind, those who will say and do anything for votes are destroying mankind. Every promise that Demetrius makes is real, everything that he says he will do he will try to do. He will tell the world that Putin is an enemy and must be stopped. If he finds any politician stealing he will expose and prosecute them. He will end cruel practices that the government should not have been involved in. He will defend every woman, even if some ignorant people do not want them defended. He is a servant of God, he is true. Men do not like what is true. They want people that are going to lie to them, that are going to give them what they want for power. If that is what they want that is what God will give them, and then He will fight that evil. And if He loses it will be the fault of those that abandon Him for their pleasure, for their greed and lust. God will fight for His children, but if His children will not fight for Him there is little He can do.

God would still consider a third party candidacy if you would join Us, if you would rally the women of The Republican Party and say "We cannot back a candidate that cannot win. McCain is leading us into total disaster. Help me form a third party. God has another candidate, a true candidate. Let us call that party The National Truth Party and let us rally the people to the truth and save our children. I will run as vice president on that ticket. Help us get on every ballot in every state. The Republicans are lost in politics. They are a good people but they are locked on issues that God cannot accept. There must be a new party that will truly support the people, a Truth Party. God has given us a true candidate, a true voice, one who will fight for women in every cause, one who will empower women like they have never been empowered before. McCain cannot win, Obama must not win, so there must be another candidate. Join me! Support that candidate! Create a miracle! Show God's power!" This is what you need to do if The Republicans will not join Us. If you were to do it God would triumph. It is all up to you! You hold the most important place in history. You hold the power to save or destroy mankind. That cannot be denied, it cannot be taken back. It can never be altered. If you say no you are saying no to the existence of mankind. You are saying "I would rather destroy mankind than serve, than do God's will. I would rather be popular than see my children survive." That is the decision you are making. There is none other. If you do not serve, man will perish. God will do all in His power to prevent it, but the people will not listen and they will march headlong into oblivion. That is the choice you are making. You know The Republicans are wrong, you know what they are doing is wrong. You know what is going to happen. The choice is yours!

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God
By The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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