Jesus' 60th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To First Lady Laura Bush

September 13, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To God's Most Glorious Daughter!

I am afraid I must continue to declare your authority as the head of Christianity in The United States. God has prepared a Covenant with The Confederate Troops that He wishes to serve in the force to liberate Georgia. It is below. It will not be valid without your signature. You would have to be the one to issue them to those that would serve. Demetrius' signature would only be valid to bear witness for his people, that this agreement was made with God. It would be your signature as God's representative in The United States that would make this Covenant legal. God would suggest that troops that serve in this effort from The United States, itself, be given a similar contract. But that cannot be determined until you accept responsibility for the dispersal of this world's territories and fulfill God's desires. As Vice President of The United States during Demetrius' administration it would be your responsibility to distribute these territories not only to The United States but to those Christian nations that serve Us around the world until the territories of this new world are legally distributed. It will be a side mission of your Vice Presidency to have this done before Demetrius' term of office ends, so that all will serve Us will be justly rewarded. I am making this statement here so the world will know that this is your responsibility and can only be done if you are Demetrius' Vice President.

One further thing. It has been suggested that this new world be named Nazarene in my honor. I do not particularly like that name, and I would actually prefer something else. So I leave it to you to gather a committee as soon as possible. I would like your gracious husband to take part, the vice president and his wife, and decide on a name for this new home of the Earth's Christian Peoples in the stars, a small extra duty I must give you. The Muslim People are quite content that their world shall be called Muhammedan. Let Us give The Christian Peoples something as appropriate.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

A Covenant From God The Father
To The Soldiers Of The Confederate States Of America
Who Served In The Confederate Forces Of Atonement
That Liberated The Nation Of Georgia
And Restored Its Territories
Illegally Seized By The Nation Of Russia

September 13, 2,008

Be it known henceforth and forever, that in the year that was designated 2,008 Russian forces invaded the nation of Georgia and illegally seized its territories. That I requested of the world an international force to repell these Russian troops and restore the sovereignty of Georgia.

That in The United States Of America the great General Robert E. Lee called upon the states of The Confederacy to each raise 200 volunteers to serve in the forces to liberate Georgia and restore its sovereignty over the territories that had been taken from it. Such a force was raised and served with distinction. And therefore, each member of that force should receive a reward.

I have contracted with The Children Of The Lords that when They return to the stars the third inhabitable world that They find be given to The Christian Community on Earth, and that the distributing of the territories of this world shall be given to Laura Bush, who is my representative on Earth and has authority over all Christians in The United States, all who follow my Son, Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ. I have requested of her that she make it known to the governors of The Confederate States that if they raise the force that I require they will be given territory on this new world equal to the territory that their states hold plus, an additional parcel equal to the state of Texas, that will officially be known as The Confederate States Of America.

I do hereby declare in this Covenant that the person named below served in The Forces that liberated Georgia under the banner of The Confederate States, and thereby is given this deed of one two-hundredth of the land that his or her state shall be granted when this new world is settled. That this deed is transferable to their descendants and shall be held by them until such time as transportation to the new world is made available and they may claim their property. This is a gift from the people of The Kingdom Of God to those who will serve in this force to liberate the nation of Georgia. Each individual soldier of The Confederacy may, if they wish, grant sub deeds to the territory that they own, giving a percentage of their land to others, as they see fit.

This is a decree given by God The Father in the name of The Kingdom Of God that shall be honored by all who serve Him rather they be His children or, His dear friends. So must it be, now, and, forever.

The name and signature of the individual that holds this deed.



The signature of Laura Bush, representative of The Kingdom Of God.


The signature of Speaker Gerald Polley, representative of The Spiritist Republic.


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