"JESUS!" Major Smith cried. "We've got some nuclear experts with the first units. They could be there in fifteen minutes if they shut down the radar. Our helicopters will come in."
"It is being done," the General assured. "Please get them here quickly!"
"They're on their way!" Major Smith cried, putting down another phone.
"Now, General," The President insisted, "I think both of us better say something to our people. I will enjoy meeting you some day sir. I hope, before I leave this world, to hold your grandchildren."
"I will be looking forward to the day, sir," the General answered, "and might I say, sir, well fought, honorably fought?"
"Thank you!" The President answered. "Thank you very much sir." He hung up the phone and let out a sigh. "Well!" he finally managed, "Better call the press people."
A few minutes later an excited crowd of reporters were gathered in the briefing room. The President entered.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, "we'll make this short and sweet and to the point. It's OVER! Less than half an hour ago The North Koreans capitulated. They have agreed to dispersal and the colonization of North Korea by international persons. Our troops are rushing in to lend them humanitarian and technical assistance, dealing with some left over weaponry. There may be a few scattered pockets of resistance, hard core fanatics that will not wish to end it, but it IS over. We can go on to other business. Questions?"
"Mr. President, now that the situation in Korea is resolved what about Senator Phillip's threat to have you impeached if you do not obey The Supreme Court's order to reinstate those homosexual members of The White House staff that you transferred when you became President?"
"Those individuals," The President answered, "were legally transferred. They were given positions equal or better than those they originally held. The Supreme Court is out of line trying to force me to associate with personages I do not wish to associate with! If the senator wants to try to impeach because I have offended members of his chosen lifestyle, let him! He hasn't got the votes and he knows it. It will simply be a mindless waste of the taxpayer's money. The time has come to stand up to The Supreme Court when they try to trample on one person's rights to protect another's. I will associate with who I like. They will not tell me who I should have in my home. I will decide that, and if they say I'm breaking the law, let's have impeachment hearings. Let's fight it out. As they can tell from the last few weeks I love a good fight. Bring 'em on!"
Everyone roared with laughter."Thank you, Mr. President!" someone cried, "Thank you!"


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