Jesus' 66th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To First Lady Laura Bush

September 20, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To God's Most Glorious Daughter!

Let me say first that Frank Lloyd Wright is beginning to work on designing The Afterlife that will carry you and your husband to the stars, and give you dominion over God's people on their new world. He has prepared two proposals for your Holiest Of All that he will present to your husband. It is imperative that you acknowledge him, that you send a reply and accept his services so that work can officially begin. As he told your husband 100 years plus is not enough time. The Children Of The Lords have been planning for 1,000 years. They already have four teams ready to lead their new worlds. We are going to have to work very hard to prepare Ours. It was not intended in the original plan for the Awakening that We have Our own world. The Children Of The Lords have made major concessions in order to encourage mankind to survive and go with Them. Those concessions should not be thrown away. The love that is being shown should be cherished. And I ask you to acknowledge it.

I am asked again why do these foolish things, when We are trying to begin a Presidential Campaign? Aren't We afraid they will scare people away? No, We're not. We believe they will have the opposite effect. We are promising people the truth in all things, and by showing them that We believe fully and completely in the promises that God has made, and, in the future of mankind, that We will overcome these dark powers, mankind will survive and go to the stars, by showing them that We will do God's will even when others laugh at it, we will win more favor than if We hid Our beliefs and tried to do what God asked Us to do in secret. By showing the world that We believe and will follow God's commands, even when others think they are silly, and foolish, We glorify God, as Noah glorified God, as Abraham glorified God, as Moses glorified God, as The Prophets and I glorified God. All who stood for right and did what God told them to do even when others laughed, even when others forsook them have proven God's glory, have proven God's might. Those who stood beneath my cross and laughed, saying "What a fool this Jesus is! He suffers for nothing! He suffers for a God that does not exist! I will have my pleasure. I will do whatever I want to do. I will not follow God's way! I will be my own man, not a fool like this Jesus!" Those who said these things died forever, were destroyed forever, as will those that laugh at you now, and say that you are a fool to believe in God, to say that these things can happen, that We can build spaceships, go to distant stars, and find worlds that we can inhabit. Those who laugh now will die forever, while those that believe and know that you are doing God's will will go with you to the stars. Those who accept the power that God gives them and believes in the power that God has cannot fail. One way or another they will succeed. God will see to their triumph. Those who did not suffer eternal death in their ignorance learned a lesson so bitter that they will never challenge God again!

Show your glory! Do not be afraid of showing your belief. Do not be afraid of proudly saying "God has told me this will come to pass, and that I should assist it in all ways, that I should support those striving for this future, when all men of every race, color and creed are living together in harmony, and reaching for the stars, finding new homes on far and distant worlds, so the promise that God gave to Father Abraham would be fulfilled when he said his descendants would outnumber the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world. That promise could never be fulfilled on a single world. It can only be fulfilled if Abraham's descendants fill the stars, and therefore they will fill the stars. God has said this will be, and it will be! Have faith in the promises of God. Believe in His glory. Believe without question what He says to you, and the future that We foresee will come to pass. Doubt, listen to those that would steal your glory, listen to those that would destroy your children, and it will not. Things are very simple. There is nothing in between. There is one or the other. If you believe God, if you hear His voice and do the things that He tells you to do, you will succeed. If you gloriously admit that you are His child, and will fear nothing in His service, there is nothing on Earth that can stop you! Only your doubt inhibits you. Go to him that has no doubt. Go to him that has no fear, and he will fortify you. He will give you the wisdom of the ages. He will make your faith the faith of a hundred, and all of your doubts will be gone, forever. Feel the power of God within him, and know that the same power is within you, and become as fearless as he is. Accept your destiny and be glorified, and know that you do it of your own free will, not because you fear God, not because you hate His enemies, but because you love Him with every fiber of your being, with every bit of energy that your soul possesses. let all doubt be washed away. Let all fear be burned away by the glory of God, and cry out "I am a believer! I will do the will of my Father! I will save my nation, and I will save the world! His will be done!"

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God,
By The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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