Ceremony Of Adulthood Or Entry To Church

At the sound of the ringing of bells, two young people enter from either side of the temple, a male from the right, a female from the left. They go and stand before The Speaker in front of the altar. When they are there, The Speaker raises his hand and speaks to The Church. The young people kneel.

Speaker-- "These two have taken the tests and been found worthy to take the responsibility of adults. They enter the temple children, they leave it adults."

The Church-- "As The Lords have commanded, so must it be."

(The Speaker takes from the altar table a cup of red, sweet wine and holds it high above him.)

Speaker--"Behold! The blood of The Lords!"

The Church-- "Behold! The blood of The Lords!"

(The Speaker stands before kneeling male.)

Speaker-- "This is the blood of The Lords shed for you. Do you swear by those present, both of this world and the Other, that if it is necessary you will not hesitate to shed yours for those who come after you?"

Male--"Before those present and The Lords I so swear!"

Speaker-- "Then take the cup and drink!"

(Young man takes the cup and drinks.)

The Church-- "Behold! He has drank the blood of The Lords!"

(Speaker goes to young woman and repeats what he has said and done for the male. After she has drank--)

The Church-- "Behold! She has drank the blood of The Lords!"

Speaker puts cup back to the table and lifts a small loaf of bread over his head.

Speaker-- "Behold! The flesh of The Lords!"

The Church-- "Behold! The flesh of The Lords!"

Speaker breaks the loaf in two. As he breaks it--)

Church-- (Moans.)

Speaker-- (Goes to young man.) "Behold! The flesh of The Lords, which was broken and suffered for you. If it is necessary, will you swear before those here and those in The World To Come, that your flesh, too, shall be broken in Their Service?"

Male-- "By those here and by The Lords, I so swear that if need be, let my flesh also be broken in Their Service, for They are MY Lords."

(Male takes the bread and eats of it.)

The Church-- "Behold! He has eaten the flesh of The Lords!"

Speaker-- (Repeats the same process with the female.)

The Church-- (After female eats bread.) "Behold! She has eaten the flesh of The Lords!"

(Speaker puts bread back on table. Turns to the young people.)

Speaker--"Arise, man, arise, woman. Go forth from here in the blessings of The Lords. Now you are one with this congregation, no longer children, but equal with all here. Your celebration awaits! Go forth!"

The Church-- Cheers as young people join them, and go from the temple to celebration party or feast.

When at all possible these ceremonies should be conducted in male and female pairs. But when an opposite is not available an individual can receive The Bread And The Wine by themselves.

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