Article 5; Church Officials
This article is a description of the duties of the church's officials.

Section 1; Speakers and Teachers (Church Leaders)
A. The head of each chartered church shall be a Speaker or Teacher, licensed and trained by the church.
B. The duties of this Speaker or Teacher shall be;
1. To guide and direct the members in the carrying out of the weekly worship service.
2. To provide spiritual guidance and assistance to the members and associate members of the church.
3. To defend and promote the teachings of the church. To see to the proper use of the church's laws and by-laws.

Section 2; Guardians
A. Duties of individual church's Guardian Officers and their personnel.
1. A Guardian Officer assists the church Speaker in keeping law and order in church and church meetings. His function is to the church as a policeman's is to his community. In case of misconduct between members, the Guardian is sent to investigate the situation. If he finds a member is acting against the rules and regulations of the church, he brings the information before the Speaker who calls the person before the church for trial. It is also a Guardian Officer's duty to protect church members and the church's property from harm.

Section 3; Secretaries
A. The duties of a church secretary and assistants are;
1. To keep accurate records of all church meetings.
2. Each week the secretary reads a report to the congregation and announces church activities.
3. The secretary must also assist the Speaker with correspondence pertaining to their office.

Section 4; Treasurers
1. The job of the church treasurer is to keep the records of the church's funds, and to prepare checks for the church Speaker, for payment of bills, etc. They also deposit the funds in its proper accounts.
2. No treasurer may issue church funds, but they are responsible to know where all the funds go.

Section 5; Trustees
A. Each church shall have a board of director-trustees, consisting of five members. It shall be this board's duty to assist the Speaker of the church in the carrying out of their duties, and in the organization of fund-raising and public relation projects. The church Speaker can, at any time, vito their decisions. If the board wishes to challenge the Speaker's decisions they may call for a vote from the congregation. Whichever side receives a 2/3rds majority vote, shall be upheld. These elections can only be called on matters other than pertaining to rules and regulations laid down by the national church.
1. It shall also be the responsibility of the director-trustee to see that all endowments and trust funds given to the churches are properly managed and not tampered with in any way. Anytime they feel they have discovered a misconduct by anyone handling such funds or any other church funds, they are to report it immediately to their Guardian Officer.

Article 6; Committees
1. The Director-Trustees can ask the Speaker at any time, to request a congregation to form committees to help handle duties. it shall be up to the individual churches how many of these committees they need.
B. Auxiliaries
Each church may also have auxiliary organizations, but these auxiliaries must be separately chartered and approved of as laid out in these by-laws.
1. How to join an auxiliary or committee.
Each church shall elect persons to be the head of their committee. After the committee-chairpersons have been elected, they may choose from the members or associate members of the church who wish to serve on these committees.

Article 7; Charters
1. The national church shall issue to each church a charter. To churches of twenty members or more, they shall issue a full charter, and they shall follow all these rules laid down in these by-laws.
2. In situations where a Speaker is working in an area where he cannot gather a membership this large, he may be granted a sub-charter for five members. In this case, the church shall only have to make financial payment once a year.

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