
Jesus' 9th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth
To First Lady Laura Bush Who Is God's Most Powerful Agent On Earth

May 19, 2,008

I must report to you the circumstances of this past evening. Things have kind of reversed themselves. The creatures of Darkness have abandoned all assaults against Us, and have set up a barrier of Darkness around San Francisco and are trying to keep us out. An horrendous spiritual battle was fought there last night as The Forces Of God tried to penetrate the creatures of Darkness' forces. We did advance some way into the city, but were not able to reach its center. The defense the creatures of Darkness were putting up was beyond anything that has ever been seen before! They were willing to expend all the energy they had to keep Us from taking spiritual control of the city! Notwithstanding, We were pretty weary and bashed and battered by the end of the night! But the mere fact that We are tying the creatures of Darkness down here, and they so fear Our effort shows its great necessity.

While all of this was happening, though, actually in the lulls between the fighting, I wrote a song for the San Francisco demonstration with the aide of John Lennon! He didn't actually give me any lyrics but only encouragement, and some direction as to how to lay it out; things like "Well, you've got to tell people to fight other places, too!", and, "Don't forget the opposition! You've got to make some comment about the opposition!" that kind of encouragement. First thing this morning after Demetrius got up I recorded a version without backup. Alura has not had time to type it up yet. She'll probably get it tomorrow. But here's the audio.


I would like so much to have Cleto And The Cletones of "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" put the music behind it, cover up my little mistakes. We will be sending them a copy of this email stating how much God would bless them for doing this, and saying that if they should record it, and distribute it, we would only ask 10% of the profits. The rest would be theirs. Now, if you were to give them a little call and say "I wish very much that you could fulfill Jesus' wishes and put the music behind His song for San Francisco! It would really, really please me!" it might encourage them to do so. But We are making every effort We can to raise the power, to break the dark ones' control of San Francisco and restore God's glory there, and this would certainly help!

We cannot believe how much power The Democrats, and especially The Clintons have lost! That the creatures of Darkness have abandoned them and chosen a new leader in The United States shows how weak they have become. Hillary's failure to win the Democratic nomination has really turned the creatures of Darkness against them, and they are rapidly losing control of those that follow them. It shows how weak the leadership of the creatures of Darkness really are, and how quickly they can fall from power!

We made a little animated cartoon out of Hillary exercising and put it up on the internet. Our friends who have seen it say they nearly laughed themselves to death! Here's a link. Share it with your friends.


Gerald did another one of Hillary punching a black wobble bag with a colored face on it, and saying "Come on Obama, this isn't fair! Hold still! I can't hit a moving target!" But he thought it might be considered a little too racist and dumped it.

The struggle continues, but God continues to call you. There is still grave danger, and We need your power, we need your open support. It is the only way of winning absolute victory. The leadership of The Democratic Party is beginning to feel God's sting, but they're too stupid to concede and back off. They believe they can win the election with the support of the sodomists. They will sell God's children into sin to gain political control of the country, and no matter how much God tries, no matter how many warnings God gives, they won't support Him and save His children. But God will continue to fight, even if the beaureaucrats forbid Him to save His children, even if they say He cannot warn them of their fate, he cannot reach out to them and tell them the danger they are in. People who could do a great deal of good, who could change their ways and become servants of The Light are perishing because God cannot warn them of the danger they are in, where their course of action is taking them.

He again asks you for legal assistance in fighting this abomination. His servants must not be silenced! Those who warn people of their fate if they do not do what is right, must not be forbidden to speak. God must be allowed to save His children! Surely you must know some attorney who would love to take on this fight, who would stand for God The Father and His servants, and take this struggle into court, that would probably do it for nothing other than the satisfaction of defending God and His Truth.

You are Our greatest power! You are rapidly becoming Our greatest glory! I have said it before, and I will say it again; if you combine your powers with Demetrius' We would be invincible! God could not be stopped because His servants would not be stopped! I beg of you my sister, I plead with you, turn from those that are keeping you from your glory. Cast them aside and say "I do not hate you, I still love you, but I will not let you destroy God's children! I will stand with his friend and be God's servant! I will do God's will no matter how unpopular it is!" I ask you, my sister, my fellow servant of God, to take the place that He has intended for you!

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Authority Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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