Jesus' 75th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To First Lady Laura Bush

September 30, 2,008

Profound Greetings To God's Greatest Hope For His Children, Perhaps The Only Hope For His Children!

In this letter are the final recommendations for your Apostles. The womens' groups in The Afterlife are sincerely hoping that you will answer Eleanor Roosevelt's request given through her husband because they want it known that even when the greatest love is shared a man will release a woman to take her proper glory. This is an expression of true love, and not an expression of eternal bondage, that they would really appreciate you recognizing.

I have to mention to you how many it took to create the chaos that is now gripping this country. Ten of my faithful followers obeyed my wishes and performed the services that were necessary to bring down the house of cards that is the financial market that was created by The Democrats. The Republicans should not be blamed for this mess at all, for it was The Democrats' teachings of total irresponsibility and doing your own thing that has created this crisis. We could've done it with six, but We decided to take no chances. Ten people not doing something that We have been doing for better than twelve years to keep this house of cards from collapsing! Just ten people following my instructions, that's all it took! That is how dependant the whole system was on Our support. As I told your dear husband We were planning on doing this a week before inauguration if The Democrats won, to make them come into office in total and complete chaos. But where they're going to win anyway, We decided why wait, and it looks like it won't be long before We bring down China's economy, Russia is already reeling If We can do this with just ten believers following my directions, what could We do if you were to waken a hundred thousand and have them truly serving Us?

And you could, easily, just by saying "As strange as it sounds, as hard as it is to believe, I am positive that Speaker Gerald Polley has been asked by God to run for The Presidency, and that God is asking me to be his vice president. I cannot, in good conscience, even though some of the things God is telling me hurt me very much, refuse to serve Him. I must do as He asks, because I sincerely believe it is the best for every woman on Earth. God wants to end the age old tyrannys that have oppressed us for ages. He wants to use me as the instrument to end those tyrannys. God The Mother has come forth and made Her presence known, and is pouring Her power through me. I must use that power. God's people must speak! They must tell the world what is right and what is wrong. We cannot simply accept what is evil and say that God will tolerate it, when we know He will not. It is difficult to stand against others who love their children and want them to be able to live their way and express their feelings in public without being shamed. But there are some things that cannot be accepted, some things we cannot allow our children to do no matter how innocent we think it is! If God says it cannot be, it cannot be. I love God, I will follow God. No matter how much it hurts me personally I will do what God asks me to do."

This is what We need of you. This is what has to be. And We need to know if you will do it. We need to know if you will side with the women of the world who seek their independence, or rather you will side with those that are weak and want to live in perpetual bondage, letting someone else take all responsibility so they will not have to make difficult decisions, just blindly follow someone else. The human race cannot survive if this continues, if half of its resources are wasted, if half of its minds simply do what others tell them to do mankind will perish. If the women of the world do not rise up and say "Enough! I know right from wrong, I know my men are doing a wrong, and I will rise up and say enough! I will not see all I love destroyed. " You must lead them. You must lead them out of the Darkness. This is what God sent you to do.

Demetrius has mailed to the media in Alabama and Alaska with our plea to the media that they tell us what is wrong with God's proposals, why the conditions He is asking for in the bailout aren't appropriate. We would like your comments on this too.

Well, that's my say this morning. You are Our only hope. You are the only chance We have. It's that simple. If you say no, the human race is doomed, that's it! We'll try, We'll never give up. But unless you stand with God there is virtually no hope. I, of anyone know how hard it is, I know what a burden it is, but I also know the courage in your heart, and how much you desire what We want. But We need a definite answer. You either must say publicaly that you are with Us, or you refuse what god asks. We don't need it tomorrow, We need it right now. We need it this very second. If you forsake God, if you say no, then We must do all in Our power to prepare for what is to come. It's that simple. So We need an answer. You have to give Us an answer! There can be nothing else. You have to publicaly say yes or no, and We can't wait.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God,
By The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

