An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth Called The Christ
To Mary Cheney, The Vice President's Lesbian Daughter

May 13, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings!

I wish I could communicate with you on much better circumstances. I wish I could simply tell you that I desire so much for you to give up the evil that you have become obsessed with and return to God's perfection, the male and female relationship. But I must tell you of a dire circumstance that has arisen that puts you in a very sad position.

From time to time the fate of all mankind, the very existence of God's children comes to rest on one person's soul. The hopes of every mother on Earth, the dreams of every father depends on the actions of one person, and sadly that fate has now fallen upon you. God has asked Our dear servant Demetrius, known among mankind as Speaker Gerald Polley, to run for The Presidency. He has asked The First Lady, Laura Bush, to be Demetrius' running mate, the Vice Presidential Candidate. Everybody in The Afterlife knows that dear Senator McCain, a fine, just, good man, cannot win against whatever Democratic candidate is put forth. Only Demetrius and Laura have a hope of winning the election. But they cannot do so without the backing of your father. Unless he comes forth and asks The First Lady to join the battle and gives her his full and complete support, we will not be able to win. But your father will not support Demetrius because Demetrius follows God's will and opposes the sickness that you are engaged in. Because your father cannot face the shame of what you do and tries to make it acceptable to the public, there is a grave danger that virtually every soul on Earth will be destroyed, but for a tiny handful. Out of the many souls on Earth less than 3,000 would survive!

To make Our Work even more difficult, the secret service has come to Demetrius and told him that God can no longer speak through him, that God cannot warn any of His children of their fate if they do not do His will. I do not have to explain to you what that means for any nation, for any people. The Scriptures make it very clear! I do not have to repeat it.

All these circumstances have put you in the position that you are now responsible for the survival of every man, woman, and child on Earth. There is no question of it, there is no doubt of it, it is absolute and total fact. Your actions may well determine the fate of the entire human race. So I am making a personal appeal to you in the name of every mother that exists both living and in The Kingdom Of God, that you help Us, no matter how much it hurts you, no matter how much you don't want to do it, that you go to your father and say "Father, above all else I want my way of life accepted. But I cannot be responsible for having God kept from His people. I ask you to publicaly speak out and state that no representative of God in The United States will be forbidden to give His messages. I ask you to support Speaker Polley in his Presidential bid. We cannot attempt to silence God, no matter how much what He says displeases us, no matter how much we want Him to accept what we want. We cannot tell God that He is forbidden to speak, forbidden to warn His children of their fate! You must stop this! I cannot be responsible for what will happen because of it. I am not a fool. I know the power of God. I want His acceptance but I will not destroy everything attempting to get it. Please, father, no matter how much it hurts to have bad things said about my way of life, support those serving God!"

Then, I wish you to go to The First Lady, take her hand and say "Please! Accept the power that God offers you! Accept the place that God offers you! Do His will. Become the first female Vice President and hopefully later, if God's will is done, become the first female President. I know you will have to say bad things about my way of life. You will have to attack what I love. But you must do God's will. You must take the place that is your destiny! For the sake of all women on Earth I cannot keep you from that. Please, do the will of God!"

These are the things I wish you to do. I ask you this in the name of God The Father, who has been forbidden to speak to you. I ask this in the name of every woman that holds a newborn child to her breast. I ask this in the name of every child of God who desires a future. They all look to you. They are all waiting for you to do God's will, and they are all praying that you have the courage to do it. It is not pleasant to have the fate of all in your hands. It is not pleasant to have the power to destroy the entire human race, and you have that power. All you have to do is be silent, all you have to do is continue to live in your lust and care for no one else, care for nothing else but gratifying your pleasure. That's all you have to do and all God has created on this world will come to an end, all that you hold dear will cease to be. That is the power you now possess. You have the ability to defeat God, to destroy God, to destroy mankind. That is the power that you now possess. It is entirely up to you. Our success, Our failure is up to you. No one can take that away from you. No one can make it any different, no matter how much they tell you they can. There is no place for you in The Kingdom Of God, but I desire very much that there be a place for you elsewhere, that in the passage of eternity you will finally give up this sickness and return to The Light. You have an opportunity to make sure that The Light will always be there, that the Darkness will never devour it. It is entirely up to you!

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God,
By The Authority Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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