Amulets And Talismans

A talisman or an amulet is an object that has been especially charged with energy either by accident, or deliberately. There are many superstitions in this line, such as the rabbit's foot, the four leaf clover and the list goes on and on. Many of these legends have lost their true meaning with time, such as the rabbit's foot. Originally they were given as gifts to a bride and groom to insure fertility, but now they have grown to mean good luck.
Talismans can be made in many different ways, but here we will tell you how to take an ordinary object and make it a talisman. It could be anything from a ring to a favorite pendant, any object that one carries with them most of the time.
Take the object you wish to have energized and place it on your family altar for two to three days before casting this spell. Then, take your candle holder and place in it a white candle and set it in the middle of the room. Place the object to be energized on the southern side of the candle holder. Light the candle and with your Staff Of Power, perform the Spell Of Protection, then, holding your staff vertically and starting at the north with your back to the candle, repeat this prayer to the four points of the compass.

"Oh Blessed Fathers and Holy Mothers of the north, send forth Thy Power into this (name of the thing being energized,) that through it you may protect me, guide me, and enrich my life."

After repeating this, place your staff on the northern side of the candle holder and pick up the object being energized, and with your right hand, pass it over the flame of the candle three times, saying,


Transfer it to your left hand, and pass it over the flame three times, saying,


Then, taking it in both hands, hold it above your head and repeat,

"Oh Blessed Ones who have come before, Noble And True Lords, send forth Thy strength and Thy guidance."

Visualize in your mind two bolts of lightning coming down and striking the object. After this, return the object to the southern side of the candle holder, and say,

"Blessed Lords, Thy servant gives praises for that that You have given."

Your spell is now complete. Leave the staff and object where they are until the candle is extinguished. You now have an object of Power that guides, protects, and is as good as any made by any other process, perhaps, even better!

(For those who would like to learn more of Spell Casting and other magical arts, we recommend the book "Mastering Witchcraft, A Practical Guide For Witches, Warlocks And Covens," by Paul Huson.)

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