An Open Letter From John Paul II, Former Pope Of The Catholic Church
To First Lady Laura Bush

I Send You My Most Profound Greetings And Wish So much that you could reach my predecessor and have him fulfill Demetrius' wishes, which are the wishes of God, and free God's daughters from the bondage that oppresses them, which I should have done. But that is another matter. The matter I wish to discuss with you today is the Apostle to be your monitor of religious teachings on Earth. I wish to put forth the name of St. Theresa Of The Little Flowers, who has become rather dear to me very quickly here in The Afterlife, and who is the executive assistant of Matthew, the Apostle that now holds that position. He says he would be very hard pressed to replace one who is so valued to him, but if you acknowledge that you accept her he would most certainly release her and several others of his staff to assist her in building her Apostleship and begin the carrying out of her duties. All of Us must impress upon you the need for haste. There is so much to do! And I will add my voice to those crying out to you and asking you to do God's will, and help Him defeat both presidential candidates that We consider completely unworthy. Not that they are not themselves, good men, but they are being led by those who will misuse them for their own purposes.

A Servant Of
Him That Dwells In The Hoiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

An Open Letter From Dwight D. Eisenhower, Former President Of The United States
To First Lady Laura Bush

Most Profound Greetings To A Woman Who Has Been Thrust Into A Most Difficult Position!

I must add my voice to those making recommendations to complete your list of Apostles for your new world. I thought some of the decisions I had to make were difficult! The ones you have to make are near to impossible! But as Speaker Polley says, God never asks anyone to do the impossible, only the difficult. I have been asked by the other Presidents to bring forth the name of one of Our own as your Appointer Of Titles, Denominations, And Cults. We, as one, would like to recommend Abraham Lincoln for this position, though it will be a great saddness to have him depart from among Us, and not be a part of the many adventures in which We find Ourselves in. We could not think of anyone better for the position. Whe We proposed it to The Commander Of Hosts He smiled and commented "I could not think of a better choice!" Abraham, himself, is shocked at the idea. He thinks himself nowhere near worthy. Perhaps that is part of his greatness. But I can assure you Everyone else does. He was a great assistance to Martin Luthor when he took over this position, as he has served his predecessor many times, and has a complete knowledge of what is required of this position. I certainly hope you will consider my proposal. And I must tell you as all others have told you, haste is of the essence. We must begin work on this project! It is vital! If We succeed in the election it is going to mean a hundred years of frantic effort. We need every hour that you can give Us.

A Resident Of The Kingdom Of God
By The Salvation Of Its Steward,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

An Open Letter From Theodore Roosevelt, Former President Of The United States
To First Lady Laura Bush

Most Sincere Greetings And My Fond Blessings!

I find myself making a very strange request to you, that many probably would not understand. But I would like to put forth the name of my wife Eleanor, to be your Apostle who appoints Civil Administrators. She wishes to go on this great adventure with you, to the stars. I'm afraid I do not. So if she goes, I will be staying behind. She will be going in the company of a dear friend of both of us, who will become her official male companion and I will take another companion here on Earth. There are no hard feelings between us, whatsoever. It is only a simple matter that she wishes to do this thing, and I do not. No offense to you, dear lady! But I want to stay right here on terra firma! I'm simply not that adventurous. My wife is. When people started suggesting this idea her excitement became almost overbearing! And if you do not choose her, I don't know if I would be able to continue to exist, her disappointment would be so great. I must assure you, again, that you would be in no way ending our relationship. We would always have the deepest and most sincere feelings for each other. The love that we shared was glorious, but sometimes it is simply time for people to go their separate ways. So I do wish you would accept my proposal and honor my wife with this position. I do not doubt that she will do the most superb job! Though I will admit, she has had no experience, she is already pestering dear Simon, who now has this position in Jesus' service, and asking him to assist him for a time, so she can get the idea of the job. I doubt if it will take her long. It doesn't take her long to get the idea of anything!

b>A Resident Of The Kingdom Of God
By The Salvation Of Its Steward,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ

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