Jesus' Eighth Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth Called The Christ
To First Lady Laura Bush

May 17, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings My Fellow Servant Of God!

In this very strange world you never know who's going to be coming to me and asking for assistance! A former senator of The United States who was in service at the beginning of World War Two came to me rather upset. He does not want me to mention his name because it still embarrasses him that he was so stupid as to utter the comments that he made. Apparently your husband quoted him and now The Democrats are attacking him because of it. This troubled man wants to defend your husband with all the vigor that he has. "I was an idiot!" he said, "I thought you could negotiate with anyone, that every person was rational and could be reasoned with. Hitler proved me wrong. You do not negotiate with people like him! The only thing they understand is 5,000 pound bombs reducing their country to dust. It is the only thing that they recognize, greater power than themselves. I am a servant of God. I stand for God. Hamas and Hezbollah in Iran have sworn to destroy God's children, to wipe them off the surface of the Earth, and to take away the little inheritance that God has given them. Anyone, anyone that would negotiate with these people, that would talk with them and give them the opportunity to kill more of God's children I consider a traitor to The United States, a traitor to the entire world! You cannot negotiate with people that have their children strap bombs on themselves, walk into places of worship and detonate them! Anyone that even tries is not of God! I wish your husband to know I support him 100%! And I ask him to continue as they say today, to tell it like it is, and if The Democrats do not like that, if some of the public does not like that, well we all know where they are going and how fast they are going there! Let us go to the better place. Though we make a few mistakes, we will not sell out the innocent to enrich ourselves. Those that do suffer for a long, long time." This is the end of this dear man's comments. I do hope you will share them with your husband.

On another matter, I must inform you that God The Father has declared that the mayor of San Francisco is The Anti Christ. Bin Laden had shared that designation as The Kingdom Of God's number one enemy, the first on Their most wanted list. But this foul creature of Darkness has taken his place, because he, through his perversion, through his lust, is now directing the power that is being pitted against The Kingdom Of God to destroy It, and, God The Father. Bin Laden, though a problem, has become an insignificance compared to this foul creature. The like of this has never been seen! Two cities in one state are now the focal points of God's efforts. Los Angeles is supplying a great deal of the power that is defending The Kingdom Of God and helping Its Forces hold Their own, along with the power that you are now generating. Yet a short distance away, in the same state, is the city that is receiving the dark power from the creatures of Darkness all around the world, and sending it out to attack God's servants in The United States. That a city of Darkness can function in such close proximity to a city of Light shows how powerful the creature of Darkness controlling that city is! It is little wonder that God is calling on the people of California to rise up against this evil and bring Him there so He can confront the creatures of Darkness directly, lead His people into their midst, and hopefully break their power. Since you have brought God's power back to Washington and it is so effectively attacking the creatures of Darkness there, it is little wonder that the focus of the creatures of Darkness' power has shifted to another place, that another foul creature has taken over direct control of it!

I again ask you to join Our efforts, to call upon the people of California to rise up and confront this evil. There are very good people there, they just need leadership. Our dear Arnold is misled on this subject and is supporting the creatures of Darkness. You visiting him and reasoning with him and trying to make him understand that the sodomizing of God's children is completely unacceptable is very important. The chances are much better that he would listen to you rather than Demetrius. The mothers throughout California whose children have been sodomized and destroyed forever call out to you, beg you to come and save the rest of their children before they, too, are destroyed.

The lust of the homosexual and lesbian community is destroying the world. They stand in direct confrontation with God. They say "We will not have God's perfection! We will do what we want! And if God forbids us we will destroy Him, we will turn the people from Him so we can have our pleasure. No one, even God will deny us what we want!" We cannot let them succeed! We cannot let them destroy The Kingdom Of God! Those who speak out and say "Let my daughters, let my sons do what they want to do, it's their own business!" Must be stopped. They must be removed from power. They must be shunned. The public must reject them. God needs you to lead this struggle to save His children, to save His Kingdom, to save Him, because if His children die, if His world withers and dies, God will not forsake them, God will not abandon them. He will spread the last of His power out among them and perish with them. He will not let His children die alone because He loves them so much. Can you reject such love? Can you say "No, I can't make a stand. It will hurt my friends."? Are your friends more important than God? Who is your greater friend, your Creator or those that are plotting to destroy Him? Who do you love more?

You are God's most powerful servant on Earth at this time. You are the focal point of all of The Kingdom Of God's power. Our beloved Demetrius holds Our ground, fights Our battles, but he is not of our House. He stands virtually alone against the creatures of Darkness and wins God's battles. And this is unacceptable. God's most powerful agent should be at his side. God's dearest friend should not be leading the battle, but God's true servant should be, supporting God's friend with all of her power and all of her glory and preparing herself to take the place that God intends for her, so God's friend can return to his own duties, and save his own children so all will be right with the world. God's people should not let others, no matter how beloved they are, fight their battles alone. They should stand with them, accept their leadership and guidance, accept their help, but fight their own battles. You are God's power, you are God's glory. You might not want this, you might want some other to take it, but it is your place, as it was my place when my hour was at hand to do the will of God. God's friends are valiant, they are true, they are trustworthy. God's children should be the same.

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God

By The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All

Now, And, Forever

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