Jesus' 74th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To First Lady Laura Bush

September 29, 2,008

Greetings To God's Most Glorious Daughter!

Below are three suggestions for The Apostles you will need when you take Christianity to the stars. I ask you to acknowledge all suggestions that have been made, and accept or refuse any so that work can begin on this effort. We have to begin now. Every hour that We delay makes the task more difficult. We would not bring the proposal forth at this time if it was not vitally necessary. Your acceptance of God's purpose will also be the acceptance of this task. The two are joined. One can never exist without the other. Unless We serve the current crisis mankind will not go to the stars, there is no hope of it. And remember there will always be a record of these times somewhere. When the Earth is a barren wasteland and others ask "What happened here?" they will be refered to the the web sites that tell of how God pleaded with you to save His children and how you steadfastly refused. Every message that is sent to you is repeated throughout the stars. Billions of mothers are asking "Why won't she save her children?"

Some say my comments yesterday were gay bashing, terror tactics trying to frighten people, that this is not the homosexual agenda, that homosexuals only want to be able to live their way in peace. Well, if that is true, why don't they simply do it and stop trying to force the acceptance of their relationship on others? If they simply do what they want to do in private they will be no threat to Us. But when they go public and try to take over my churches and sodomize my little children, they become my enemies. There is nothing else. There can be nothing else. As long as they are trying to get public acceptance, trying to make their way normal sexual practices, We must fight them! We have no choice! And what We have stated are their goals.

The first vice presidential debates are coming up. You should take part in them as God's independent candidate, representing the new party that God has formed because the other two parties are so corrupt they give The American People no choice.

I will be speaking to your husband today about the bail out. I would appreciate your support in this matter, that God's desires be fulfilled. They are not unreasonable and I believe they are what the public desires. The greatest cause for this disaster is the greed of the executives running these companies, and that must end.

Oh! In the debates Demetrius has been asked if he was President would he guarantee no military action against Iran? Positively and absolutely not! He would take away no option in that matter! He would keep every course of action open to him, and he would make it clear to the world that he would not condemn Israel in any way if they felt they had to defend themselves. The leader of this country has said openly he intends to exterminate The Israeli People, every man, woman and child. Demetrius' people consider a threat the same as the act, and would act accordingly. That's why it's very foolish to theaten them. It causes very nasty results! But in the debates I would want you to make these points quite clear. we will not tolerate aggressors. We won't sit back and let them rape the world. We will do what needs to be done. And anyone that believes these things should be tolerated, that people like this should be allowed to express their frustrations, vent their anger, had better stay out of Our way, because We'll have no use for them.

I'll end with the terrible nightmare Demetrius had last night. He has a dental appointment today. He dreamed he was going to it and preparing to cross the street. There were some other people there waiting for the light to change. Suddenly two of them threw themselves in front of Demetrius and Alura and shots began to be fired. The two people were National Security Agents and had bullet proof armor hidden under their clothes. However, the young man shielding Demetrius was struck in the neck and died in his arms. The terrorists, Iranians, were blocked down the street and were firing on the other agents trying to apprehend them. Demetrius took the fallen man's pistol, walked down the street, and proceeded to shoot each of the terrorists in the head at point blank range. Though they were wearing bulletproof hoods the impact of the bullets at that range shattered their skulls. Demetrius then returned, prayed over the fallen young man, and asked to continue on to his dental appointment, that the other security agents deal with things until he was done. Their commander told two of his agents to accompany the generals and when the senior general was done with his appointment, escort him back. The agent with Demetrius was a voluptuous young woman who, when he got to the dentist office and began to weep, held him for some time. The dream continued on in quite a bit of detail but those were the important parts. Demetrius hates these realistic dreams that are so accurate in every detail! They're just very annoying.

But that's my comments for today. God still calls you. The need for you grows more desperate every day. We are fighting on but unless We fight together We cannot win. We have no hope. We will keep trying but unless you join Us, unless you do God's will, there is little hope. You should be in North Dakota today. You and Demetrius should be organizing your itinerary you should be demanding to be in the vice presidential debates. You should be getting on the ballot in every state. And again, women on a hundred worlds are asking you "Why aren't you? Why aren't you doing your Father's will? Why are you letting your children die?" We wish you would give them an answer, that you would speak publicly and say why you won't do what God asks, why you betray Him, why you forsake His children. Those people asking have a right to know why you are destroying mankind, what possible excuse could you have to not do the will of your Father.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God
By The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

An Open Letter From Philip, The Assigner Of Companions In The Kingdom Of God
To First Lady Laura Bush

I am writing to you on a matter of utmost importance before anyone else has an opportunity to make a suggestion for someone to fill my position among your Apostles I would like to suggest St. Valentine, the martyr of Rome, who has assisted me for many years in my endeavors and is currently my chief assistant. I could not think of anyone better for this position! He has done an excellent job assisting me, and I think he is quite worthy of the position. I know you are having a hard time accepting the great responsibilities that God is giving you. But I do wish that you would acknowledge those who have been suggested and accept or refuse them so the ones you do accept can begin to fulfill their duties and gather their staff. We cannot tell you what an undertaking this is, and how much We need your support.

An Apostle of Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
And A Servant Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

An Open Letter From James, The Brother Of John, Son Of Zebedee,
Apostle, Assigner Of Angelic Messengers
To First Lady Laura Bush

I, too, wish to make a suggestion for those to serve as your Apostles on the new world. For many years Hermes, The Son Of Zeus, has assisted me especially with projects in Greece and Rome, and has been invaluable to me. He has never been my chief assistant but has always been among my most devoted workers. I have spoken with Lord Zeus and asked if he would give his son over to Our work, to go with The Christian Peoples to the stars, and, to serve as an Apostle. Zeus has said that he would sorely miss one of his favorite children, but him and the Father of this world have always been good friends, and worked together for the good of all. If his son was to be of valued service, he could most certainly be spared, and serving The Father Of This World would bring him great honor. So I put forth his name to hold the position that I hold serving The Father Of This World. As others ask, I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge my message and accept this one into your service, as I am sure it would bring good will between The Kingdom Of Olympus and The Kingdom Of God. It is rare that another Kingdom will willingly give up one of Its Leaders to serve God. This is an offer that should not be slighted.

An Apostle Of Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
And A Servant Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

An Open Letter From Thaddaeus, Apostle Of Images And Icons
To First Lady Laura Bush

As suggestions are being made for Apostles to be in your service, there is a general outcry among those around me who should fill my position, one who has served me time and time again, who has not been one of my permanent staff, but is respected by everyone whenever he is called upon to serve. No one could fulfill this position better than Leonardo DaVinci, one of God's greatest servants who helped keep the truths of God alive when the false church did all in their power to destroy them. There is a clamor about me to beg of you to accept this individual in this position. There is already a full staff ready to volunteer to serve him. And one of the first things he would like to have you do is find an artist and have Demetrius direct him in producing a proper image of The Last Supper, depicting it the way it actually occurred. You do not know how much DaVinci desires this! He would like to have this work produced and carried on the ship that takes your party to the stars and displayed in the first temple that is erected. He would like it to be a good sized painting, not quite a mural, but a substantial piece of canvas. Just a little project to consider as you begin your work. And the first gift that this great artist would like to give the world, if he could find someone to fund the project. But I have put forth my candidate, and I would be deeply honored if you would accept him as he would be.

An Apostle Of Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
And A Servant Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

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