Jesus' 56th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To First Lady Laura Bush

September 8, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To God's Most Glorious Daughter On Earth!

We wish so much that The Republicans could really understand what their female vice presidential candidate is doing. She is driving more and more women to The Democrats, and more and more men that are members of The Republican Party are asking themselves "What is our party doing? Have our leaders gone completely insane? We had a moderate chance of a victory, and now we have none! This woman is tearing the party apart!" We are praying that this comes to the surface quickly, that people, when they're asked, tell the truth and say that they are disgusted with McCain and his running mate.

Both McCain and Obama promise change, but neither one of them can be believed. I wanted Alura to do a cartoon of Obama and McCain on their podiums crying "Change! Change! Change!" and out in front of each of them have fat senators passing out bundles of money to businessmen, lobbyists, and oil companies. But she simply did not have time to work on it, too many things to do and both Demetrius and Alura are exhausted.

Robert E. Lee wanted to come through Demetrius and do a video about his proposal of Confederate volunteers for the Georgian campaign, but Demetrius simply did not have the strength. On top of all this their new computer is dying again! Demetrius believes the hard drive is giving out. You have to turn on the computer repeatedly before it will start functioning, and he is afraid that they're going to turn it off and it simply won't come back on again, and they don't have the funds to have it serviced. They spent twenty dollars for new earphones for both computers and they didn't really have that. But they were simply desperately needed.

Seems to be a pretty active hurricane season! Demetrius was commenting one time he wishes God could send a category three right up to Washington. You never know, this year he may get his wish. We will admit these things are awfully hard to steer, but We've got another one heading into The Gulf Coast and threatening New Orleans. This could be a very wet campaign season, a very wet one!

God is still seeking action in Georgia. He would like to have major operations completed before the elections. And there is no reason why it couldn't be done if We start rallying the forces We need. Many want to help. But the world needs to be shown that aggression by any nation will no longer be tolerated, that any time a nation rises up people in the territories of another nation, and establishes puppet governments and takes over these territories, the rest of the nations of the world will gather forces and drive them out. The time has come for this. It is long passed time for it. Give Demetrius half a chance, and he'll do it.

The pressure is building for Us to do something about The Kingdom Of God having no Hall Of Judgment, but We cannot get a response on any proposal. Muhammed is still trying to reach his people and get them to accept his elevation to Apostle so he can take over The Hall of Judgment. But it simply cannot be done without their approval. We need to have them celebrating Muhammed's ascension and joyously welcoming his successor. It is the only way We can generate enough power to make this horrendous shift in leadership.

Surprisingly the Jewish people in The Kingdom Of God support Muhammed fully! There is no discourse among Them, whatsoever. They would welcome him as The Judge Of Mankind, the negativity We have to break through and dispose of is the resistance from The Christian Community. We need so much for The Pope to acknowledge this crisis and send a direct plea to The Islamic People that they accept Muhammed's ascension and make him second in command in The Kingdom Of God, only beneath me, and, that he accepts the release of Lord Peter to The Hindus and Mary to The Islamic People, for they are needed to glorify God in those places.

Every problem We solve a new one seems to rise. But all We can do is solve each problem as it appears, and then go on to solve the next. We're usually very good at crisis management. We have able, bright people that can jump in and handle any problem. The only problem is, right now they're not responding and prefer to do their own thing, regardless of the cost. And this is really getting to be a problem.

One more thing. Going back to Robert E. Lee. As an incentive to the former Confederate states to raise the troops for The Confederate Force that he wants, Lee has petitioned that the governor of each state be given a contract guaranteeing that on the world that will be given to The Christians when The Children return to the stars they be given territory equal to what they now hold on Earth with an additional parcel equivalent to Texas to be formed into The Confederate States Of America. They will agree to this but as you have control of those lands and would be responsible for distributing them to the Christian nations that will support Our efforts, Demetrius would have to have your approval. You would have to draw up the contracts, and sign them as the representative of The Christians on Earth, and Demetrius would have to sign them as the representative of The Republic. So Lee has personally asked me to present this proposal to you and ask you to draw up these contracts, sign them, send them to Demetrius to be signed, then have them delivered to the governors of the states involved. That would be South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Missouri. This offer simply cannot be presented without your consent, as these territories would have to come out of the holdings that The United States would possess.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God,
Through The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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