An Open Letter From Muhammed Who Is Called The Prophet
To First Lady Laura Bush

May 22, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings To The Leader Of Christianity On Earth And The Mother Of My Soul!

I come to you today to bring you word of one of those frustrating situations that these strange flows of power has created. Because the people of The Middle East are becoming aware that God is calling you and begging you to join our beloved Demetrius who We call The Father Of Fathers, and battle to save Our children, an energy flow has opened that gives Us a window of opportunity to deal with the situation of the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay as I want to have it dealt with. But this window of opportunity will only last for a week and the end will overlap God's great march in San Francisco, which I would not dare interfere with. But as I want to resolve this situation so much, to remove the burdon from your dear husband, and him that will succeed him, I must make you aware of the situation and tell you what I desire to be done.

I wish you to obtain permission from the governments where each of the less dangerous prisoners are from, those who only fought as soldiers and committed no terrorist acts, and get them to agree to allow Demetrius and Alura to psychically examine each of them. They have information that they are not even aware of that is vital to Our efforts to save mankind. And this is the only way that We can retrieve it. Then, I wish Demetrius as my agent, to sign a pardon sending them back to their own countries where they will be put in exile outside of the areas where they originally came from and be given a job and, a place to live. And if their near relatives wish to come there and live with them it would be allowed. As long as they cause no further trouble, as long as they do not egage in any further acts against their governments they would be allowed to live out their lives in peace. The governments of those countries would be allowed to question them, but absolutely no torture of any kind would be allowed. Because they would be under my protection any man that even slapped them without cause would be denied Paradise.

As for the most serious prisoners that is something Demetrius would have to negotiate with the leaders of the countries where they come from, let them know my desires and ask their consent to do what I want done. I know the difficulty of trying to arrange something like this, especially on such short notice. But if you could get Demetrius and Alura to Guantanamo and let them work Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and then Thursday fly them to California so that God may use Demetrius' physical form to lead his people through San Francisco I and my people would be extremely grateful!

Demetrius constantly says "God never asks the impossible. There is nothing that He desires His people to do that cannot be done if they follow His wishes." God says this can be done! Though it would be tiring for Demetrius it is an opportunity that We would hate to see pass. It would be striking a blow against the creatures of Darkness which it would be very hard for them to recover from.

Oh! And if Demetrius should go to Guantanamo I know you have doctors there. I would appreciate them looking at his leg. Demetrius does not think anything is broken, but the discomfort interferes with his abilities. Perhaps there could be some kind of brace that would take pressure off the effected area until it heals and give him more comfort.

There is another small matter that I wish you could help us with. Alura will be forwarding you a letter from a sharlatan that claims to be an FBI agent. Demetrius is really, really angry that these deceptions are allowed, and it is so hard to get people to do something about them. If you would be sure to get this email and forward it to the proper agencies that investigate these criminal acts, I would very much appreciate it. Like Demetrius I have no use for these thieves that prey on the feeble minded, and that they attempt to deceive God's servants, that they think they are so gullible enrages us. If you could help in this matter it would be very much appreciated!

He Who Rules Paradise
By The Authority Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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