An Open Letter From He That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
To Former President George Bush

September 22, 2,007

Most Profound Greetings!

I am writing to you on a very important purpose. I have asked my servant Demetrius to make an effort to become President Of The United States. I want to see if someone that absolutely positively believes that carries my messages and the messages of my Beloved Son can actually be elected, to see how many votes he can get, to see if the world still believes in me or not, to see if Americans truly follow me or, the creatures of Darkness. We need a strong voice to be the leader of this effort, we need someone with experience and contacts among The Republicans to get this effort done. I believe you are that person! I desire very much that you become Demetrius' campaign chairman for his national campaign, and help him get on the ballot in all the primaries, and encourage other Republicans to join in this effort. Though some of them have misguided belifs it is imperative, for the sake of The United States, and, the world, that they set those beliefs aside. Demetrius has asked your son, the current President, to join in this campaign and remain in government service if he should be elected as his Secretary Of State. I ask you, with the greatest sincerity, to encourage your son to do this. Demetrius needs his experience and skill, and together they could do great and wondrous things! He has also asked your devoted daughter in law, The First Lady, to come forth and join in the struggle against those that would sodomize my children and be his running mate, The Vice Presidential Candidate! I also sincerely ask you to encourage her to do as he bids because it is my sincere wish for her, also. Demetrius wants someone that he can absolutely depend on if anything should happen to him to take over The Presidency. He can think of no one better than your daughter in law, and I concur with him completely!

I know Demetrius has not agreed with you in the past, that you have had some differences of opinion. I ask you to set those differences aside and come forward now, supporting this effort I have done completely, because you know if you do so, the reward you will receive will be greatness beyond the understanding of man. For this is the reward of all that truly serve me. Some men say I am dead, that my power is gone. I would appreciate it very much if you prove them wrong, that you prove to the world I still exist and my power to do good is still unquestionable! By being Demetrius' campaign chairman you would certainly do this!

Here is a link to his web site where he is beginning his campaign. Read what he is trying to do and tell me why you cannot support it.

God The Father
Ruler Of Heaven
Through The Stewardship Of
My Son Jesus Christ,
Now, And Forever

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Gerald Polley, internationally known psychic, channeling God.